Judicial vicar banned Schembri for 'well-known position in favour of divorce'

Judicial Vicar accused Deborah Schembri of 'spreading false doctrine on the indissolubility of marriage'.

Updated with comments from Deborah Schembri and Chamber of Advocates president at 5:24pm.

The pro divorce movement’s chairperson Dr Deborah Schembri had her licenciate to represent clients in the Ecclesiastical Tribunal for marriage annulments withdrawn by the Judicial Vicar over her activism to introduce divorce.

In a letter addressed to her clients, the tribunal's chancellor said she had been instructed by the Judicial Vicar Mgr Arthur Said Pullicino, that "because of the well-known position taken by your advocate in favour of divorce, [Schembri] is not in a position to represent you as an advocate before this tribunal since her views on the indissolubility of marriage are not in conformity with the law of God and the church."

Schembri said that subsequently, the Judicial Vicar had informed her in another letter that “her right to operate in the Catholic tribunal had been withdrawn because she was spreading false doctrine on the indissolubility of marriage.”

Judicial Vicar Mgr Arthur Said Pullicino told MaltaToday he had personally taken the decision to remove Dr Schembri from office, and that this was in line with Canon Law - which regulates the suitability of lawyers to appear for parties in the Ecclesiastical Tribunals.

"I didn't 'remove' her from office. She excluded herself from the very start of the campaign in her public propaganda in favour of the introduction divorce," Said Pullicino said. "Canon law specifies that you must be a catholic and of good repute. As soon as she went public on divorce, I informed her clients that she was not suitable to appear for them."

But Schembri said Said Pullicino’s reason was specifically related to her political activism. "Nowhere in the letter was it mentioned that I am not a catholic or not of good repute."

Schembri argued that as a professional, she has made a distinction between her representation of spouses seeking marriage annulments, and her activism for the introduction of civil divorce.

“I publicly made it clear that church marriage was a sacrament before God and that the bond was indissoluble. The church is not making this distinction with me.

“There are church tribunals all over the world in countries where divorce has existed for over 200 years – does the church ban lawyers who represent clients in divorce proceedings? They want to shut me up, clearly.”

The president of the Chamber of Advocates Dr Reuben Balzan said he was not in a position to comment about whether the decision has been taken in good faith or not.

"However I would like to point out that every citizen is entitled to be represented by a lawyer of his or her choice. The right of freedom of choice of lawyer should not be limited in any way, especially since decisions taken by the Ecclesiastical Tribunal are legally recognised and therefore produce full civil effects. Furthermore lawyers, like any other citizen, are entitled to freedom of thought and expression."

Schembri said she spoke with Archbishop Paul Cremona who told her he would lobby with the judicial vicar to have the decision overturned or ‘downgraded’ to a temporary suspension. “Nothing has happened since then. I was not contacted on any developments.”

Said Pullicino told MaltaToday that Archbishop Cremona had said nothing to him about this decision. "He can't not agree... this is canon law."

Dr Schembri said it is unclear whether her right to practice in the tribunal has been indefinitely suspended, adding that this 'ban' will most certainly affect her income. "They know exactly where to hit hard," she said.

She said the reason why she hadn’t spoken about it before was because she didn’t want it to overshadow the divorce debate. “This issue puts paid to the anti-divorce camp’s claims of bullying… it’s the last straw that broke the back.”

Mgr Arthur Said Pullicino had already called on members of the bar in a homily marking the forensic year to desist on divorce proceedings, and called on lawyers and judges to be ‘conscientious objectors’. The former president of the Chamber of Advocates, Andrew Borg Cardona, had branded Mgr Said Pullicino’s comments as “an unacceptable interference of the Church in secular matters.”

The tribunal hears cases of marriage annulments and is awarded supremacy over the Maltese courts thanks to the controversial 1992 Church-State agreement. Effectively, when spouses commence proceedings in the ecclesiastical tribunal, this stays any proceeding they may have started in the civil courts for a civil annulment; additionally, the ecclesiastical tribunal’s decision has to be adopted by the civil courts.

Lawyers representing clients in the tribunal must be licensed by the Catholic Church to appear in the tribunals.

When contacted for his reaction by MaltaToday, Zwieg Bla Divorzju chairperson Andre Camilleri declined to comment. “I do not involve myself in these issues while I am at work,” he said, directing questions to the movement’s spokesperson.

Movement spokesperson Kevin Papagiorcopulo however declined to give a verbal comment on the phone when contacted by MaltaToday. “I do not give comments off the cuff,” he said, insisting that he be sent questions by email.

