Tunisian denies complicity in theft

Tunisian asylum seeker is remanded in custody after denying being the accomplice of a thief who stole the handbag of a patron at Bar Native.

Two female patrons of Bar Native in St Julian's recognised the accomplice of a man who stole one of their handbags and together with the bar's security prevented him from leaving the scene until the police arrested him.

23-year old asylum seeker Mahdi Ovefelli pleaded not guilty to aiding another person to steal the handbag of one of the girls, while the victim was drinking with her friends in a Paceville bar in the early hours of Sunday morning.

Born in Tunisia and residing at the Hal Far Open Centre, Ovefelli explained how he does occasional work of plastering around the island but most of the time he is unemployed. Requesting bail he claimed he had called the police and patiently waited for them to arrive after having witnessed a commotion inside the bar.

However, prosecuting inspector Trevor Micallef informed the court it was bar owner Alan Mizzi who had called the police. The bar's security had stopped the accused from fleeing the scene after two women had recognised him as the accomplice to another man who had just fled with a handbag.

"The accused has no identification document other than an asylum seeker document. His belongings are two pairs of jeans and two cooking pots - he has no reason to stay in Malta and attend for his court sittings," the inspector said.

Magistrate Gabriella Vella remanded the accused in custody. Inspector Trevor Micallef prosecuted and legal aid lawyer Dorianne Vella appeared for the accused.