Gonzi categorical: S&P downgrade result of Opposition’s vote against budget

Prime Minister insists credit rating downgrade was Opposition’s fault despite reasons elicited by Standard & Poor’s.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi remains convinced that a downgrade by credit rating agency Standard & Poor's of Malta's long-term sovereign credit rating to BBB+ was the Opposition's fault after it voted against the budget for 2013.

In its general overview, S&P indeed refers to the failure of a 2013 budget being adopted, however it also specifies in its rationale that the growing government debt and liabilities from loss-making companies like Enemalta are the cause of the downgrade.

But Gonzi insisted that the downgrade, motivated by a rise of €300 million in Enemalta debt in the past three years and a doubling of the deficit since 2008, was down to Labour's decision not to approve the budget.

"Standard & Poor's certificate is categorical: our country was downgraded because the Budget was not approved in parliament," he said, adding that to the credit rating agency this had meant "a certain instability had been created".

Gonzi merely referred to S&P's mention of Enemalta, described as an "ailing energy utility", as "something that could cast some doubt".

The Prime Minister said he didn't expect the Opposition to vote in favour of the budget, but that he was surprised that it voted against when Labour leader Joseph Muscat was expected to implement it.

When pressed over the fact that the budget vote fell through because of a member of his own parliamentary group - Franco Debono - voted against, Gonzi said: "everyone knew what the reality was".

"I was always clear that whether the budget was approved or not, I would call elections early in 2013... it was time for elections anyway," Gonzi said.

Once again, the Prime Minister put the onus on Muscat who, according to Gonzi, could have voted in favour of the budget "in the national interest and then choose to vote against the ministerial budgets on ministers' salaries to show a vote of no confidence.

"Never in Maltese history have we heard of a leader of the Opposition who says he will implement the government's budget if elected. So can someone explain what's the logic in voting against something you agree with?"

"It was obvious that Muscat wasn't seeing the national interest but the interest of his party".

Taking the political situation in Italy as an example, Gonzi said that despite the disagreement between coalition parties, they had still approved the budget in the national interest before heading in for elections.

Gonzi also asked that the national debt "be seen in perspective", mentioning the case of countries with higher debt levels than Malta's. "But the question to ask is how was that debt generated? In our case, it was through capital projects to improve the University of Malta and the investment in the Delimara power station. Let's not forget that in 2001 and 2003 government had to absorb the debt of the Malta Drydocks when the European Union agreed to our restructuring programme."

"I don't want to blame Labour for that debt, but they still had 16 years to manage a dockyard that was then bankrupt and draining the country's coffers".

The Prime Minister said his government was aiming that by 2015 a balanced budget would be reached, so that national debt could start be addressed and taken down to below 60% of GDP.

