[WATCH] BirdLife report three more ‘isolated’ incidents, injured eagle sent to Sicily

BirdLife astonished that secretary for animal rights Roderick Galdes thinks illegal hunting is under control

A dead short toed eagle collected by BirdLife
A dead short toed eagle collected by BirdLife

BirdLife said that two more eagles, a Booted Eagle and a Short-toed Eagle, were Friday morning added to the 12 already known to have been killed since more than 50 of the rare protected birds of prey were first seen on Wednesday afternoon.

They join another injured Booted Eagle recovered yesterday after being shot, but has miraculously survived and is being sent to Sicily for rehabilitation.

BirdLife Malta volunteers witnessed the shooting down of the Booted Eagle at Buskett today Friday morning, catching the incident on camera and filming as the shooter ran into the field where the shot bird fell, picking it up, stuffing it inside his shirt with what appeared to be a second large bird of prey and running off before the police arrived at the scene.

The second bird, a Short-toed Eagle, was found near Rabat by a member of public, injured but alive.

"Unfortunately it died soon after it was found. The number of eagles confirmed shot over the last three days now totals 15, which doesn't include those seen flying with injuries or the numerous reported but unverified incidents witnessed by members of public around Malta and Gozo," BirdLife said.

"One wonders just how many 'isolated incidents' it takes before the government and hunting associations will publicly accept that these incidents are part of a much wider problem, namely the endemic and widespread killing of rare and protected birds by a significant number of Maltese hunters for whom the law means absolutely nothing," commented Steve Micklewright, BirdLife Malta's executive director, referring to independent statements made by the FKNK and parliamentary secretary for animal rights, Roderick Galdes, in response to the events of recent days.

"After yesterday's news of the increased penalties for people found guilty of these kinds of offences we were astonished to read Parliamentary Secretary Galdes' statement that illegal hunting is under control," Micklewright continued.

"If this is what things are like when they are under control, I'd hate to see things out of control.

"If Galdes doesn't think the slaughter of protected birds of prey on the scale we have seen in the last three days is justification enough for suspending the hunting season, what would be?" Micklewright asked.

"It is clear that Galdes's priority is not the protection of birds or the eradication of illegal hunting, but the fulfillment of the government's pre-election promises to hunters that their pastime would be safeguarded whatever the cost."

One shot Booted Eagle survived its injuries to be found by a member of public who handed the bird to BirdLife. Veterinary examination showed this was not the first time the bird had been shot, an x-ray revealing previously sustained injuries.

"Miraculously it escaped serious injury on both occasions and has now been cleared for transport to a wildlife rehabilitation centre in Sicily, where it will have a chance to recover before being released back into the wild. This is maybe the only positive incident to have occurred in all of this," Micklewright said. "But it is scant consolation for the many other birds which have died at the hands of Maltese hunters this week."

i think that the hunters votes is more valuable than the public votes, shame on you politicians, always siding with the bad ones to win votes, i think it is time that things will change, and you have to pay the price
There is only one solution, ban hunting and fire arms altogether.
Prosit lis segretarju parlamentari Galdes!!! Success fun iehor qedt taghmel!! Dil qirda ta tant hlejjaq sbieh fun il kuxjenza tieghek qeda!
PL's current performance leaves me pretty unimpressed. I'm afraid they have totally lost my support in future EU and local elections.
Dawn il-kaċċaturi qażżuna ħi. Waħħluhom multi kbar, u min ma jistax iħallas, ħabs forsi fl-aħħar jasal il-messaġġ
Why should the criminal's face be covered? Expose him for what he really is!
Seeing this short clip astonishes me. Up to today I have always believed that bona fide hunters should be allowed to enjoy their past time, but do we have bona fide hunters? Do they really want to stop the illegal hunters. Can anyone make me believe that no opther hunter knows who is the person shown? Am i to believe that in this small island they don't know who frequents the area shown in the clip and if yes and they really are adainst illegal hunting why don't they report the person at least to their association asnd then the association takes the matter up with the police itself. This Omerta attitude will only help to drive the nails in their coffins.
Disgusting. I know that a petition to hold a referendum is being circulated. Could MaltaToday please give us information so that I for one will definitely sign up to a referendum on hunting. It must be stopped before these murderers shoot every single eagle out of extinction. I do not believe that petty fines are the solution. I know for a fact that the hunters were smsing each other to go to Buskett the moment the first eagles appeared. Why? to watch them or to shoot them as they did. Clearly these were not isolated instances but a well programmed use of the social networks to kill as many birds as possible before the police even leave Floriana!!!
IF, and one repeats "IF", the PL agreed before the elections with the FKNK and other federations to open the hunting season if elected, the PL must have also imposed that all regulations are to be adhered to with no exception. If hunters are now blatantly ignoring and going against hunting regulations, Mr Roderick Galdes PS for animal rights should as from to-day declare that next year the hunting season would not be opened at all.
@ Josephbonello: Your are suggesting that this government sold itself to hunters before the election and that nothing could be done now. First of all illegal hunting was the order of the day for many years now, and the previous government did nothing, nothing at all. At least this government is increasing the penalties although I think that they should be harsher and a mandatory prison sentence of at least one year plus a heavy fine should be given even to the first time offenders. I condemn this illegal hunting hands down but on the other hand legal hunters shouldn't be persecuted by the multitude any more because they are abiding by the law.
I am not astonished that secretary for animal rights Roderick Galdes thinks illegal hunting is under control! Neither does he live on other planet. His government sold itself to the hunters before the elections - for votes. All that Galdes can do now is pretend that everything is fine.
Barberic! I suggest hunters should be made to "volunteer" to do soldering duties in Syria or Libya prior to being awarded next year's license. That way, they will get their Ramboesque traits straightened out and give us all a big break.