Missing delivery man admits to misappropriating goods

A day after he was reported missing, delivery man pleads guilty to misappropriating €715 in goods, cocaine possession.

Brendan Cachia
Brendan Cachia

A 27-year-old man who was reported missing on Wednesday has today admitted to misappropriating €715 in goods to the detriment of his former employer, Jonathan Micallef.

Brendan Cachia, 27, of Birgu – who as of today is a former Sparkle Image deliveryman - admitted to being in possession of cocaine, of breaching a conditional discharge, and relapsing.

Cahcia was yesterday reported missing after failing to return to work after being dispatched to deliver goods for the supermarket he works for. Cachia was reported missing after customers called to enquire about their deliveries, and the supermarket’s subsequent attempts to contact him proved futile after the man switched his phone off.

Cachia was however found by police at his home and a subsequent search yielded cocaine in the man’s possession.

In submissions, prosecution inspector Robert Said Sarreo told the court that the accused did such a “crazy thing” to sustain his drug habit.

Moreover, he insisted that the court must help the accused tackle the drug problem, insisting that if the accused “were to be imprisoned without tackling his serious drug habit, he would relapse again.”

This claim was seconded by the defence, who called on the court to order the accused to undergo a drug rehabilitation programme.

“Prior to handing down its sentence, the court agrees that the probation officer should compile a pre-sentence report to indicate the court which drug rehabilitation programme would be ideal for the accused,” the Magistrate said.

The court granted Cachia bail against a personal guarantee of €2,000 pending sentencing.

Lawyer Noel Bartolo was legal aid while inspector Robert Said Sarreo prosecuted.

The case has been adjourned to 23 September.