Additional reporting by Matthew Vella

@lexva. Is-sikkiena minn zewg nahat taqta. Izda f'dan il-kaz xi tghid int li hafna qassisin jippruvaw jaqdu lill Alla u tghidx kemm abbuzaw mit-tfal. Tinsiex dawn ministri tal-knisja. Tghid dawn sthaw ghaziz/a lexva. Ghalinqas Dr Schembri ghanda opinjoni u f'pajjiz demokratiku, din l-opinjoni ghanda tigi rrispettata.
The institutions such as the tribunal and the courts have their regulations, for example you have to wear as per these laws. In this case, there are these laws and from what I gather besdide breaking these ethics, DS as soon as being public for divorce, it has a conflict of interest and the judge will not be in a sound positon to deliver judgement.
@mikegold 117. Veru. Min kull hazin johrog il-gid. Pero tajjeb infakkrek li kien hemm zmien meta l-knisja kienet imponiet id-dnub lil min jaqra 'l-Bibbja !!. Jekk ghandek xi dubju, staqsi lil xi qassis li ghandek fiducja fih !!. Jien il-Bibbja naqra minnha kuljum ghax hemm hafna u hafna x'titghallem. Jien niftakar fi zmieni kienu jghidulna biex ma naqrawx il-Bibbja ghax naghmlu dnub . Imma ma riduniex naqrawha ghax meta taqra t-testment il-qadim, specjalment tara massakri shah f'isem Alla. Per ezempju skond id-Dewtoronomju, Kap 20 vers 10-14 jghidlek"...oqtol l'ulied li ma jobdux " .!! U wkoll, biex insemmilek iehor biss, skond Dewteronomju Kap 22 vers 22"Jekk jinqabad ragel qieghed ma' mara mizzewga, ghandhom imutu t-tnejn..".Estremizmu li allahares ghadna nimxu fuqu ghax kieku jkollna massakri kuljum. U ohra fejn jghidlek li jekk ragel jizzewweg u jsib li martu ma kinetx vergi, jehodha ghand missiera u jhaggruha hemm. Inhajrek taqra u tara dak li semmejtlek. U ggib ghajnejk wara widnejk. Il-barka.
Where are those enlightened, progressive "wise men" in France, Germany, Spain, Poland, Russia, China, England ... who know better how it should look like family? Today, when Europe is depopulating but it may be are true teachings of the church.
Kif ma tisthix hux? Tipprova taqdi lil Alla u lix-xitan! Imbaghad tmur titlob 'Ikun li trid int, kif fis-sema hekk ukoll fl-art'! Sakemm immissula l-but imma.
Luke Camilleri
Mons. Said Pullucino would do well to ponder on this quote: You are priests, not social or political leaders. Let us not be under the illusion that we are serving the Gospel through an exaggerated interest in the wide field of temporal problems. Pope John Paul II
And they say that it's the Church of God and they represent God in all their actions!! What would they do if they were the church of the Devil, and they do only open evil?? Would they have cruxified this lawyer? Well, that's what they had in mind but they can't do it physically, until now!!!
@ Piccinino Dr Schembi was NOT an employee of the Curia, just like lawyers are not employees of the Courts. This is like the courts banning a lawyer because he does not agree with some of Malta's laws. it is discrimination and if somebody could be bothered to take the Case to an intentional court, he/she would win with flying colours.
X'tippretendi din! Jekk jien naħdem ma' xi kumpanija jekk il-prinċipji tiegħi ma jaqblux ma' dawk li l-kumpanija tħaddan, ħaġa waħda nagħmel nitlaq minn hemm. Mossa tajba biex tħammeġ il-Knisja. Lil dawk li jridu d-divorzju nitlobhom jpoġġu links ta' statistika li turi li fejn daħal id-divorzju għamel ġid biss.
Another reason why we need a secular state not the quasi-religious fiefdom we have right now. The referendum is a unique opportunity to reduce the church's clutches on power and civil society. It would be a shame for us and our children if we lose this opportunity, with the church showing us it's true self.
...L-Unika triq li fadal hija li nirrigettaw lil Knisja!!!!
...L-Unika triq li fadal hija li nirrigettaw lil Knisja!!!!
Bejn il Linji....taf x'ma nistax nifhem jien habib, ghalfejn il Knisja qed tehodha kontra din il ligi civili meta hija ghanda l-istess dritt fil kotba kanonikici taghha...u li trid thallas truck liri ghalih dan id dritt!!!! Fehmili naqra din!...Dan business siehbi...mhux vera religjon ta Gesu!!! ...Il Knisja mhux Alla habib....u l-anqas qed tirraprezentah!!!!! Din kollha farsa u aktar ma jghaddi zmien din il farsa aktar qed tohrog fl-apert!!!!
Taf x'hareg tajjeb min dan kollu kemm hawn nies kellhom jifthu l-Bibbja. Il-paci maghkhom
I still do not understand why many remarks are about the church. This is a civil issue. Who can negate that in a civil marriage both man and woman agree to be married for life..... so remarriage for these couples mean that the contract agreement is broken and with a law introducing divorce any partner of the contract agreement whether the man or the woman can decide to retract what was agreed even if it is a unilateral decision. Is it possible and acceptible that one that is not part of the church do not agree with the law in favour of remarriage? Why we are mixing church and moral values with this issue is not in my imagination. As I have just said, I do not mix religion with civil matters; likewise I feel I do not interfere with the church about how it is administered. The matter of deborah schembri within the church is within the church's admi nistration and I do not interfere with their decisions.
Joseph Catania
Jigi kif jigi r-rizultat ta' dan ir-referendum, l-ikbar telliefa se tkun il-Knisja ta' Malta.
SO WE ARE NOW BACK TO THE 60'S. IT SEEMS THAT THE MALTESE CHURCH IS HOLIER THAN THE POPE. It is very surpriseing to hear from Mr Fenech utterring such statement that the Madonna is not happy. DID SHE SEND HIM AN SMS?
God protect me from your followers.
