Man accused of throwing stones at people, damaging car in Marsa
Man charged with assault and causing damage to a car is denied bail and sent to Forensic Unit

A 39-year-old man has been charged in connection with a public disturbance in Marsa late last month, during which a car belonging to a lawyer was damaged.
Abukar Hassan Osman, a Somali man residing in Luqa, was arraigned by police inspector Ian Vella before Magistrate Caroline Farrugia Frendo, accused of causing hundreds of euros worth of damage to a car and insulting and threatening another Somali national.
Osman was also accused of exceeding the limits of provocation and disturbing residents during night time.
The man was also charged with assaulting three men, throwing stones at two of them as well as at windows of private residences in the area.
A plea of not guilty was entered. Lawyer David Bonello, defence counsel to the accused, requested bail.
The prosecution objected to the man’s release from arrest, explaining that although the accused had provided a residential address, it had emerged that other people lived there while the accused normally slept rough.
Bail was denied.
Lawyer Joe Brincat, parte civile in this case, told the court that he was aware that the accused was afflicted by mental health problems and should therefore be detained at the Forensic Unit. The court upheld the request.