Borg Olivier changes tack on divorce

Once in favour of divorce, Borg Olivier is taking Gonzi's line and stating that he is against divorce

Paul Borg Olivier, who had once declared himself in favour of divorce when he militated in the PN's youth section, has stated he is against divorce.

Speaking on Dissett on PBS, Borg Olivier also argued that it was correct for a party to take a stand about divorce. Excerpts of Borg Olivier’s comments to Dissett were leaked to government-leaning newspaper The Times and before Borg Olivier went on air.

The secretary-general of the PN admitted that the honoraria saga had damaged the party but steered clear of stating whether the honoraria were a mistake or not.

Former Valletta mayor Borg Olivier has been one of the PN’s most unimpressive secretary-generals, and he will be remembered for his controversial email sent to ministers and mistakenly emailed to PL secretary-general Jason Micallef over "listening and keeping data of complainants".

Another incident involved a criminal case brought against him by the VAT department for late filing of VAT returns.

Newspapers Illum and MaltaToday have argued editorially that political parties should take a stand on divorce. 

Decizjoni tal-KONVENJENZA u xejn izjed
Min mil-politici jghid li huwa kontra d-divorzju u kontra id -drittijiet tal gays, tivvutawlux, ghatuh/a l-ahhar .tatux kaz dawk il-laqghin li jaqbzu ghalihom, TIVVUTAWLOMX tkunux cwiec! jien abi ligi ta divorzju u bla ligi ta divorzju, la ser jigi lawrence gonzi la l-isqoff u l-ebda persuna ohra ,mu ser jigi jghidli ,x'ghandi x'nghamel f'hajti! dawn min iz-zokk huma LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
Alfred Galea
W-I-M-P. C-L-O-W-N. F-R-E-E-L-O-A-D-E-R.
Priscilla Darmenia
I too am of the opinion that if the parties are giving a free vote to both the MPs and their supporters, I see no reason why they should take a stand on issue of divorce. Perhaps the editors of Malta Today and Illum will illuminate us with the reason why parties should take a stand. I must be missing something out, I think.
Monique Cauchi
How can you be in favour of divorce one minute and against it the next minute? Daddy Gonzi must have rapped his knuckles with a ruler and told him to do as he was told!
Its incredible! The so called "liberal phalange" of PN, including the "radical/ hate blogger "the local version of wanne be Dario Fo!!!! , will soon be thawing the Party line on divorce; with radical liberals like these who needs conservatives?
Joseph Sant
Just a bunch of incompetent yes men. Anything to cling to power.... and they expect us to believe they have principles! This country gets sicker by the minute.
Keith Goodlip
Predictable behaviour from gonzi's poodle.
jien ma nafx min tah il warant ta avukat. lanqas kien kappaci sindku u wisq aktar fejn qijad issa. gardinar ahjar minu
marquette, you sound like you are talking about the PL. can't you see how blind we all are? We are like sheep. veru tal biki
So t is OKAY if Marlene PO chnages her mind but not for PBO. Vera qedin sew f'dan il-pajjiz.
Its not a surprise that Borg Olivier changed his stand on divorce, when it comes to principles the pn can lie, twist and corrupt to suit them so long as there a few votes to gain.He is by far the worst secretary general any party ever had.
It would be better if a free vote is allowed in Parliament and simple majority either way would suffice. if a NO vote goes through then legislation should be passed to prohibit divorce obtained from overseas and Anullments as well. cant be fairer than that. I am sure the anti-divorce camp would not object and the pro divorce movement should agree.
Isabelle Borg
BO qal li divorzju barrani jirregistrah, fejn jaqbillu favur mela li bniedem jerga jizzewweg. Fenech Adam kontra id-divorzju, pero jaqbel mal-annulament,ghax accetah. Kuntrumbajsa wara l-ohra. Biex tisskongra trid tkun pur
Luke Camilleri
Pawlu Paprati Borg olivier at it again! Quite a show he put on justifying Gonzipn's position giving a FREE vote to Gonzipn MPs in parliament .... as if HE and the P.N. or Gonzipn cotterie came up with the idea of a free vote to his party's MPs! Yes Joseph Muscat continues to showall the way forward and Gonzipn drags behind!
roma is burning roma is burning! The PN is Burning the PN is burning. lawrence gonzi etc........ are doing that: the PN is burning the pn is burning, and it's all your own fault. your principles of catholic values are all EXPIRED! nees to be renewed with a fresh leadeship- you cannot go against the people!!!!!!!!!!! but you are all blind to see! continue burning the PN with your expired christian values, don't give the people their needs, and soon you will see the PN burning- result?? a bad loose in the general election- just wait and see
It does not make any sense for politicalparties to take a stand if their mp's are given a free vote. A Political stand means that if personally an MP disagrees with the party policy personally he will vote according to party policy in parliament so why the need for a stand? either free vote or party stand. Now even if the parties take a stand gonzi declared that the issue will be decided by referendum. Sohere even more why a party stand not to let the population decide freely? There are two movements the iva and the le i'll hear both and decide don't need to follow a party stand so why the need for a party stand? If Gonzi and now borg olivier believe in a party stand then they have the majority of the house and make divorce no as a law. They can unless they are scared that some MP's won't abide by the party stand it which case makes t a no party stand after all Got it :)