This latest antic coincides with the comments made by Minister Fenech on how hurt Our Lady was about divorce. It is now official that to vote yes is an unforgivable mortal sin. All this packed in marriage legislation that on annulment gives precedence to the Church. This proves my theory that we are not a democratic secular state but a confessional theocratical dictatorship. They suspend Dr. Schembri, but take no action, moreover they protect, peodophile priests. Is this also part of Cannon Law Dr. Said Pullicino? Is it a surprise that you have qualified to be called Nazis. I myself would rather call you fascits since the Catholic church was bosom pal with Mussolini and Franco. Further more in South America you all sided with fascist dictators Jesus called you 'WHITE WASHED SEPULCHERS'. He was everything that you are not. You have the arrogance to have us believe that you represent Him. Gimme a break padre.
Why all the astonisment? This monsignor was even responsible for seditious comments, urging magistrates to disobey the ppsssible legislation on divorce. Our Catholic fundamentalist PM did not feel the need to correct him. Beware all Maltese! The forces of darkness represented by the Church and Lawrence Gonzi are out to drag Malta back to the Middle Ages. Vote YES. A No vote is a vote for the PN!!!!!
The Curia is quoting the following to justify its stance: Pope Paul John II in his address to the Roman Rota on the 22nd January 2002 said: “Legal workers in the civil field should avoid being personally involved in anything that could imply cooperation towards divorce.” The Apostolic Letter Justi Judicis (art. 6) of 1988 which states that “Furthermore from the Album should be removed ... those who agree with or are active in associations or movements which promote ways of thinking or acting that are contrary to the faith and the Catholic teachings about morals, or defend proposals and advice about civil order which go against the precepts of natural and Christian law”. This is serious and I hope that Government, the Maltese judiciary and the Chamber of Advocates consider its implications since the Tribunal has the force of Law, above the Civil Courts. People have a right to any licenced lawyer of their choice. Furhtermore it implies that any lawyer who handles divorce divorce cases or is cohabiting will be excluded from the Tribunal. If the Ecclesiastical Tribunal as any other religious court, wants to do as it pleases it should NOT have the force of law. The Apostolic Letter Justi Judicis (art. 6) of 1988 quoted says CHRISTIAN LAW which is not CIVIL LAW. I hope the Chamber of Advocates comes out strongly on this.
Did you know? . The bible is a collection of writings and was not written by the individuals themselves? . These were written a long time after their death by followers of generations that followed? . That is the story was told and re-told when finally put to paper! . Now everybody knows what happens to a story that is how it changes it original even from one person to another, let alone from one generation to many others! . One last thing: In the bible you only read what others wanted you to read and left out whatever they wanted you not to read!
Dr Schembri' s rights to represent her clients is not the Judicial vigar privilege to give or take away, its a fundamental right of every citizen to choose who they want to represent them.Clearly this is Human right issue and our courts should deal with this without delay.
Here we go again,remember a few years back if you vote for Mintof is a sin.I remember my Mum saying if you vote for Strikland was a sin. The church keep the country back,if everyone listen to the church we will be still living in the 40s.
@ estumulante But is this the correct translation of Matthew 19:9 (or Matthew 5: 32) ? Other translations, such as the King James version, translate it differently :" I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery.” See also http://www.gnpcb.org/esv/search/?passage=Matthew+19%3A9 In this version, Jesus seems to be acknowledging an exception to the general rule and concedes that a divorce may be granted in the case of marital unfaithfulness. An interesting study on these two biblical passages can be found on http://www.bibletruths.net/archives/BTAR260.htm I also suppose that the Greek Orthodox church permits divorce on the basis of this alternative version of Matthew. I wonder what biblical scholars have to say on the matter. J. Ellis.
@Robin Huud For correctness sake, in the Gospel it is clear that Christ did rule out divorce. You may be referring to Matthew 19:9 which reads: "I say to you, whoever divorces his wife (unless the marriage is unlawful) and marries another commits adultery."" For further reading you may refer to: http://www.usccb.org/nab/bible/matthew/matthew19.htm#foot7 [9] Moses' concession to human sinfulness (the hardness of your hearts, Matthew 19:8) is repudiated by Jesus, and the original will of the Creator is reaffirmed against that concession. (Unless the marriage is unlawful): see the note on Matthew 5:31-32. There is some evidence suggesting that Jesus' absolute prohibition of divorce was paralleled in the Qumran community (see 11QTemple 57:17-19; CD 4:12b-5:14). Matthew removes Mark's setting of this verse as spoken to the disciples alone "in the house" (Mark 10:10) and also his extension of the divorce prohibition to the case of a woman's divorcing her husband (Mark 10:12), probably because in Palestine, unlike the places where Roman and Greek law prevailed, the woman was not allowed to initiate the divorce.
You cannot reason with a red-faced fanatic like Said Pullicino. His presence also shows that the church's geriatric hierarchy is infested with fossils full of cobwebs who are also unfortunately so unbendable that they're nasty and vindictive. Don't worry Deborah, we're with you and for more backing take a look at the blog: [email protected]
