Two Lampedusa tragedy survivors flee Malta only to be sent back

A 17-year-old boy and a 28-year-old man are sent back to Malta after escaping the island to Sweden.

Two Syrian nationals were arraigned over charges of leaving Malta illegally, after fleeing the island to reach Sweden.

17-year old Youssef Batal, a former student in war-torn Syria, pleaded guilty to leaving Malta without being in possession of legal travelling documents. He also admitted to committing an offence during the term of a conditional discharge.

Yahia Sharif, 28, was a computer technician who also fled Syria during the war. Like Batal, Sharif pleaded guilty to the charges.

The two asylum seekers arrived in Malta last October after being rescued off Lampedusa.

After surviving the tragedy at sea, the two were granted immediate release from administrative detention and lived at the Hal Far Open Centre.

However in November last year, the two left Malta and were apprehended in Sweden.

Following migration agreements between the countries, the two were subsequently returned to Malta.

Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera handed Yahia Sharif a three-month prison term suspended for two years, but jailed Youssef Batal for a month, since he committed an offence while under a conditional discharge.

Inspector Adel Mary Camilleri prosecuted while legal aid lawyer Cedric Mifsud appeared for the two Syrians.



Of course illegal immigration is no problem, for the preaching HYPOCRITE MALMSTROM and SWEDEN, because her country just keeps sending them back to us and yet we cannot send them back. Thet's the EU and Malmstrom for you. Her sermon? Do as I say not as I do.
Hemm xi cans li Casa u Metsola juru l-istess hegga fil-EP bhal meta ikkanvansjaw kontra Malta-f'din il-kwistjoni ta l-immigrazzjoni illegali u l-ippokrezija ta l-Unjoni Ewropeja fejn ghadnhu x'jaqsam il-freedom of movement ta refugjati-ghax dawn refugjati Sirjani mill-gwerra civili mhux mill-Afrika! Isa, qed nistennew!
Qed taraw sinjuri Metsola u Casa! Ma zammittomx pajjizha is sinjura maalstrom! bghatuhom lura Malta. Il-Maltin ghandhom jifthu ghajnejhom!