Transport Malta absorbs €92 million in EU funds
Transport Malta is the entity with the highest rate of absorption of European funds over the past four years, according to parliamentary secretary Ian Borg

Transport Malta is the entity which has benefitted the most from EU funds over the last four years, parliamentary secretary for EU funds Ian Borg has confirmed.
In total, the transport ministry has absorbed around €142 million in EU funds, out of which, Transport Malta will have absorbed almost €92 million through various projects.
Borg said that this clearly showed the government’s commitment towards the sector.
“The investment towards the infrastructure of our roads increases accessibility, safety, as well as connectivity, whilst adding to the country’s competitiveness,” Borg said.
Turning to the Kappara junction project, Borg said that the area was facing traffic problems that were “continuously intensifying, and needed to be addressed.” “Everyone was aware of the fact that this particular area was not meeting traffic demands, and this is why the government felt this should be one of the priorities,” Borg said.
“The performance of these various projects under the leadership of Transport Malta are just part of a broader plan that this administration is committed to carry on,” Borg added.