It's about time we consider clipping some wings and completely separating church and state - especially if the church makes up the rules as the game is played. How about proposing a law to remove any civil effect of an ecclesiastical annulment as is the case in most of the civilised world. http://bit.ly/fURR5i
@schlangina So by your own argument, Annulments given by the Church goes against the teaching of Christ. How can there not be a marriage if a couple have children and then one of the couple asks for an annulment for one reason or another. Christ did not rule out divorce if there was a 'Just Cause'.
@mikegold l-argument tieghi ma wegibtux. Jekk int qatt mort ghat tlugh tat-tombla taf li n-numru 69 jghidulu l-maqlubin ezatt bhat-twegiba tieghek lil silviofalzon. Ma nahsibx li kull min imur jilghab it-tombla hu baxx. Jekk int tifhem kif trid int il-problema hi tieghek.
@F****** Kbir SilvioFalzon ma ghandux bzonn avukati. Jaf jiddiskuti minghajr ma jkun baxx ghalkemm forsi ma naqblux izda ghandu dritt ghal punt. Kullhadd ghandu dritt ghal opinjoni, jiena xorta ser nivota LE u naf li hawn min ma jaqbilx mieghi imma ma nghajrux ghax bit tajjir ma tiehu xejn. il-paci mieghek
Donella Agius
Kemm hi wicca tost din Dr Schembri! Ma temminx fiz-zwieg li hu sal-mewt kif ghallem Kristu, u minhabba l-qliegh tal-flus trid li tahdem fit-tribunal tal-knisja. Veru ma tisthix!
@ Bonzo. Issa taf xi jmiss li jaghmlula lill Dr Schembri dawn il-qabda "fidili" tac-coqqa. Issa jehduha biid-dnub il-mejjet, wara ma jhaluhiex tqer u titqarben u wara li tmut jidfnuha fil-mizbla. DEJA VU. Ara lill qawk il-qabda minnhom li fottew kemm Alla halaq tfal. Dawn ma jaghmluhom xejn. Ituhom transfer ghal xi djocesi ohra sabiex jmorru jsibu u jaghmlu vittmi ohra.
Jekk il Knisja f'Malta ma tridx li jkollha x'taqsam ma kull minn hu mal moviment IVA ghad divorzju kull ma ghanda taghmel hu li tohrog direttiva li mhux ser taccetta flus minn ghand dawk kollha favur id-divorzju. Il-knisja donna li ma taghlmet xejn mill l-izbalji ta l-imghoddi.
talk about shooting yourself in the foot !!! this is the best thing that could have happened to the pro divorce movement ! just 2 considerations 1. Dr Schembri will not suffer in the long run, as i am sure that her clientele will surge following this; if nothing else, out of sympathy; i for one, will surely seek her out if i have the need. So chin up, girl; don't let them get you down. 2. This also highlights the present farce of having marriages in the 21st century Malta, who is part of the EU (sic), controlled by a bunch of Talibans. Does the EU have no object to this, or is it only concerned with the size and durability of condoms ????
Dawn jghidu li huma Insara. L-Ayotollah tal-Iran lanqas jibda maghhom ghal hdura li ghandom. Il-kelma Insara, ahseb u ara Kattolici ma tixirqielhomx.
The hissing in the ears between the politically militant Kurja and the leaders of the PN way back in the 80s and 90s, is reaping dividents: its pay back time for the Kurja now. Ghalhekk qed jergghu jaghmlu l-arja. PN the 'liberal Party'! How offensive!
I'm wondering what on earth is going through her clients' heads at the moment. First they wait long, long years to endure the process of a church annullment, then suddenly their lawyer suddenly cannot represent them any more and they have to start over with a new lawyer. Brilliant. I have listed my 10 reasons why I am voting a big, fat YES here. Let me know what you think: http://www.planetmona.com/opinions-on-planetmona/52-social/3524-why-i-am-voting-yes
Kont nahseb li dawn l-affarijiet f`pajjizi bhal IRAN jigru biss. Imisshom jisthu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
guess we are barking up the wrong tree...... the Church should be considered as a private organisation - and thus can set it's own rules, and charades - provided that nobody is compelled to join, and neither impeded from leaving fairly. I believe fingers should be pointed at government and politicians (who notwithstanding that they supposedly representing Civil Society), assigned the church with prerogative 'rights' over what otherwise are CIVIL COURTS jurisdiction and CIVIL RIGHTS. Maybe we better send these politicians (i believe parliament was also a PNPL playground even then), to clean up and rectify their 'mistake'!
And they say the church is neutral on this!!!! Yesterday we heard that it was helping the anti divorce movement and now this.This is going to backfire on the church .I am speechless when I hear things like these happening from the side of the church Dr Schembri you will certainly be getting my support
It is obvious where the stumbling block is. There are no clear demarcation lines between State and the Catholic Church. On this question of Divorce the state should have every right to grant a divorce to a citizen of this country if that citizen qualifies for a 'just cause' divorce. What will happen in this country when the Catholic faith is no longer representing the majority of this country? Will a civil war/ crusade have to take place in order to put the secular state in charge again??? I must say i underestimated our politicians' shrewdness for dropping this explosive hot ball into the electoral's lap.They have put citizen against citizen which will have repercussions in the next election and far beyond.
