Updated | 'Divorce should be a civil right' - Moviment Iva

While it might not be a fundamental right, pro-divorce movement chairperson Deborah Schembri says that the right to obtain a divorce should certainly be a civil right - contradicting statements made by former President Eddie Fenech Adami just the day before.

Pouring fuel on an already-raging fiery debate, former President Eddie Fenech Adami maintains that divorce is not a civil right, and that Malta should be ‘proud’ of its divorce-free status.

Delivered during a dialogue held on Sunday at the Santa Lucija Nationalist Party club, EFA’s remarks come as the country is gearing up for a referendum campaign on whether or not Malta should introduce divorce legislation.

Malta is currently the only EU state to not have divorce legislation – something which many in the pro-divorce camp are pointing to as part of their stance.

“I do not accept the pro-divorce argument that only Malta and the Philippines do not have divorce and, so, our country should have such legislation. “Does this mean we will be contracting marriage for a defined period if divorce were to become law? Will we have to change the definition of marriage?” he asked.

Referring to countries that allow divorce despite the definition of marriage not being changed, Fenech Adami said the rest of the world is “living a contradiction”.

Speaking during a meeting between the pro-divorce movement and the Head of the Opposition Joseph Muscat, Schembri maintained that there was nothing to be proud of in the rate of Malta's marital break-ups, emphasising that the country needed divorce legislation to be able to cater and support these individuals.

She pointed out that divorce legislation would allow regulation on what she described as the "chaos" of separated couples co-habiting with partners along with children born during the previous wedding as well as children born between the new 'couple'.

Reacting to EFA's statements, PL parliamentary member and pro-divorce committee member Evarist Bartolo maintained that “I would have expected him (EFA) to be more compassionate and less self-righteous in his remarks.”

He substantiated this statement by affirming that “not everyone in Malta has the opportunity to, in the case of martial difficulty, obtain an annulment.”

Bartolo also disagreed with EFA that Malta should be proud of being ‘divorce-free’. “We shouldn’t be proud of leaving so many people facing difficulties as a result of not being able to regularise their marital position,” he said, also referring to the difficulties faced by children in the same circumstances. "We need a level playing field."

Speaking as a married man, Bartolo affirmed that "simply because I won't be needing divorce legislation, I wouldn't get up and express such a lack of concern towards those who aren't in my same situation."

Asked for a reaction, PN parliamentary member Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando affirmed that where the government to introduce co-habitation law without introducing divorce legislation means that the government would be effectively encouraging co-habitation over marriage.

"Currently, women being abandoned by their partners after having invested a lifetime of work and commitment into caring and raising that family are left with nothing. We need divorce regulations that can also ensure that these women receive an adequate alimony from their former partners," he affirmed.

"I let everyone express themselves as they see fit," Pullicino Orlando replied noncommittally.

