Citizenship scheme | ‘PN will stand its ground’ – Busuttil

PN leader insists that government and opposition are still far away from agreeing on contentious IIP scheme

"PN will stand its ground," PN Leader Simon Busuttil

Following Joseph Muscat saying that the government is willing to extend its hand of cooperation and strike a consensus with the Opposition on the controversial Individual Investor Programme (IIP), PN leader Simon Busuttil has argued that the Opposition would not budge from its stand and will continue to insist that Malta's citizenship is not for sale.

Addressing a PN fundraising event this afternoon, Busuttil said that notwithstanding the Opposition's disagreement with the sale of the Maltese identity, it would nevertheless, extend its hand of cooperation and seek to reach a consensus with the Labour government.

In November the House of Representatives in its third reading in parliament approved the controversial IIP scheme. Amending the Maltese Citizenship Act, the scheme will allow rich exiles to buy the Maltese passport through a €650,000 donation.

The vote saw the PN accuse the government of "steam-rolling" over the opposition. However, in a fresh twist, Finance Minister Edward Scicluna admitted that Malta rushed and it will be corrected, much to the derision of government insiders who said that Scicluna had given the Opposition new leverage.

"In admitting the government's haste of the IIP, Edward Scicluna repeated the same objections tabled by the opposition during its parliamentary discussions," Busuttil said.

The PN leader said that the Opposition had always sought to introduce an investment threshold and a residence prerequisite on the beneficiaries, but the "bullish government had stomped its feat and took advantage of its parliamentary majority."

"The ball is the government's court, the opposition is extending its hand of cooperation and ready to agree a consensus, but its stand will not be compromised."

Opposing MPs from the House of Representatives have been involved in a tug of war over the contentious scheme, with PN members accusing the government of putting Malta's "name to shame" and of "bulldozing over the Opposition and the country."

However, following the government's admission that it rushed on the scheme and Deputy Prime Minister Louis Grech's previous announcement to waive the secrecy clause, the Opposition has insisted that the "government, most notably Edward Scicluna, is echoing the PN's proposals."

Please Please I want to know!! Why should Simon Simple insist that the PN must be given consensus to decide on issues that appertain to the Government, when the people of this Country resoundingly rejected them outright? With one majority or none at all, did the GONZIPN ever allowed the opposition consensus on any matter? So with 9 seats majority why should the PL Government give them any form of consensus. They have always betrayed the Country in Opposition, and some betrayed the Country also when in Government!!! the PN are simply not to be trusted. They have lost the right to be trusted and the people decided this matter last March.
skont Sajmin, konsensus ifisser "li jsr kollox kif nghid jien". Issa ghidli li min hu r-romblu.
Fiz zmien id democrazija certu Austin Gatt kien qal: Ahna ghandna il moggoranza fil parlament u min ghandu l-maggoranza jikkmanda u jghamel il ligijiet! DFan il gvern ghandu maggoranza kbira u ma missux jkompli jahli hin prezjuz ma min qed jghid mhux lest jiccaqlaq pulzier!
The PL government should call his bluff and hold a referendum with the MEP elections.Shouldn't cost much.
.... dan il-bicca tapp minn birkirkara min il-lostra jahseb li hu? ..... xi tarzan jew? ..... dan mexxej ta' partit li ghadu kif qala' damdima bhal din ftit xhur ilu u jahseb li se jmexxih hu lil pajjiz ...... mhux ahjar imur jinheba fl-awstralja ma' xi brigand flok joqghod jitqazzez u jilaghbha tal-bully hawn malta? ....... mur ara kieku gab biss xi elf u hames mitt vot inqas x'kien jaghmel, kif kien idardarna ...... l-arroganza, il-qziez, l-arja, il-bullying, il-ksuhat qatt ma wasslu lil had imkien u jekk il-buzu qed jahseb li qed jimpressjona, ghandu zball kbir ...... simon kulma hu l-kap tal-oppozizzjoni ..... jekk xi darba jkun prim ministru, imbaghad jaghmel xit-torok irid .... imam issa zgur li ma jinsab fl-ebda pozizzjoni li jipprova jiddetta ..... issa kulma hu un bel zero u xejn aktar .... lehnu ma jiswa xejn .....
S.B. Ftakar li meta kontu tahsbu li ghandkom xi dritt divin li taghmlu dak li jidrilkom inthom spicca. Ghid lill minn qieghed jiggwidak li anke iz-zmien tieghu ta Imperatur spiocca wkoll. Ftakar li jekk il-gvern prezenti juza l-attitudni li kontu tuzaw inthom jibda jirrombla minn fuqkhom kemm irid u jhallik,om bla nifs. Ftakar li il-maggooranza li ghandu dan il-gvern ma hix ta bicca deputat bhal ma kellkom inthom. Ghoqod attent li ma iddejjaqkx lill minn sa issa kien iktar minn gentlom maghkom, tahsibx li ghax irid armonija hu dajjef. Haga nghidlòherkk id-dardarx l-ilma li qieghed tigi opffrut ghax ghad jigi zmien li tkun tixtierqwu u ma isdsibux u jkun kollu tort tieghek u ta minn qieghed immexxik minn imniehrek
How can he say he wants to strike a consensus but in the same time say he will not budge an inch. Hawwadni ha nifhem .
Look who is talking about bullshit government,have you forgotten the bullshit white rocks,the bullshit brazilian factory ,and the bullshit AG saying you have another 20 years in power,THATS BULLSHIT SIMON.