Fenea , meta inti qed tgħid li fl-Italja il-partiti kollha kienu ivvutaw favur il-budget għax kienu responsabbli , min naħa l-oħra int ma kontx pesponsabbli għax ma għidtx li dan ma kienx marbut ma vot ta' fiduċja fil-gvern bħall ma kien marbut fil-kas ta' Malta għax hekk ried l-għaref Prim Ministru ta' jdejħ sodi . Imkien fid-dinja l-oppozizzjoni ma tivvota mal-gvern fil-budget meta jkun marbut ma vot ta' fiduċja fil-gvern .
mela dan ir raport is f"gurnata sur gonzi mela qed tahsibna tfal
@Tarcisio Mifsud.......propju pajjiz gar taghna l-italja ix xahar l-iehor il partiti kollha kienu responsabbli u ghax riedu il gid ghall pajjizhom, approvaw il budget ghax kienet se ssir elezzjoni u biex il pajjiz ikollu bazi finanzjarja fuq x'hiex jimxi. joseph muscat inghata dak ic cans biex juri li ried il gid ghal pajjiz u biex ikun responsabbli, u kontra hafna pariri li inghata webbes rasu u ivvota kontra il budget. ZBALL IEHOR TA JOSEPH MUSCAT.
Yes,it is always Labour's fault.Even the Tuesday's hailstorm was caused by J.Muscat.I just wonder how gullible some people are to beleive all this hogwash coming from GonziPN.
Dazgur, dan il-vergni u pur qatt ma zbalja, qatt ma ghamel xejn hazin, hu l-perfett, il-midluk. Il-Budget falla minhabba li membru parlamentari tal-GonziPN ivvota kontra.Il-budget falla minhabba l-istupitagni ta' min b'arroganza u bi sfida hallat u ballat il-vot tal-budget ma vot ta'fiducja.
At this point, Gonzi can be as categorical as he likes. The real question is how credible is he? Will the electorate believe him now after years of his (and his ministers') bombast, thinly-veiled deceit and high-handedness. I think not. There is a price to pay for sending out thousands of signed letters with your name on them making promises you have absolutely no intention of keeping.
Incompetent GonziPN thinks that we are all fools - headless chickens actually. I really pity him, he is so pathetic. We've had more than enough of you, Gonz. It's time to retire.
Ghalxejn thambaq. Ma baqa hadd jemmnek hlief l-erba ta' madwarek li mlejtilhom il-but. Prim Ministru tal-gideb u Ministru tal-Fallimenti.
Meta xi 40 sena ilu kont il-Mużew, kienu jgħidulna li jekk tibqa f'listess żball u anke jekk tmeri s-sewwa mgħaruf, tkun qed tagħmel dnub kontra l-Ispirtu Santu. Dan bqajt niftakru sew avolja kont tifel. Imma gonżipn dan ma' jafux? Qatt ma qalilek iz-ziju gonż?
Dan li ser ngħid mhux għall Laburisti izda Nazzjonalisti ġenwini u għall dawk kollha li għandhom sens ta' onesta fil-ġudizzju tal-fatti . Possibbli li għad għawn xi Nazzjonalist li għadu ma indunax kemm dan il-bniedem jgħawweġ il fatti , jigdeb u jwaħħal f'ħaddieħor dak kollu li hu u hadd ħliefu ma għandu ħtija tiegħu ? Possibbli li Nazzjonalisti ġenwini għadhom jappoġġjaw lill dan il-bniedem li ħlief firda ma gabx fil-partit tagħhom stess ? Tistgħu tibqgħu tafdawħ izjed wara li kien imgiddeb għall diversi drabi ? Jigdeb u jinqabad u għalieħ qisu ma ġara xejn . Daqshekk għandu wiċċu tost , dan il-bniedem . Jgħid ħaġa u jagħmel oħra .
Possibbli dan ghadu m'ghandunax li sar l-akbar cajta politika tal-millenju? Jiftah halqu u jifqa lil kulhadd bid-dahk. Xejn xejn wara l-elezzjoni jista' jibda carriera bhal stand-up comedian!
Gonzi is copying Tonio's strategy for this election campaign. Mainly consisting of the slogan, "How to lose voters, and bury yourself under 6 feet of rubbished opinions and mutterings".
Luke Camilleri
Irrid very jkompli jdahhaq dan is-sembjanza ta' Prim Ministru... U AKTAR MA JIPPROVA JDAHHAQ AKTAR QIEGHED IBIKKI b'dawn l'attentati PATETICI biex jahbi l'inkompetenzi tat-talent limitat tal-Ministri li dawwar lillu innifsu bihom!
@ Gonzi Jaqaw tahseb li kullhadd beccun? Hallina trid, iktar ma tiftah halqek iktar qieghed iddahhakna!!!
Gonzi thinks that by repeating the same lies endlessly, people will believe them.
Ic-certifikati tajbin minghand Merkel johodhom hu; bic-certifikati hziena ta S and Poor's jehel Muscat! Bhal tal-heavy fuel oil: jiehu decizjoni zbaljati hu: inhallsu l-kontijiet u arja mahmuga ahna! Anqas l-logika m.hi fis-sod ahseb u ara l-finanzi li teffahhom gol-bir-tas-skieken!
Gonzi thinks that by repeating the same lies endlessly, people will believe them.
And whose fault is it? Did not Franco tell Gonzi 100 times over not to present the budget? PL told him several times, but Gonzi's hard headedness said" ma tkunx waqet id dinja jekk il budget ma jaghdhiex" u ma ghadhiex u issa ta xejn joqghod iwahhal fil Pl. Ahjar imur jinheba u jfittex iwarbilna
And whose fault is it? Did not Franco tell Gonzi 100 times over not to present the budget? PL told him several times, but Gonzi's hard headedness said" ma tkunx waqet id dinja jekk il budget ma jaghdhiex" u ma ghadhiex u issa ta xejn joqghod iwahhal fil Pl. Ahjar imur jinheba u jfittex iwarbilna
And whose fault is it? Did not Franco tell Gonzi 100 times over not to present the budget? PL told him several times, but Gonzi's hard headedness said" ma tkunx waqet id dinja jekk il budget ma jaghdhiex" u ma ghadhiex u issa ta xejn joqghod iwahhal fil Pl. Ahjar imur jinheba u jfittex iwarbilna
Gonzi thinks that by repeating the same lies endlessly, people will believe them.
Igor P. Shuvalov
"Gonzi categorical: S&P downgrade result of Opposition’s vote against budget." That's the only thing he can say to try to save his face and his Government's failures.
imma kif ma jisthix dal bniedem,Malta kollha tghidlu li qieghed ihawwad u jibqa jghis l istess,dan gieghed sew jew??
A Lady was begging money so that she can have a piece of bread. This happened today in Tower Road Sliema at about 2,30pm. Well done Gonzi , you manage to take us back to the SIXTIES.
