Justine Bezzina: 'Always be humble and happy with what you have'
Singer Justine Bezzina tells all in our Q&A

Justine Bezzina grew up in Valletta, Malta’s capital city. From the tender age of seven, she started to train her voice, because she showed an interest in singing. This was something that put a smile on her father’s face. Joe Paul Bezzina, an artist who for several years was active in the local music scene; as a singer in the 70s and a broadcaster in the 90s. She started taking part in several local festivals, with great results each time; but the first time she took part in a televised broadcast was during the programme, Pop In! she was selected together amongst others. Two years later, she submitted a song for the Malta Song for Europe, as it was then known, ‘Through Your Eyes’ which made it to the final. This was a dream come true for Justine, but she would re-live that dream once again in 2009 with ‘Rhythm of the Night’ featuring Siconix and ‘Ħa, Ħi, Ħu’ as part of the group The Elements. In the same year she made her debut in the Malta Song for Europe, the Valletta resident also sang Le Ma Nibżax, a duet with Christian Arding during the Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza. Shortly after, she took a break from the world of festivals but was present in several private functions, including popular feasts. She returned with an original song in 2019, when she was one of the finalists in the L-Għanja tal-Poplu festival.
What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
Take a shower.
What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
To always be humble and happy with what you have.
What do you never leave the house without?
My mobile.
Pick three words that describe yourself
Humble, kindhearted, and loyal.
What do you consider to be your greatest achievement?
The decision to go for the gastric-bypass.
What is your guiltiest pleasure?
Salty snacks.
What is the most important lesson life has taught you?
To trust your gut feeling.
Property and cars aside what’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought?
What is one thing you wish you knew when you were younger?
That some people will still treat you poorly even though you have been there for them in every situation.
Who’s your inspiration?
My parents.
What has been your biggest challenge?
My weight before the surgery.
If you weren’t a singer, what would you be doing?
Do you believe in God?
If you could have dinner with any person, dead or alive, who would it be?
Whitney Houston as she is one of my favourite singers.
What’s your worst habit?
Being late.
What are you like when you’re drunk?
I sleep.
Who would you have play you in a film?
One of my closest friends.
What is the trait you most deplore in others?
Selfishness, arrogance and lack of compassion.
What music would you have played at your funeral?
Any kind will do, I wouldn’t be here to complain.
What is your most treasured material possession?
My mobile.
What is your earliest memory?
Earliest important memory would be my Holy Communion as that was a big event for such a young age.
When did you last cry, and why?
At my uncle’s funeral.
Who would you most like to meet?
Celine Dion.
What’s your favourite food?
Who’s your favourite person on social media right now?
Danita – One chick and a yorkie.
If you could travel in time, where would you go?
In the past and change some decisions I did before.
What book are you reading right now?
Not reading any.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
A healer to cure sick people.
What’s one thing you want to do before you die?
Travel more.
What music are you listening to now?
It depends on the mood of that particular day.
In the shower or when you’re working out, what do you sing/listen to?
Any kind of music will do.

This article is supported by Arts Council Malta.