Updated | No post-mortem for Gaddafi, but Libya insists it will investigate his death

Libya’s National Transitional Council says it will not conduct an autopsy on his death but will conduct an official investigation into circumstances of his death.

Military commanders in Misrata said that no post-mortem would be carried out on the fallen dictator’s remains, despite international calls for investigation into his demise.

“There will be no post-mortem today, nor any day,” Misrata military council spokesman Fathi al-Bashaagha said.

He added that the new regime's military commander for the capital, Abdelhakim Belhaj, was expected to travel to Misrata later on today to see the corpse.

Al-Bashaagha was also reported as saying that there were no immediate plans for chief Mustafa Abdel Jalil to visit.

Libyan authorities still argue what is going to happen with the former Libyan dictator’s body, the Gaddafi family called for a chance to bury Gaddafi according to Islamic customs and rules.

"We call on the UN, the Organisation of the Islamic Conference and Amnesty International to force the [National] Transitional Council to hand over the martyrs' bodies to our tribe in Sirte and to allow them to perform their burial ceremony in accordance with Islamic customs and rules," the Gaddafi clan said.

They also asked for the body of son Mutassim and others who were killed in Sirte.

International news media report that the issue of what to do with the body is the subject of an argument within the National Transitional Council. NTC representatives have reportedly made it clear that they do not want him to be buried in their town.

The Guardian claims that one popular option is to bury him at sea like Osama bin Laden.

NEW LIBYA = OLD LIBYA with new faces.
What are they afraid of?. Some of the lies surfacing ? Some of those lies will you know,others will be buried ,but you still can't have a brand new dawn based on lies and allowing murderers to get away scott free. The spectacle of putting bodies on public show as the unruly 'Rulers' of the New Libya did, is beyond the commonest basic rules of decency. To bury a Moslem at sea is against Islamic law, as is not burying him within 24 hours.
Has Justice been done? Violence breeds violence. Isn't everyone entitled for some dignity? Can one and all take justice in own hands? If one is an accomplice then he is also responsible, or if your're a BIG Brother then everything is ok and one can do whatever? The irony is that he made a bloodless coup.
There is no matching a criminal with another, but if I remember correctly when Bin Laden was killed (at least this we were told) earlier this year, there were no gruesome pictures going around, and it seems that we still will remain without any official picture. Yet Bin Laden had set up and killed a few thousands and destroyed buildings, whereas it is being reported that Ghaddafi's troops have killed more than 50,000 people in the last few months, and there are the gruesome pictures and videos. Notwithstanding all the atrocities, I still believe that Ghaddafi should have never been killed (in fact he was deliberately killed) but should faced a trial.
I am no sympathizer of Ghaddafi but if the Libyans think that now their country is "free" then I am sorry to say that they are simply deluded. Revolutions never brought change but just more confusion. And may I ask whether those close to Ghaddafi and now in the NTC, will they be processed? Including Jabril himself? Which tribe is going to take over?? The years ahead are going to be very turbulent for Libya...very turbulent!!!
I have no doubt that the orders from the top (meaning NATO) were "do not take him alive on any account". He knew too many things about too many Leaders who were quite woilling to treat with him when he was in power.
I'm sure it hasn't escaped everyone's attention but Ghaddaffi's last words were more or less the same as those reportedly uttered by Jesus when on his cross "They/you know not what you're doing". The latter added"forgive them". Just an observation.
Why are we showing these type of pictures in the media. The west is now becoming an accomplice to human decency. The man should have been taken alive and answer for all the crimes. Based on what we are seeing, I think we all know that Libya is headed for doomday. I keep reading about the fear Libyans are living in. It seems like it's pure anarchy. Dictators anywhere have no place in civilized societies and they should be brought on trails to answer for their deeds. If GAddafi was still here, he will be suffering more than now ,because now he is dead and the living are now still suffering. And he got off scotch free.
The 'New' Libya starts witha lie from the lips of a man who until yesterday was the Prime Minister of a non existent Government. Colonel Ghaddaffi did not die as a result of cross fire as he said but from his unruly savage hordes.Whoever was responsible for the butchery should be put on trial,if nothing else to uphold a law which Jabril supposedly fought for. So far there are no good omens for a future peaceful Libya despite the spin.