Mid dehra Censu Gageg int mintiex tghix Malta jew qied taht dan il gvern TPAPPIJA biex qied tghid li taht dan il gvern il poplu qied sewwa ghax hlief nies MIFLUGIN bl-Inkwiet ma hawnx mintiex tara cilindru tal Gas konna tixtruh kwazi 5 ewros issa SPLODEWH ghal kwazi `17 il ewro Dan il gvern qied biex JIDHAQ bin nies fil budget QATT ma jsemmi xejn imbad l-affarijiet jibdew JISPLODU wara INT tahseb li 1 ewro u 16 cents kien bizzejjed ghal gholi tal HAJJA ara ghalihom 600 mit Ewro hadu dan wara li ghadhom hafna affarijiet bxejn u mhux zgur ihallsu tad dawl
Capricorn-with your comments, indicating many frustrations and pent up feelings following many years in opposition, I rest my case. Sincerament nispera li din id-darba tigikom fjur ghax nies bhalek li huma daqstant ittrawmatizzati jispiccaw jaqtghu l-vini.
Iva bli ghamlilna bil dahhalna go UE FALLUTA CENSU GAGEG rid jurina kemm kienu sejrin TAJJEB l-IRLANDIZI ghax ma jharisx lejn l-IRLANDA illum GAGEG FALLUTA u Bid Dissubbidjenza CIVILI u bil BOYKOTTS LI kien jitlob lin nies biex jghamlu dak iz zmien gageg qedin bhal laqam li ghazilt ghax vera il poplu malti qied go GAGEG mintiex tara min ghandu taht it 48 sena il bolla ser tkompli issirlu BALLA AKBAR Censu Gageg kemm wersaq sieheb gageg EFA li il bolla balla ghidlu jitkellem issa lil Fenech Adami issa zmienu ghamlu u ahjar joqod bi kwietu bhal ma kien ghajjar lil Mintoff li kien xih smakat ilum ma ghidilniex MONEY NO PROBLEM ghax ghamel Tilja DEJN number ONE
From the tone of the comments it seems very obvious that many haven't yet got over the many years that EFA kept them in opposition. As an ex- PM (democratically elected) who led this country for nearly a quarter of a good number of years his opinion carries weight and is still sought by many. Issa min ma jghogbux jista jikkritika llum, grazzi ghall-EFA ghax qabel ma kontx tissogra. Pero' missu jkollkom id-decenza tikkritikaw b'inteligenza u rispett lejn il-kariga li dan il-mexxej garr.
In you own words a long time ago " KLIEM IX XIH.....INSIEH"
who gives a damn what Adami says.He was proven over and over again to be a liar, now he wants to teaches us some moral values, something he knows nothing about.
min dejjem hekk kontu tilaghbuha tal fidili u qaddesin hekk ghadkhom u hekk tibqghu. mela mhux kullhadd ghajnejh f wiccu qedin,id divorsju f'Malta bit tmexxija hazina ta dal gvern tiga jezisti imma mhux legali ifisser aktar perikoluz u aktar dizastrus.B'divorsju legali jonqos l abbus u t tfal ikunu aktar protetti.Mhux ahjar taraw x inhu l ahjar ghal gid tal pajjiz u tac cittadin flokk li dejjem taraw kif ha tidru zbieh. Issa taghmlu x'taghmlu qatt m'inthom sa tidrhu zbieh ghax it tifrik fil pajjiz li ghamiltu inthom, jidher u jinhass sew. U INT efa GHAX MA TOQODX IXXOM TAHT SPALLTEK FLOKK LI TIPROVA TIGUDIKA IL MINN JAQBEL MA DIVORSJU.Bhal sihbek gonzi,l ewwel jaghmel kollhox kif jghid hu, tjjeb jew hazin ma jrid il hadt min jindahallu l aqas il ta madwaru u fuq dan il kaz ta divorsju jrid reverendu Jahsel idu li ma jmurx jitteba ikrah u jitlef xi voti. PILAtuuuu
Joseph Pellicano
eddie issa skadut, ghax ma toqoc ghal kwiet fis shana ma mary.
Luke Camilleri
Tell Eddie to go tell it to his offspring! What's good for the goose is also good for the gander Dward ...u tmurx il-boghod !
I find it hard to understand why the church itself has the right to dissolve a marriage and they call it annulment. Which to my mind means cancelling something that happened like it never existed. And I think they still say that till death do us part. But this till death do us part is only for the popolin who cannot afford to go through the process of annulment and or divorce abroad. And I stand to be corrected but I remember being told someone of Dr Fenech Adami's very immediate family got an annulment... But then that wouldnt be a financial problem like it is to so many........
EFA Just SHUT UP. Only open your mouth to tell us who MURDERED KAREN GRECH AND RAYMOND CARUANA as you had promised the people when you were in Opposition. YOU NEVER KEPT THAT PROMISE.
Alfred Galea
Why would anyone give a rat's ass about what this avaricious old man say?? Are the "no" forces in the PN, seeing as he made these statements at a PN "conference", doing the same thing they did in the sixties, when they were taking out senile old people to vote against the interdicted MLP?? Eddie, ride into the sunset......and stay there.
Albert Zammit
EFA ghandu l-wicc tost jitkellem kontra d-divorzju? U zgur! Heqq, ibnu ma kellux bzonnu d-divorzju, ghax ha annullament ta' malajr! Dik l-ipokriisija ... li fejn irridu nghidu li z-zwieg hu ghal dejjem ... basta ma tmissx lilna!
Drr Eddie fenech adami what do you say if the marrieges of your children are TORN APART did you speak the same words that they have no CIVIL RIGHTS FOR DIVORCE so please continue enjoying your pensions (Not One ) and better shut up your time has passed now
