Cyber attack against continues and still under cyber attack but technical staff are working tirelessly to ensure that the sites are accessible

MediaToday’s online portals, and, are still under cyber attack but technical staff are working tirelessly to ensure that the sites are accessible.
MediaToday managing editor Saviour Balzan said “the attacks are intentional, aimed directly at blocking”
While noting the highly polarised political climate, Balzan said “we will nonetheless continue reporting the news.” He added that MediaToday filed a police report and “requested the police to investigate the cyber attack which we believe has its origins in Malta.”
On Tuesday the two news portals were down for over two hours in the afternoon and later on in the evening as the company’s technical staff sought to locate the source of the attack.
The aim of yesterday’s cyber attacks was to render the websites unavailable to intended users. It is understood that the source of the attacks on the servers that host the news portals could have originated in Malta.
MediaToday apologises to its readers for any inconvenience.