Ghal dawk kollha li qed isemmu d-demokrazija tal-knisja tajjeb li nfakkruhom li darba fil-programm xarabank ta' peppi l-kunduttur, meta kien mistieden Mons. Said Pullicino, wiehed gibidlu l-attenzjoni li l-awtoritajiet ekklezjastici ma jigux maghzula mill-poplu. U kellu ragun. Dawn min jaghzilhom ?. Il-Papa, jghidu bl-intercessjoni tal-Ispirtu Santu. Nistaqsi jien, liema Spirtu Santu illuminhom biex intaghzlu dawn is-suppost dixxendenti ta' Pietru: Stiefnu Vi, Gwanni XII, Benedittu IX, Bonifacju VIII, Alessandru VI, Ljun X Klement V u Klement VII. Aqraw fuqhom u taraw x'ezempju taw. Bestrjalita', pedofilja,omosesswali,konkubinagg, tfal illegittmi li mbaghad lahhquhom Kardinali, qtil, u hmieg iehor. U 'l-Kardinali u L-isqfijiet, min jaghzilhom ?. Ahna m'ghandna l-ebda sehem f'dawn l-ghazliet. U niftakar tajjeb, qabez Said Pullicin u ahmar nar ser jisplodi ghajjat,:Allahares il-Knisja kienet Demokratika" !!!. Tidhaq jew tibki ?. Allura meta tara min ha d-decizzjoni li jissospendi lill-avukatessa ma tiehu xejn bi kbir. Dawn razza faxxisti,fundamentalist u jigru wara l-poter. U mela hsieb l-erwieh !. Dawn hekk kienu, hekk ghadhom u hekk jibqghu. U jien nghid li dawn qed jiksru l-ligijiet civili. Dawn meta saret il-paci bejn il-Knisja u l-MLP fl-1969, kienu accettaw taht il-firma taghhom li QATT izjed ma kienu ser jimponu censura morali (Dnub mejjet) fil-politika. Dan mhu xejn ghajr Corrupt Practice u hawn fejn SUPPOST tidhol il-kummissjoni elettorali u twaqqaf dan it-terrur. Il-hasra hi li ghad hawn min jimpressjona ruhu bil-paroli ta' dawn l-inkwizituri moderni. Iftah mohhok ja poplu. Il-genna u l-infern f'din id-dinja qeghdin. Min hu komdu u ma jonqsu xejn, bhalhom tas-suttana, u tal-qalba li jqawdu u jerdghu demm il-haddiem, dawn qed jghixu fil-genna. Min hu batut u marid u m'ghandux flus bvizzejjed biex jghix dicenti qed jghix fl-infern. Ahseb haddiem u hares drittijietek u thallix lil min jilghab bik. Aqraw u tghallmu biex tifthu mohhkom.
chris caruana turner
Check out and sign the petition to reinstate Dr.Schembri. http://www.petitionbuzz.com/petitions/deborah
@ mikegold69 My friend, your reasoning is more like a 69 than to a 117. Silviofalson and all those in favour of divorce are not campaigning to have broken marriages BUT that broken marriages may have a solution to their problem. So your argument that if your child is on illicit drugs we should not campaign in favour of drugs but how to help your son solve his problem. Perhaps now you feel better and will consider voting IVA to help people in need of a new life. May your god bless you.
What "God" has joined together let no man separate. Mark 10: 6-9. Although I have never been divorced nor abused by my husband and have no personal stake for my views, outside of the fact that I understand abuse due to my childhood and have a heart for God and people, I believe that not all marriages performed by our legal system nor churches are necessarily marriages approved or joined by "God", as we can see by legalizing homosexual marriages. Furthermore God detested marriages between Israel and ungodly pagan nations in the Old Testament, which typifies the believer joined with the unbeliever. In the case of my friend, deceived to marry a controlling and abusive spouse who never committed to the marriage "under God", was never joined by God. I dare say it was detested and hated by God, as marriage is a covenant, a "conditional" covenant. Therefore God does not approve of all marriages, therefore not all divorce is sin, - that is unless, - you want to call God and Jesus Christ a sinner. This man was evil, deceptive, and merely used her for sex as he would a live - in whore and convenience as he would a maid. Secondly one can hardly call such a man a Christian, as one cannot ignore the Holy Sprit and His constant knocking to repent of sin, in this case of spousal destruction and satanic mind control. It is evil to pressure a woman into staying with an abusive unrepentant mate, and making the victim feel responsible, shaming and degrading her even more. We must consider him an unbeliever and let him leave, as he never meant to stay in the first place. 1Corinthians 7. While restoration is always Gods desire and first priority, it is impossible without repentance. By the way, Titus taught the husband of one wife. This does in no way speak of one spouse in your lifetime, or never divorced and remarried, but rather of marriage to one wife at a time, rather than many wives. If that were the case a widower could not remarry either. Thirdly an abused spouse is in bondage and cannot make Jesus Lord over her life as the abuser lords over her heart and mind, leaving the person unable to think correctly, living in constant fear rather than loving submission to God and each other. It is a known fact that spousal abuse causes damage to mind, soul, and spirit that is often irreversible. Never mind what it does to children. It is a miracle that my friend is who she is, not because of your help, but by the grace of God and her unswerving faith. Amazingly she still desires to go to church. I hope and pray she has not learned to go back for more abuse.
God hates divorce, but Himself divorced and remarried. It seems that even God is not good enough to sing at her church and lead in your organization, as even He who hates divorce, went ahead and divorced Israel because of her evil ways, and married another, the gentiles. Even God has enough sense to reject evil. Not until God raptures His church, and Israel repents at our Lord's second coming will God take her back, and marry her again, and then only those who repent. Jeremiah 3; Zechariah 12-14. My friend forgave this evil man for years, pouring out her Spirit of Grace, and was ready to forgive again and again, but he would not repent. I guess you expected her to have more power than God and do more than God could or would do. Who is good enough? Since you seem to be so concerned to only use "proper" people who have never divorced, to set the example, I wonder how you feel about using ex murderers, homosexuals, or adulterers, liars, and thieves? If you ask me I would rather be taught and trust a person who is divorced, that is if I did not believe in the power of a changed life through Christ. I also wonder why you are not concerned about using "proper" material. Why is it that you don’t rip up the biggest part of the New Testament written by Paul, a multi-murderer, the apostle to the gentiles, founder of many churches and great leader? We certainly would not want to follow anything he would have to say, would we? How about the Psalms written in large by King David, an adulterer and murderer, a "man after God's own heart?" I could go on and on but I am sure you get the point.
