[WATCH] ‘Australia Hall… a Christmas gift from Labour’

Nationalist youth section plant massive gift ribbon on contentious Labour Party property

Australia Hall: nicely packaged...
Australia Hall: nicely packaged...

The Nationalist Party's youth section MZPN mounted a stunt in protest at the government's controversial decision to stop a legal case by the Lands Department, against the Labour party to reclaim Australia Hall.

"It's a €10 million gift to Labour, which Joseph Muscat is giving the party," MZPN president and European Parliament candidate Kevin Plumpton told the press today.

The former colonial building was granted to the Labour Party as compensation for the  transfer of land the party owned, on the site of the Malta Shipbuilding corporation.

The PN says the premises and land are valued at €10 million and that the site happens to be on the fringes of the land where the People's Republic of China wants to develop a new embassy.

The permit for the Chinese embassy was awarded by MEPA under a Nationalist administration.

David Bongailas
A red ribbon around a particular farmhouse in bahrija would be nice. That present was worth almost a million euro you know.
I wonder if these same people would borrow transport from Zaren to take them to Stamperija, and there proudly proclaim how much their diehard supporters (without identifying any) contributed to the completion of that edifice! Then, they should head for Caqnu's premises and borrow transport from there. They should then make their way to Marsa, and there they may set their gaze on the land and buildings exchanged by the MLP for Australia Hall. Now those should be real eye openers. OHH! By the way, whilst at Caqnu's premises they should stop and note the many (but many) illegal constructions that their leaders had allowed to be built.
'The former colonial building was granted to the Labour Party as compensation for the transfer of land the party owned, on the site of the Malta Shipbuilding corporation'. That should explain everything. That land at Marsa Shipbuilding nowadays costs more than a fortune. What a useless Opposition in Parliament we have! It's the usual PN hogwash, they never learn.
I wonder how many miles of black ribbon it would take to put around all the empty properties that Dom Mintoff and his clowns under the MLP (Malta Labour Party at the time) requisitioned (confiscated) in 1974. My siblings and I inherited one of these properties which belonged to our parents in B'Kara but up to this day we cannot get that property back because we have to wait until two generations of squatter renters die or move out which is not seen in the near future. We as Tax Payers are asking for what is ours and we want those properties back so our children and grandchildren can enjoy the fruit of our parents. By hook or by crook it seems that the Labour Party PL (MLP) always took what they wanted and screw the Tax Payer. THE GOVERNMENT TAKETH AWAY AND THE GOVERNMENT MUST GIVETH BACK. (Pardon the caps). I wonder where Judge Debono stands on this injustice? [email protected]
Miskin dan ghadu zghir biex jiftakar kif il-PN kien implikat mill-arkitett Ingliz Poulson-li spicca l-habs ghax inqabad jibbribja politikanti barranin. Dan Poulson kien-kumbinazzjoni- l-istess arkitett li bena l-isptar ta Ghawdex fi zmien meta il-PN kien qed jibni id-Dar Centrali tighu gol-Pieta?
Ghadkom zaghar biex tyiftakru li skandli mwetytqa mill Partit li tappogaw. Halli nsemmi wahda antika li nahseb li meta grat il-genituri taghkom kienu ghadhom jijlabu bil-ballun jew pupi. Waqt meeting li kien qieghed jigi indirizzar minn Minstru Nazzjonalista,(MA NSEMMIX MINN HU GHAX MEJJET) uhud milli kienu qedin jipprotestaw bdew jghollu persjani ta twieqi li kienu jfissru gha-twieqi li kienu saru fl-ex Kwartieri tal P.N. Jekk immoru iktar il-boghod em li-skandlu ta Terinu. Nigu ghal san l-ahhar b'mistoqsija Qrajtu il, grajja ta l-art tal-fekruna li tpartet ma bictejn art ohra. Ghal-informazzjoni taghhkom, l-Awstralja Hall inaghtat lil-Partit Laburista flok bicca art li inghatat mil-Partit ghal bini tal-Marsa Shipyard li fl-imkien mad-Drydocks Wistin taghkom farrak u mhux ghal bini ta vilel lussuzi (jekk tistaqsu lill Jason Azzopardi u il Tonio ta'l-arloggi tal-lira jkunu jistghu itukhom iktar informazzjoni dettaljata) u issa il-Partit. Laburista se jara kif se terga tigi utilizzata ghal gid ekomnomiku ta Malta
The matter of Australia Hall originates from the take over of the Freedom Press territory in the mid-70s. Several other private properties were evicted to make way for the Shipbuilding project. The PN at that time said something in so far as the MLP was concerned but nothing about the others. Now they are raising all the hell about the so called Australia Hall. It reminds us of Fekrunagate. Compensation was mandatory accoording to PN. So was the speed!! Ever since the time of Sigismondo Savona these guys used two weights, two measures. Give us a break! Develope a hobby - say shark fishing !!!!
Dear Mr.Plumpton.The biggest Christmas gift was when your party gave HSBC on a silver plate.
Vera Partit fallut moralment, finanzjarmament u mill idejat!
jaqaw kull tant tqumu mir-raqda??? ahjar il-flus uzajtuhom biex hallastu il-pagi ghax issa gej il-milied!
what a waste form a BLUE party who's in the RED?!!
good luck yo!! and merry christmas!!
Another gimmmick by Kevin Plumpton in order to get some media coverage and make it to the European Parliament.