HERE ARE THE FACTS MR.EFA, SO PLEASE JUST PASS ON THIS ISSUE AND TRY TO FIND A SPACE IN THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. Quote from the book:-THE POWER AND THE GLORY Inside the Dark Heart of John Paul II‘s Vatican by DAVID YALLOP Chapter 11 Thou shalt not………. Page 411 The Catholic Church hardly ever recognizes a divorce or a second marriage while the original spouse is still alive. The situation for those wishing to remarry and remain good Catholics is to seek an annulment in which the Church after due process rules that a perfectly valid marriage never existed in the first place. Such an arrangement is inevitably open to abuse. In Italy on 3 July 1974 Claudio Cesareo and marina Volpato contracted a marriage at a religious ceremony held in the parish Church of Santa Maria in Trastevere. Near the end of 1980 Claudio left the marital home to continue an adulterous affair. He continued sleeping with his wife and ten months later he returned to Marina shortly before she gave birth to their first child. In 1984 a second child was born. Both children were christened and the father arranged for their first communion and subsequently his elder daughter’s confirmation. A devout man, Cesareo attended a pre-marriage course with Marina during which the couple became fully conversant with the various religious services including the celebration of various wedding anniversaries and religious funeral services. He also insisted that he and his wife should go to the shrine of Medjugorje in Yugoslavia and kneel in prayer before the Holy Virgin. In 1993 Claudio again left the marital home, this time permanently. He set up home with a Danish girl and this relationship produced a son. Marina eventually accepted that the marriage was at an end and anxious that her two young daughters should at least be materially provided for by their father, sued for civil divorce during which she had every expectation that the court would make adequate provision for the children. In an attempt to avoid alimony payments, Claudio turned to the Vicariate of Vatican City, seeking an annulment. Initially his grounds were that though he had gone through a religious ceremony he did not and never had believed in God. Advised by the court officials that in light of his attention to a wide variety of religious activities the contention that he was an atheist was going to be rather hard to establish, Claudio changed his position. He ‘acquired’ a witness who stated that before the wedding Cesareo had told him that he did not believe in the indissolubility of the Wedding Sacrament. Cases such as this are helped considerably if money is placed in the right places; Marina’s father Sergio would insist that this case was no different. The Vatican Tribunal found in favor of Claudio and magically his marriage was annulled. Not withstanding the physical evidence of a wife and two children, his marriage had never existed and as such no alimony was due. The court also ruled that, if she wanted marina was free to get married but Claudio was forbidden to ‘remarry without previously consulting the local ordinary’. A few years before this sad tale reached its conclusion, cardinal Ratzinger in yet another edict from his office to bishops throughout the world stated that divorced Catholics in unsanctioned second marriages cannot receive Communion unless they renounce sex. Demonstrably, any estranged couple wishing to avoid a life of celibacy should abandon divorce plans, ‘acquire a couple of persuasive witnesses and head for the Vatican courts. In January 2002while addressing members of the Roman Rota the Pope suggested to the lawyers gathered before him that they might invoke their rights of conscience to avoid becoming involved in divorce cases. One eminent Italian lawyer was heard to mutter, ‘What–and lose two thirds of my income?’ By March 2004 only three countries still maintained a complete ban on divorce and one of them, Chile, the only country in the Americas where the total ban applied, had initiated legislation to legalised divorce. It had been a long and bitter fight with the resistance headed by the Catholic Church. Before the end of the year, divorce was legalized dealing a stunning and humiliating defeat to the Church. Only Malta and the Philippines remain as divorce-free zones.
One would expect a better understanding from an experienced politician. However it seems clear that senility has set in and EFA is trying to balance his life long deeds for when he meets his Maker. What is really puzzling in these statements and outright lies, are the facts that these people of the ilk of EFA and others from the Curia are against divorce but in favour of the present situation in Malta of single parenthood with unknown fathers, orgies of seperated couples living together and the worst of all ANNULMENT which declares that any legitimate marraige can be annulled and recorded as a sham or never existed, declaring the children bastards. A medieval law for an EU state that is still under the thunbs of the hypocrisy of the Catholic Church. One wonders how EFA feels towards Child Abuse because Annulment is exactly that.
Maltese Catholic Church behaving like Taliban despots The Catholic Church in Malta is behaving more like the Taliban than a Church that supposedly preaches forgiveness and turning the other cheek. But then, wherever it is given the opportunity, the Church will behave like some iron-fisted despot, crushing dissent and punishing heretics and blasphemers. At a carnival in Malta some young people had the temerity to dress up in priestly garb (or “sacred vestments”) and run around with “holy objects” during the revelries. At once, the Catholic tyrants were on to them. The Archbishop of Malta and the Bishop of Gozo issued a statement in which they invoked the Constitution and Laws of Malta, which establishes Catholicism as the country’s official religion. The police were quick to jump to the episcopal orders and nine persons aged between 20 and 35 years were arraigned for offending religion. The Maltese