Moviment Iva adverts turned down by PN secretary-general

PN-owned media turned down paid adverts promoting divorce and printed anti-divorce ads free of charge, Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando says.

Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has stated that a request for the publication of adverts in PN media was turned down by PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier.

Pullicino Orlando was reiterating claims that the anti-divorce movement Zwieg bla Divorzju was benefiting from free services from the Nationalist Party. The movement has denied the allegation, which Pullicino Orlando made yesterday in a strong reaction to questions by a PN journalist over the production of Moviment Iva television spots by Labour-owned One Productions.

"I personally asked Paul Borg Olivier to give us a paid prime time adverts on NET TV (before NET news), and he turned us down. I personally spoke to Joe Cassar, deputy editor of Il-Mument, and asked him to forward a request for paid adverts in Media.Link papers and he later informed me that this request was turned down.

“After having seen adverts for the anti-divorce camp on Media.Link papers yesterday morning I called Mr Cassar asking him to try to rectify this imbalance. He promised to speak to Dr Paul Borg Olivier about the issue today as he was apparently abroad. I reconrmed this request after yesterday’s press conference.”

Speaking during a Moviment Iva press conference on Tuesday, Pullicino Orlando slammed the “insinuations” of the question by the Media.Link journalist.

He said that he felt it was unacceptable that the PN media tried to allege some sort of ‘connection’ between the Labour Party and the Moviment Iva, when the PN media had turned down paid advertising promoting the introduction of divorce.

Pullicino Orlando also said that the PN media was printing advertising for the anti-divorce camp free of charge. “It is not acceptable for the party we both form part of to be preferential in this way,” he told the journalist.

Pullicino Orlando said that he had requested that advertising be carried within the PN media both with Media.Link management, and PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier.

Responding to the journalist’s question, Labour MP Evarist Bartolo said that the Moviment Iva’s TV spots involved the production and filming contribution of both PN and PL supporters.

My Dear J.P.O. By now you should have reilised that the P.N.and the Church are both supporting the "Moviment Le ghad-Divorzju". This is the same party that you form part of it. This is the same party who said that he beleve in Justice and liberty. Now you have more then enough proof,what type of justice,liberty and freedom your party beleve in. You are one of them,and they stab you in the back. You can imagine what they do to their adversaries. What P.B.O. have to say about this? Mela immuta dak il purcinell?
Il-beatu Pawlu Borg Olivier qed jimxi fuq il-passi tar-Reverendu Tonio Borg u skond kif qalilhom San Lawrenz Gonzi, protettur tal-politikanti arroganti u tal-klerici konservattivi, frustrati u ipokriti. U naturalment San Gonzi qed jiehu l-ispirazzjoni tieghu minghand dak li bghat ruxxmata Maltin l-infern fis-sittinijiet. Minghalih!
Why is Malta Today trying to belittle the holy divorce war ? The Nationalist Party has always been the Church party, and its leader is a "uomo mandato da Dio". And the party is even better than the Son. He once turned water into wine; the party once had a supporter who turned water into whiskey ! So never doubt the holy credentials of our local Hizbollah, and grow up !
The PN (under quasi St Gonzi) is the biggest lie in this country. It proclaims itself to be a democracy but in actual fact it's nothing else but a lackey of the Church. However if JPO wants to be credible he should remember that actions speak louder than words and his place in Parliament with the PN side is now no more tenable!
Maureen Attard
Stop crying JPO, will yopu please? Don't repeat the story of the last election. This time you are with Alfred Sant and he is not going to say anything about the Mistra project because you are in support with the PL. I hope the PN don't except your nomination for the next general election.
JPO does not belong to the PN. I admire him for his radical ideas, but unfortunately he belongs to a party which its expiry date has long been expired.
Another nail in the coffin of a party who once used to portray itself as the champion of democracy. No stone is being left unturned to try and edge out Moviment Iva. However unless the referendum result will result in a yes victory the PN is destined for a mega-thumping at the next general elections. With the once Christian Democrat party now totally hijacked by a few theocrats the demise will be swift and certain. The decisions being taken to win a battle but lose the war are so stupid they defy even basic logic.....but ultimately that's probably a characteristic of theocrats.
I remember quite well before the 2008 general elections that the PN issued JPO with a press card so that he would face Dr.Alfred Sant during a televised conference.Many people didn't agree with the stand that Dr. Sant took, but he made the best decision at that particular time. It's good that we tolerate, because now even JPO knows that the PN media machine has got no limits, and they do whatever is needed to achive their aim. Maybe that's one reason that JPO made the private members bill about divorce now.I think that he(JPO) was very frustrated for being used and squashed and then didn't get any recognition for being elected from 2 electoral districts. I don't blame him at all, because I would have done even worse than him!!!!!
JPO issa taf ezatt minn xhiex ilu ghaddej il partit laburista taht din id dittatura demokratika. Ghal poter jaghmlu kollox anke johorgu press cards overnight ghal stunts politici, jekk il ghadek tiftakar.
Luke Camilleri
Wasn't JPO part of the PN media? He even had a Press Card if I recall correctly and attended Press Conferences with the P.N. Ticket..... He is just getting a taste of his own Party's medicine as the back-benchers seem to get from time to time to stay quiet and in their place.... and the price is right for some of them !
JPO don't blame anybody, just blame it on yourself, you are part of the pn clan
I belive that this is the end of the PN in goverment, Been many years , so I believe that the PN era is and must be over in 2years time. Remember the General election will be won by the votes of all maltese citizens, not just by some who writes here. I been into PN since 1987, but now am fed up.. Till the PN don't change it's leadership,than i won't . The PN must change ,also Malta must become a real secular state, Till than I will never do again, No secularism? So there can never be Equal rights? Hmm It's not "for you equal rights, But for All"!
Jahasra: its a replica of Guinta or umbrella politics. I wonder who is going to shoulder the responsibility within the Church, Grech,or Cremona, for the spiritual damage it is being done to the Church: spiritual not religious, which are the real values that will count in the future. I can't understand how supposedly intelligent monsignors, can't grasp the difference betwen being for State/Church separation, and being unti Church. State/Church separation is a cultural aspiration, brought about by undue ingerence of the Maltese Church on things pertaining to the State. This is a result of history and the addiction to PN politics by the majority of the Kurja's nomenklatura. These are using the Church to further their own politico/ religious fanatism which could also manifest itself, in the trappings of the Triumphant Church down memory lane.