'Not easy to forgive' the 1960s religious clashes

Director and playwright Mario Philip Azzopardi says he felt compelled to pen Xbiħat ta’ xi wħud li huma Kattoliċi (Portraits of some Catholics) to “exorcise the lies” he was made to believe as a child.

Keith Goodlip
The whole function of the (Maltese) Catholic church is to prey on people's ignorance and gullibilty to keep them retarded and separated from the real world. A true reflection of the Genesis myth about Adam forbidden of the taking of fruit from the tree of knowledge.
The sad facts are that the Inquisition of the Catholic Church in 2011Malta is still in control. A country without a conscience that chooses to be led by religious hypocrisy that constantly destroys the mentality of its infidels and promotes the denial of civil rights.
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