Constitution says that “The authorities of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church have the duty and the right to teach which principles are right and which are wrong.” The country’s Criminal Code establishes a minimum of one month and a maximum of six months’ jail for those found guilty of vilifying the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church. This article was introduced in 1933, the year Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany and three years after a pastoral letter forbade the Maltese electorate from supporting the Constitutional Party and the Malta Labour Party. The over-mighty bishops said that while it was commendable for society to stand up for the rights of minorities, the authorities should also defend the “common good embraced by the majority of the people”, that is the religious sense of the Maltese and Gozitans. This should have been done during a public event that was attended by families and children, said the bishops, in reference to the street party that took place late on the Saturday night. The police, who referred to the bishops’ statement, said action has been taken and nine Maltese are to be accused of being in breach of article 338(o) of the Criminal Code. This relates to costumes for carnival which, if no permission is obtained, cannot include uniforms “civil, naval, military or air force” or priests’ garments or sacred vestments. A 26 year old man was sentenced to one month imprisonment suspended for 18 months after admitting to “publicly vilifying the Catholic faith”. He was accused in the court of having vilified the Roman Catholic religion, the Maltese religion, or offending the same faith by vilifying those people of the same religion and its ministers as well as devotional objects of the same religion or objects which are consecrated and destined for use only for religious purposes. He was also accused of having worn sacred habits without the necessary permission Knights Of St John Control a Micro-State on Malta Quote It is common knowledge that the Knights of St John also known as the Knights of Malta hold a sovereign enclave in Rome Italy. They have their own constitution, mint, passports, diplomatic relations and observer status at the United Nations. What is not well known is that the Knights have signed a 99-year lease on a fort on their former European stronghold of Malta. Over 200 years after being ousted from the island by Napoleon the Knights somehow have entrenched themselves in their former fort to create what appears to be a Micro-State. This article goes into the details with sources stated. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta The SMOM is an elite Roman Catholic Knighthood headed by a Grandmaster who works at the behest of the Pope. Membership is derived from Politics, Industry, Finance, Military, Intelligence, Media and Entertainment. Knights and Dames first swear loyalty to the Pope and then to their country. "Defending the faith" and helping fellow members while serving the Order constitutes their ethics. Initial Membership List of the Knights of Malta* Compiled by Eric Samuelson, J.D. Edward Fenech Adami Silvio Berlusconi Mr.fenech adami? how about that? Where Church and state are intertwined The first article of Malta’s constitution proclaims “respect for the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual”. The second makes Roman Catholicism the state religion.... Maltese marriage concordat (1993) In a nutshell this concordat says that the Catholic Church sets the rules for marriage and that the state agrees. Even so, in accordance with Article 4.2 marriage partners must sign away their right to get the divorce that in Malta doesn't even exist! Presumably that's to bind people if civil divorce is ever introduced, or if they're thinking of getting divorced abroad. Where Church and state are intertwined This microstate off the coast of Sicily may well have more concordats per head than any other country in the world. Its history explains this. In 1530 the islands were given to the Knights of Malta in perpetual fiefdom in exchange for an annual fee of a single Maltese falcon. A century later the Grand Master of the Knights of Malta was awarded equality with a cardinal. He was henceforth addressed not just as "Your Majesty", like a king or "Your Eminence" like a cardinal, but as "Your Most Eminent Highness" — a title which showed the seamless unity of church and state in Malta. "shame on you Edward Fenech Adami- with all you have done- soo your time will be over- and nothing will remain of you- just a name like all-
Dr Fenech Adami should learn that a human right is not what some one gives you; its not one can take from you.
EFA has no longer a say in Maltese politics. He should shut up and enjoy his elite pension paid from our taxes In a civil and democratic society, divrorce is a civil right unless we live a Christian fundamentalist society as EFA wishes to live in. Perhaps EFA thinks that he lives in a dream land where all marriages are healthy. Please EFA do us a favour, and go back in hibernation.
Why don't you shut your MOUTH on this matter Dr Fenech Adami now you're too OLD to speak about this matter remember ONCE what you said to PM Dom Mintoff that he was OLD and that he should make way for others to rule the country
It's not nice for the media to parade former politicians' senility like this. People like EFA and KMB should be allowed to gently fade into the background noise.