I want to vote in favour of the introduction of divorce for the non-catholic but my polling station is at the "Centru Familja Mqaddsa" in Iklin. What are the chances of the Judicial Vicar Said Pullicino forbidding me from setting foot on his holy ground to cast my vote, which in his opinion is against the church teachings. I'm not taking any chances...I just informed the 'holy' man who just came knocking on my door to 'bless' my home, that he is a swelcome here as much as Dr Schembri is welcome at the Curia.
Mike, bhalissa s-sitwazzjoni l-istess qedha ta, Dvorzju ghalha maltija, kull ma jonqshom li jinhallu mill-ewwel zwieg u min irid jizzewweg lil partner diga ezistenti, u min ma jridx jibqa kif ikun skond kif jixtiequ huma. Heq mhux kull min huwa separat ghandhu relazzjoni, Le! izda hija assurdita li xi hadd li kien ingannat sa mil-bidu nett jibqa jidher li ghadhu mizzewweg /separat ghal ligi.
le ta. Allura lil dak jew lil dik thallih mizzewweg jew mizewga ghall-isem? sakemm ma jigriex lilna jew lil uliedna jew ulied uliedna hemm hekk kollox sew.
It is time that this absurd charade that is the ecclesiastical tribunal is ended. . Parliament must, with immediate effect, repeal the law that grants the ecclesiastical tribunal any legal validity whatsoever. Annulments, and - in future - divorce, must be granted by a court of the land. If the church wants to add its own commentary on that decision, that's up to them, but only the real courts would have any meaning.
@ Silvio Mhux hazin ir-ragunar tieghek imma allura jekk xi hadd mit tfal tieghi jinqabad jiehu drogi tahseb li jkun sew li nikampanja sabiex d-drogi jsiru legali. il-paci mieghek
Meta jigri lil dak li jkun jew lil uliedu jew lil ulied uliedu, taf kemm tmurlu l-illuzjoni hux imbaghad. kulhad sugget f'din id-dinja. Kulhadd jaghti kelma tajba lil xulxin mhux hekk!! U min ikun gideb? u min ikun uzak , ghal skopijiet tieghu jew taghha?bili jizzewgek? Il=Bniedem jaf jigdeb ,dik il-problema. imbghad wara li juzawk , irabbu l-gwienah u jaharbu, u jhallu lil dak li jkun mizzewweg tal-isem u huma jkollom diga familja gdida u lee kemm qeghdin sew f'dan il-pajjiz . Ghandu jkun hemm tip ta ,tipo, zwieg annullat , u zgur li iva. heq imbaghd jiena nemmen li kulhadd ghnadhu dritt jghix hajtu hux hekk, ma tista izzom lil hadd.......
@ Tarcisio Mifsud MIn jghid kontra l-qorti nassigurak li jsib puluzija wara l-bieb b'tahrika fuq disprezz lejn il-qorti. Mhux hekk inti mur f'xi awla w xi avukat jghid kontra l-qorti forsi l-warrant ma jnehuielux izda l-hotel ikolok kamra b'xejn. Din hi stess messha irrezenjat bhal ma ghamel dak l-ufficjal tac-civil ta ha it-time off. Min qed jghid kontra l-knisja zgur li kien diga decizz li ser jivvota iva. Din l-ahbar li hargitha issa sabiex tghamel impatt w tpoggi l-knisja f'dell hazin. Dan kull ma jissejah konflitt ta' interess. Nahseb li tant hi ta' principju li b'xejn kienet tahdem ghax temmen li ghandha tghin.
A clear case of vindictiveness and the power the church has over this nation!! and do we really believe we live in a democratic country ! and are we really different from certain country's that are ruled by dictatorship? i think not we like to think so but it is nothing but a fantasy, the inquisition is well and truly alive in this country and unless the the people are freed from this kind of abuse by the THE HOLY CATHOLIC Church and the hate and venom that has been so clearly spread we are a sorry nation indeed ! but all this is in our hands we are the masters of our own destiny! it is all so clear money rules if only the blindfolds are taken off . Deborah Schembri you are a woman ahead of your times and with the mentality that still exists in Malta it is no surprised this happened so i wish you all the best and have the utmost respect for you.what goes round comes round .
Solidarjeta' ma' Dr Deborah Schembri wara d-decizjoni li titwaqqaf mix-xoghol taghha bhala avukat quddiem it-Tribunal Ekklesjastiku minhabba li qed tmexxi l-Moviment Iva ghad-Divorzju, Iva ghaz-Zwieg biex jidhol id-dritt civili tad-divorzju ghal dawk li z-zwieg taghhom tkisser u ma jistax jissewwa. Minbarra li ppruvaw jaghlqu halq Dr Deborah Schembri qeghdin ukoll iwegghuha billi jtellfulha d-dritt taghha li taqla' x'tiekol ghaliha u ghall-familja. ghinu lil deborah schembri biex terga tiehu xoghola lura http://www.petitionbuzz.com/petitions/deborah
U sa issa kulhadd sew min izzewweg bil-knisja u sew min izzewweg bic-civil ta kelma li qed jinghaqad fiz-zwieg ghal dejjem...jigifieri jekk xi darba jidhol il-ligi tad-divorzju ghanda tkun ghal min irid jiftiehem waqt iz-zwieg li qed jizzewweg skond il-ligi tad-divorzju u jkunu qeghdin jaghtu kelma lil xulxin flok sal-mewt sa meta jisseparaw. Ghax hawn hafna qed jinsew il-kelma li taw u l-weghda li ghamlu...u hawn ma hiniex qed nitkellem dwar fidi imma dwar kuntratt civili bejn tnejn.
