Austin Gatt – ‘I did not appoint Sammut to fuel procurement committee’

Former Enemalta director was member of fuel procurement committee since the 1980s

Austin Gatt said that Frank Sammut was a member of the procurement committee since the 1980s.
Austin Gatt said that Frank Sammut was a member of the procurement committee since the 1980s.

The former minister responsible for Enemalta, Austin Gatt, has denied appointing Frank Sammut, the former chief executive of the MOBC, to the state utility's fuel procurement committee.

A MaltaToday investigation has revealed that Sammut was paid a consultancy fee by commodities supplier Trafigura for oil consignments to Enemalta, paid through a Swiss bank account whose beneficiary was a Gibraltar company he owned.

A police investigation has already been launched into the case.

In a statement, Austin Gatt - whose portfolio as investments minister between 2003 and 2010 included Enemalta - said Sammut had been a member of the internal Enemalta committee since the 1980s, when he was a member of the Enemalta board of directors.

MaltaToday is informed that in November 2005, Gatt appointed a fuel procurement committee to advise the board of Enemalta. The committee was composed of former Bank of Valletta chairman Roderick Chalmers, Saivour Briffa, Joe Falzon, Godwin Debono and Gordon Cordina. The board was a successor committee to another advisory committee appointed months earlier by Gatt.

"The only changes that took place from 2003 onwards was that the committee had to include other members of wider technical competence, as well as that of the Central Bank and the finance ministry, so as to enhance this committee," Gatt said.

"The appointments to the committee were made by the Enemalta board of directors. There was never any need or desire from any minister to have political trust from this committee, whose remit was guided by purely technical competences."

Gatt said that the Labour Party had refused an offer to appoint a person to this committee, and instead wanted the committee to report to parliament. "I did not agree with political interference in the work of the fuel procurement committee because of the nature of its technical work."

Gatt has so far claimed he was never aware of any allegations of corruption in the procurement of fuel for Enemalta.

Sammut's contract as chief executive of the Mediterranean Oil Bunkering Corporation was terminated in 2004, after a Cabinet decision for the MOBC to cease bunkering operations and instead assume the role of an oil storage depot.

He had been first appointed as MOBC's managing director in 1997. Although he was not an employee of Enemalta, Sammut occupied a position on the Enemalta board of directors until 1990, and a consultant to the energy corporation until 1994.

Gatt said that the Labour Party had refused an offer to appoint a person to this committee, and instead wanted the committee to report to parliament. "I did not agree with political interference in the work of the fuel procurement committee because of the nature of its technical work." ............. and labour has been proved right and you Mr ARROGANCE HIMSELF have been proved wrong for the hundred time.
Paul Sammut
John Bonello, logic tells you that if the minister was not aware of any hanky panky going on then he couldn't have taken action because of it. Also, it is not a question of when and by whom an appointment was effected but a case of when and who started the hanky panky. Your course of thinking would have us believe that Judas was Jesus's fault.
Igor P. Shuvalov
But you confirmed him. But what's more important is for the police to discover when the alleged kickbacks began to be deposited into Sammut's bank. How far did these kickbacks effected the choice between oil and gas and did Sammut keep all the kickbacks for himself.
This 'guy' Sammut was oppointed to the 'kickbacks' team in 1987, after MLP lost the election. Before 1987 there was no team; the Central Bank decided on how the oil is bought.
Zack Depasquale
@John Bonello Ara vera intom ta GonziPaNic taraw ix-xaghra f'ghajnejn haddiehor u ma tarax it-travu f'ghajnejkhom. Vera din il-persuna Sammut inhatret chairman tal-MOBC fl-1997 taht Gvern laburista. Imma dan baqgha Chairman sal-2004 meta il-PN kien ilu 6 snin fil-Gvern. Dan il-persuna ghamel l-allegat korruzjoni fiz-zmien li kien membru tal-bord tax-xiri tal-fuel, mkien ghadni ma qrajt li dan Sammut m'ghadux jifforma parti min dan il-bord. Sammut kien mahtur f'dan il-bord taht Gvern nazzjonalista. Mhux hekk biss imma kien jifforma parti mill-Enemalta fis-snin bejn 1990 u 1994 u taf min kien fil-Gvern dak in-nhar. Ghalxejn tipprova idur mal-lewza Sur Bonello li nemmen li ghandek hafna x titlef jekk jinbidel il-Gvern. ha nghidlek xihaga ohra MaltaToday mhux it-Times Online fejn lilek igubilek il-kummenti tieghek kollha u min iwigbek ma jgibbulux il-kummenti tieghu.
Please note that the documents shown by Malta Today relate to when Enemalta was under Gatt's watch. Pace moreover claims that the problem was a change in method of procurement. Mr Bonello is only trying to confuse as are a number of other PN apologists. Anyone who knows anything about Enemalta under Austin GATT knows that he ruled it like a feudal lord and then he has the cheek to say he had nothing whatsoever to do with the matter.
Gatt has so far claimed he was never aware of any allegations of corruption in the procurement of fuel for Enemalta. Anqas gonżipn qal li ma kienx jaf...inoċenti msiken..
Jahasra it seems that this story is not a story after all...Maybe Malta Today should ask how this guy Sammut was appointed Chairman of MOBC in the first place in 1997?...was because he was a competent person or because he was a friend of the MLP clan??...after all he was present in the enemalta circles for the 1980's...also who was the guy that terminated his employment?..Austin the MLP made him and the PN terminated his engagement...will the police now investigate also the top MLP brass also please..we need answers..
Lawrence Covin
Austin Gatt is incorrect. It is part of a Minister's job to appoint OR CONFIRM committees falling within his remit. The existence of a committee within a ministerial remit implies ministerial blessing or his implicit nihil obstat. This is standard procedure. If he left such matters in the hands of his staff he is guilty of dereliction of duty.
Rita Pizzuto
Nor me!
Previously Mr Gatt stated that it wasn't just one person who made decisions. Now he is stating that he hadn't appointed the guy. Then why didn't he mention this before? Very fishy Mr Gatt!
Zack Depasquale
Mhux Jien. Mhux jien. Mhux jien Mama. Le Le Mhux Jien. Min hatar il-bord tal-fuel ja brikkun? Inhatar wahdu mama. U hallina Ministru Gatt, il-Kummisarju tal-pulizija ghandu jinvestiga dan il-kaz u jintefgha l-habs min ghandu bzonn jmur il-habs.
Does be an MP excludes you from begin brought to book? Does being of the inner circle excludes you from being treated like other human being i.e tax audited, sending income tax returns, attending to your duties in parliament and take whatever you like from the Nations assests? Does it mean that you are above the LAW?
t'wasnt me