How ridiculous can this man be. Budgets are passed by governments and not by the opposition. You preferred Gatt keeping his ministry to Franco Debono's vote. Since you knew very well, as you have been publicly warned by Franco Debono that you do not have the numbers to pass the budget you should have been honourable enough to hand in your resignation. So yes YOU are the ONLY person responsible for the failure of the budget. YOU are acting like a spoilt boy. YOU ruined your party. YOU ruined the country.
No Mr PM,the downgrading by S&P was thanks to your incompetence of running this government. The PN is just as responsible as the PL in voting down the budget. It was thanks to you and your arrogant one that the budget was voted down. You knew the terms and you decided to take a chance like you decided to do with the divorce initiative and you lost both times. One good look at the deficit and you can put two and two together. You and your Finance Minister cannot keep spending money the country does not have. Even a CUC knows that. You called the election in 2013 because you had to, and no other reason. Stop pointing fingers and admit you have screwed up royally. Our children and grandchildren will remember this in years to come when they are paying for your mistakes like some of us are paying for the mistakes that other governments made.Time will tell...
We are one step ahead of Greece, i.e JUNK status and Gonzi tells us its Labout Fault. Is this a step away from insanity?? After 25 years of Nationalist Government its Labour's Fault. Do you want to tell us that Mintoff should have saved more in order for you to spend how much you like? Do you honestly pretend that after all you did to increase poverty and thosands of people can't make endsmeet, you will be TRUSTED by the Maltese People again???
Dear Dr. Gonzi, Kindly stop insulting people's intelligence. For anyone who has read the report by S & P, it is quite obvious that the budget vote had nothing to do with the downgrade. Your administration has been a complete sham. For too long you have tried to hide the obvious state of affairs in the nation's finances. It is about time that people realise that the only word that describes such action is...LIES!
Tell it to the marines. Economists are all of one mind - S&P downgarding is the fault of government. Gonzi should be reminded that a balanced budget was supposed to have been achieved by end 2010. Gonzi is always moving the goalposts.
The longest list ever was given by Joseph Muscat as regards why he had no faith in the government, after which he voted against the government, as was his duty. Claiming that S&P do not know what they are doing is unbelievable; who are you kidding?
Mark Fenech
Insomma kelma waħda hemm. Ma jafx jistħi r-raġel, dejjem it-tort ta' ħaddieħor barra tiegħu. Dan min mindu l-oppozizzjoni trid tivvota mal-gvern waqt il-budget. Qatt ma nsemet f'pajjiżi fejn hemm id-demokarzija din l-iskuża. Arroganti.
It is incredible. We have a Prime Minister who twists facts, half facts and downright untruths black and blue every time he opens his mouth. We can all read the S & P Report, we are not fools. How can he keep on debasing himself to such absurd levels to blame Joseph Muscat for the absolute failure of this GONZIPN Government to rein in public debt, public spending, lack of employment of women, and lack of entrepreneurial activities as is VERY CLEARLY STATED BY THE S & P downgrade report. Since when has any opposition in the democratic world voted in favour of a Government on a Vote of Confidence. The people of Malta will soon pass their own vote of no confidence in the GONZIPN team. We have had enough of lies, more lies and even more lies.
Had the PN opted for a shorter election campaign S&P preoccupation that a qtr of the 2013 budget on hold is being wasted would have not led to the down grading. At the Milano DUE Tonio Fenech stated that all the PL proposals are the PNs proposals therefore with conviction I say the party to blame for this downgrade is the PN The PN has reached a status quo political platau, the PN must be ousted out at the polls this coming election. Malta's debt level has surpassed the 75% mark against the GDP (in short verging on recession)The PN has lost political focus and it's vision is blurred and its only driving force is remaining in power by offering sheer empty talk
When the MLP left in 1987, the coffers were hardly "drained." The drainage began with the PN and their cavalier attitude towards fiscal responsibility. What caused the downgrade is the PN created Alpine level of debt. For that they have only themselves to blame. To put the blame on Joseph Muscat is so pathetic that even the Nationalists themselves can't believe that their leaders would stoop so low. Real statesmen would admit their mistakes. Political midgets point the finger of blame at others.
I am beginning to think that LG truly believes in his denial of reality and finds solace in a new form of political categorical imperative which states that he and his party are necessarily and naturally always right and that the opposition is always intrinsically wrong in whatever it proposes or does. I would say that the majority see through this flawed categorical imperative and that for them it is imperative for this country to move forward that it is time that LG and his party are roundly defeated in the coming elections.
Poor ole Gonz. Still hasn't woken up to the realities to the disasters his OWN tribe has created.
maria aquilina
Issa vera dejjapt u qazzizt lil kull minn ghandu nitfa grey matter wara ghajnejh. L-aktar prim ministru irresponsabbli li naf f'dawn l-ahhar 60 sena f'Malta.
Yes dear....and pigs will fly!