Hunting referendum petition signatures double to 20,000

Passing 20,000 signatures is significant: it is nearly double the number of hunters who registered for this year’s spring hunting season.

The Coalition for the Abolition of Spring Hunting announced today that the number of signatures on the petition calling for the government to hold a public referendum on the future of spring hunting passed 20,000 earlier this week.

The Coalition launched the petition three months ago and gathered 10,000 signatures in the first two months. The second 10,000 signatures were collected in half that time, as the rate at which people have been signing the petition doubled in the last month.

Spokesperson for the Coalition, Christian Debono, said he believed the petition would continue to gather momentum as it reaches more people: "We are not only getting new signatures on the petition every day, we are also getting more and more members of the public contacting us and asking how they can help collect signatures."

Passing 20,000 signatures is significant: it is nearly double the number of hunters who registered for this year's spring hunting season.

"We still have some way to go until we reach our target of 35,000 signatures required by law for the petition to the government for a referendum to be successful," Debono, acknowledged, "but we have already shown that there is a sizeable proportion of the Maltese electorate who want the government to start listening to their views on the issue of spring hunting, who want to have their voices heard and their interests represented."

The Coalition will be continuing its efforts in the coming weeks, with volunteers collecting signatures in public places, and the petition form is now available for anyone to download and print, together with guidance on how the form needs to be completed for it to be valid.

Anyone who would like sign the petition but hasn't yet, or who would like to help collect the final 15,000 signatures needed before the petition can be presented to the government, can download the blank petition form here:

Jien la jien kaċċatur u lanqas nassab, izda jekk jiġi organizzat referendum biex jabbolixxi il-kaċċa, jien nibda niġbor il-firem biex issir illegali li jkollok kelb, qattus, ziemel, jew xi tip ta' animal ieħor. Dan għar-raġuni li dawk li jrabbu il-klieb iħalluhom iħammġu wara il-bibien tan-nies, iħallu il-ħmieġ fejn ikun kontra dak li tgħid il-liġi, u la jwettqu dan il-ksur tal-liġi, huma jkunu kriminali. Dawk li jrabbu il-qtates idejqu lill ġirien tagħhom meta dawn jidħlu fil-btieħi tal-ġirien. Dawk li għandhom iz-zwiemel idejjqu lis-sewwieqa tal-vetturi bil-prezenza tagħhom fit-toroq u bil ħmieġ li jħallu warajhom. Issa qed taraw kemm hu perikoluz li wieħed jitlob li jsir referendum fuq xi ħaġa li firsi ma jkolliex l-appoġġ tal-maġġoranza.
Go on and sign the petition because very soon these people will formulate petitions on every passtime that we enjoy,leaving the lower class with nothing but work! How come that people are blind enough so as not to see the real agenda behind all this!Why don't they formulate a petition for us to make a referendum if we want part of our taxes to go for these so called nature lovers?
Forsi dak li ma rnexilikx taghmel waqt in negozjati meta kont mibghut mill gvern precidenti ma EU qabel dhalna membri qed tiprova taghmlu issa Salv.
And the best is yet to come........Roderick Galdes prepared.!!!
How can one not sign such a petition. Personally I am appalled even disgusted by the fact that there are 10,000 registered as using a firearm for hunting. If each one registered just downed one bird each this hunting season than that s 10,000 less birds flying over our skies. What a massacre we are condoning and blessing. If 10,000 do not want to vote in the elections, so be it. Good riddance, what kind of culture is this group promoting anyway? These past weeks Malta sounded more like war torn Somalia than a peaceful tourist destination