No comment from Gonzi over ‘dead’ impeachment motion

Former PM had moved motion of impeachment of Judge Lino Farrugia Sacco, but Speaker says motion is no longer valid because Gonzi is not an MP in the new legislature

Judge Lino Farrugia Sacco (left) is set to retire in August 2014
Judge Lino Farrugia Sacco (left) is set to retire in August 2014

Former Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has declined to comment on a statement from the Speaker of the House during the House Business Committee meeting yesterday, in which he said the motion of impeachment against Judge Lino Farrugia Sacco could be considered 'dead' or lapsed.

The case dates back to 2012 when two undercover reporters posed as ticket resellers and met with Farrugia Sacco, who is the president of the Malta Olympic Committee, and secretary-general Joe Cassar, to discuss how to bypass rules and resell MOC tickets for the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics games.

Farrugia Sacco had already been asked to resign his MOC presidency in 2008 by the Commission for the Administration of Justice, which found a breach of the judiciary's code of ethics; leading then prime minister Lawrence Gonzi to file a motion of impeachment.

Earlier this month, the Commission for the Administration of Justice found Farrugia Sacco was guilty of misbehaviour for not resigning his post as president.

But yesterday, Speaker of the House Anglu Farrugia said he had sought legal advice from constitutional expert Ian Refalo, who submitted that the impeachment motion was no longer valid because the motion could not be carried on from one legislature to the other.

"Not only did parliament dissolve after the motion was presented but [Gonzi] is no longer a member of parliament. Therefore, it is my advice that the motion is dead," Refalo said.

When contacted by MaltaToday this morning, Lawrence Gonzi said that he would prefer not to comment. He did, however, make a reference to the memorandum he drafted on 21 April 1996, when he himself was Speaker, in which it was established that a motion of impeachment could be carried over from one legislature to the other.

At the time, the House Business Committee had decided that the motion for the impeachment of Judge Anton Depasquale, remained valid. But in that case, then prime minister Eddie Fenech Adami - who filed the motion - was still leader of the Opposition after in the aftermath of that year's general election.

Ian Refalo, in his advice to the Speaker, added that the House still had the option to revive the motion, but this would require the tabling of a new motion, as well as asking the Commission for the Administration of Justice to investigate the case again.

The CAJ took a year to investigate case. Judge Farrugia Sacco is expected to retire in August 2014.

Deputy Prime Minister Louis Grech said the government was prepared to present a new impeachment motion.

Speaker Anglu Farrugia will tonight hand down a ruling that will determine how the government and opposition will proceed on the Judge Lino Farrugia Sacco impeachment case.


We seem to take these prepositions lightly. Same old tricks by politicians. If a man did wrong, I don't care who it is they must answer for their actions, but it seems that Politicians and Judges are immune to answer to any wrong doing. It seems that as long as they are Politicians, Judges etc they are above the law and if they happen to commit a crime the law protects them from one administration to the next. There are a lot of crimes committed by a lot of politicians but it seems there are laws to protect these characters. The law should have no colour in politics and should treat everybody with the same process due and not with Politics and Money. If the man, no matter who he is did wrong, then he should pay for his mistakes. But then birds of a feather stick together. If a Politician or a Judge erred in the present or past administration they should be held accountable, even if they leave Politics..
Gonzi who? Oh that one! He's passe'!
Front ta gwerra iehor ghal Simon&Co. aktar ma jkollu aktar qed ikun discreditat. Ma nistax nifhem ghaliex Gonzi ma nsistiex biex irressaq il mozzjoni hu fil parlament? Issa jippretendu li jghamel kollox il Gvern u huma cicibeqqi u jikkritikaw biss .Dawn qed jghatu l-impressjoni li jikkandaw huma u l-gvern ghandu jikkonsulta maghhom kollox. Simon nesa li GONZIPN b'1400 vot maggoranza ghadda min fuq kullhadd inkluz deputati tieghu stess. Mur gib lill Simon b'36000 vot maggoranza !!!!!!!!!!!kieku l-parlament jghamlu tAHT IL QUILT FIS SODDA.
One is under the impression that the impeachment motion tabled by ex Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi did not relate to Mr Justice Lino Farrugia Sacco's refusal to resign his post as President of the Malta Olympic Committee in 2008 as recommended by the Commission for the Administration of Justice but because it was alleged that Mr Justice Farrugia Sacco had been involved in bypassing rules to resell tickets for the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014, and for which everyone knows that Mr Justice had been exculpated of any wrong doing. It therefore stands that an injustice would be committed if the motion to impeach Mr Justice Lino Farrugia Sacco goes through.
Gonzi should either say nothing or else compare like for like. The times of crafty, inconclusive comments and forced smiles are over, never to come back one hopes.
Leave it die a natural death, there is no room for witch hunts. Gonzi did not comment but then made a comment on the fact that....... Politicians will always be politicians !
Leave it die a natural death, there is no room for witch hunts.