Hafna nies qed jaghmlu hazin ihalltu l-Kurja Maltija mall-Knisja. Il-kurja Maltija hija maghmula minn nies tad-dinja, fost ohrajn minn hafna ipokriti ossessjonati bil-poter, bil-flus, u anke bil-politika u jaghmlu minn kollox biex izommu l-istatus quo. It-taghlim ta' SG Kristu juzawh fejn u kif jaqbel lilom - ezempju: dawn suppost hallew kollox warajhom biex jimxu wara Kristu imma kulhadd jaf li jaghmlu ezattament bil-maqlub. Veru jew le?! Fil-fatt wisq nibza li hafna nies jassoccjaw l-ipokrezija u n-nuqqas ta' religjozita' ta' xi membri tall-Kurja mall-Knisja vera ta SG Kristu u minhabba f'hekk tbghedu mir-religjon u nqatghu ghall-kollox mill-Knisja. Mhux ta' b'xejn li l-partecipazzjoni tan-nies fl-attivitajiet tal-knisja dejjem qed tonqos.
Jien ma nafx kif id-divorzju qed naghmluh fidi. Id-divorzju hu ligi civili li tfisser li z-zwieg ma ghadux ghal dejjem.. Ma hemm l-ebda twemmin ghax zgur ma ahniex qeghdin nitkellmu fuq is-sagrament. Fil-fatt l-vot ghadu ma giex u ma nafx immurx ghalih...Din qat ma kellha tkun f'idejn in-nies imma kellha tkun studjatha sew u skond ma jaqbel civilment isir minghajr ma nindahlu fuq is-sagrament taz-zwieg. Iz-zwieg sagrament ma hux ser jiccaqqlaq u min irid jizzewweg bhala sagrament dak ser jibqa ghal dejjem. Iz-zwieg fil-knisja hu sal-mewt. Jekk in-nies tivvota ghal ligi tad-divorzju z-zwieg isir sa meta jiftehmu mod iehor. Min jghid mod iehor ikun giddieb..Din cara daqs il-kristall..jekk trid zwieg temporanju allura itlob ghad-divorzju..jekk trid zwieg sal-mewt ibqa minghajr il-ligi tad-divorzju. Hawn hafna li ma jemmnu b'xejn u jaqblu li Malta tkun ahjar jekk jibqa zwieg sal-mewt. Nerga nghid li kull cittadin irrispettivament minn dak li jemmen jigifieri sew jekk kattoliku u sew jekk hu ateu jista jivvota le ghax kulhadd ghandu dritt jivvota kif ihoss li hu l-ahjar ghal malta. u din la hemm kwistjoni biex taghti cans u la hemm dittatura ma hemm xejn minn dan..imma la talbuna nesprimu ruhna kulhadd jivvota kif irid naturalment ninkludi lil min ihoss li ma ghandux ghalfejn jivvota...nahseb li din ghandha tkun id-demokrazija
Mark Fenech
Silent Citizen. Dik ma taħdimx mal-kurja, dik hija Avukata tal-klijenti tagħha. Mela sewwa għax Avukat jgħid kontra l-Qorti, ma jħallux jaħdem bħala avukat. Din fejn sibtha? Fejn qiegħda d-demokrazija?
Jessica Chetcuti
With this latest interference by the church, all that it’s done is to further my belief that voting “yes” is the right thing to do. It’s a wonder that the church hasn’t accused Dr Schembri as being a heretic, which in medieval times would mean a more severe punishment such as burning at the stake........Perhaps its early days yet.
"to the people of Malta, think with your heart, stop and think, the church is lying to you. they want to keep control over you. They are using the bible as a weapon against you. "Did they use the teaching of Jesus christ when they tortured and killed thousands of people, cause they weer non believers? Did jessu ever said of doing that? so why they did kill millions of people world wide just because they do not belive ? And remember "Unfortunateley , Noone is excluded from these social problems, Don't fool yourself, It can be your kids or oyur grandchildrn who might needed it in the future"! We never know what might happen to us, or our children or grandchildren! Vote yes to a divorce law," it will be there for whom needs it"! spread it all over the country. The law will be there for whom needs it. "what If it might happen your son/daughter? or your grandchildren in the FUTURE? who knows sometimes we close a door , that we might regret in the future, than the blame wil be all ours
Yet another nail in this despicable church's coffin. Everything it touches, it poisons.
here goes again, is this a replica of the 60's? the interdet is next??
Joseph Sant
They may not realise it but this is an enormous tactical mistake by the Church in general and Mgr. Said Pullicino in particular. This now introduces an element of vindictiveness into the campaign and in my opinion constitutes a clear case of undue influence and corrupt practice in terms of the General Elections Act. This is a direct punishment for choosing to vote in a particular way and if the Electoral Commission does nothing about it it would lose what little credibility it has left. As for the Church itself, well the Referendum may or may not make it but whatever the outcome, after this hideous campaign the church will be left with far fewer members. I for one feel that the thin thread that still tied me to the Catholic faith has finally snapped. In the words of Ghandi: I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.
Il-biza illi ghandha il-knisja qeda tipproggettah fuq in-nies.
Our Holy Curia feels truly threatened, as there is temporal power and money at stake. It is therefore time to draw claws and bare fangs...forget agape, brotherly love and the milk of human kindness. They have much to learn from that most illustrious and spiritual Augustinian, Martin Luther.
What next..burning at the stake?
@ josef "This is just another proof that democracy is a lie in this country run by the Talibans of GonziPN and the legal Mafia known as the church." Josef..qatt kellek xi dubju?? Forsi ridt il-prova...hawn hi!
BEJN IL LINJI...Kummenti bhal tieghek ifakkruni fi zmien l-imperu Ruman. Jew ma Cesari jew ma Kristu. Il verita hija li l-Knisja qed taparsi tilghaba li qed ma Kristu meta fil fatt qeghda ma Cesare!!!! Il Knisja taghna hija finta, mohhha biss biex izzom rwol ta poter u xejn aktar. Ma jimpurtahix min nies u mil bzonnijiet taghhom. Taparsi kontra li ligi Tad Divorzju minhabba l-Familji meta fil fatt hija kontra minhabba l-interess tal Knisja stess li huma l-Annulamenti. Dawn il Hnizrijiet f'isem Gesu jiridu jispiccaw. U ibqa fuq kliemi li ser ispiccaw habib, trid jew tridx il Knisja. Issa il linja tal pacenzja u tat toleranza qabzitha sew. Il poplu qed jindunha bil Paganizmu mohbi fil Kristjanezmu!!!!!! Le ma rridux aktar din il Knisja ta ngann!!!!! ....IBQA SODA DEBORAH, THALLIHOMX IWWAQFUK!!!!!
Komplu keccu n-nies mill-Knisja, mhux hekk trid ja Farizej. Il-Gudizzju jasal ghal kull;hadd tafux.
Igor P. Shuvalov
'min ma jridx ikun membru ma hemm l-ebda problema hlief li thalli lil min jemmen' Tajjeb qed tirraguna 'bejn il-linji', allura nistaqsi jekk veru tridu li thallu fil-liberta' lil min jemmen u lil min ma jemminx, ghaliex ma tridux tatu cans lil min ma jemminx biex jekk irid ikun jista' jiehu d-divorzju?
Galileo, Luther revisited.
Kulhadd irid li l-Knisja ma tindahalx fic-civil u hawn kulhadd jippretendi li issa lanqas ma ghandha trid tesprimi x'inhu t-taghlim tal-kinsja u kif trid timxi...Mela hekk sew min irid jemmen u min ma jridx jemmen ghandu jaghmel parti mill-istess knisja...Jien zgur ma naqbel xejn ma dan il-paroli. Fil-knisja tkun membru jekk trid...pero jekk trid tkun membru allura trid timxi mar-regoli tal-knisja......kemm hi tajba issa mela l-knisja tajba fejn jaqblilna....fejn jidhol is-socjal hadd ma jghid li dejjem kienet l-ewwel...u had ma jghid min ser ikun kapaci jaghmel dak li qed taghmel il-knisja...per ezempju...per eccellenza Dar il-Providenza ....per ezempju kemm djar ghal min hu f'xi bzonn...u ma nistax ma nsemmix kemm issir karita minghajr daqq ta trombi... Mela naghlaq billi nerga nghid li biex tkun parti mill-knisja hi l-ghazla tieghek..jigifieri jekk trid...u tinsiex li jekk taghzel li tkun membru trid toqghod ghar-regoli...min ma jridx ikun membru ma hemm l-ebda problema hlief li thalli lil min jemmen..jibqa jemmen u jkum parti mill-knisja...daqskemm ghandu dritt min ma jridx jemmen daqstant iehor ghandu dritt min irid jemmen..u fuq id-divorzju t-taghlim tal-knisja hu car hafna...le gha-divorzju.
Georgette Bezzina
Give me Archbishop Michael Gonzi any time! At least you know were you stand with him. My late mum used to teach us to beware of someone who is all smiles. If the church wants to hit beneath the belt; we should do likewise. Boycott her activities and do not give any money during church service.
I find it so strange that the Roman Catholic church has no (zero) credibility in its church/believers. Examples: Abortion can be legalized - But I will not participate Lying is vastly accepted and practiced - But I refrain from lying Temptation has to exist so as to finally separate the wheat from the darnell. Divorce can be legalized but in a true marriage a person should not seek recourse. The sad situation is that the church tribunal is not very capable of separating the truthful marriages from the untruthful ones.(ie: when originally contracted/oaths were taken) However the time to decide a case does vary form person to politician. I have no doubt that a person's status will have weight when he/she is finally (& truthfully) judged.
Imma x' tippretendi li taqdi li Alla u xitan. Mela JPO mal pn imma kontra l-principji tal pn din kontra it-taghlim tal-Knisja u trid tibqa tgawdi.
That is ABUSE from the church Authority.
Don't give up Deborah! Just remember that they are what in Maltese we call HODOR and they will do anything and I mean anything to preserve the power of the church. Even stoop to dirty tricks! For a criticism of the Church's stand on divorce log on: [email protected]
IS this the way how to enlighten us to vote against Divorce ? I was waiting to see some changes in the REAL preperation of couples before marriage.
So FR. Camilleri wants to eliminate the religious syllabus that is taught in the school. How sad that in this country nobody has come forward to eliminate the hypocrisy that exists between the state and the curia. And for all those that are hiding behind the teaching of the curia and not the teachings of Jesus Christ, have you no shame? Dr. Schembri your mission is justified and sincere, so remember this is the same church that denied Galileo and Luther. Back to the 1950's & 1960's. It's what a truely screwed up EU state ordered.
"She said that Archbishop Paul Cremona told her he would lobby with the judicial vicar to have the decision overturned or ‘downgraded’ to a temporary suspension. " Archbishop Cremona has the authority to ORDER the removal of the ban. In theory at least. In practice, I doubt if he can go to the loo without getting permission from Anton Gouder first.
Isabelle Borg
This is just another proof that democracy is a lie in this country run by the Talibans of GonziPN and the legal Mafia known as the church.
Igor P. Shuvalov
Mela lil min nghatuh il-leave minn mal-Gvern, lil min nghatuh il-leave mill-Kurja biex jahdem fil-Moviment kontra d-Divorzju, u lil min nissugrawlu hobzu ghax qieghed fil-Moviment ta' l-'Iva'. X'Demokrazija!!! X'valuri nsara!!!
Just makes me more determined to do the right thng and vote Yes for the right to live my life as I want to without interference from Government and even less from a Church. If and only if there is a God,he most definetely is not a Catholic.
Dr.Schembri, with respect, you could have expected that from the church, since you seems like a threat to them. You know the church wants absolute power , by going against their way, you became a threat for their power over marriages.
Vote against PN, Its the PN fault for all about this divorce charade. this hate from the No divorce (PN+The church) Keep your hatred for yourself, all the venom you have inside your heart. Give the people the freedom, the choice , the right to live freely. Down to the church and PN.
How DARE she insist that the world is round? . Sersiously, Catholics complain when we bring up the inquisition as an example of the harm caused by the church. This article shows that only the methods have changed, not the attitude.