Nationalists pledge €1,000 per child in specialised pension fund

All children born from 2013 onwards to get €1,000 in pension fund.

"Everything is possible... if our finances stay on a sound footing," Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said today of new proposals he unveiled for parents and their children. "We are planning to create 25,000 new jobs in the next five years, as long as we keep our public finances aimed at reducing our budget to zero and getting a surplus."

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has pledged to invest €1,000 in a special pension account for every child born from 2013 onwards, if the Nationalist government is re-elected to power.

Gonzi said today that one of the biggest challenges for future generations was to have a sustainable and adequate pension for the future.

He said the government had already faced the immediate challenge of increasing the contribution rate and retirement age as part of the first phase of pension reform.

Announcing four specific measures aimed at childcare and improving work-life balance for children, Gonzi said every child born would have a specialised pension fund that will start off with €1,000 from the government, and will be administered together with the financial institutions.

Gonzi said the PN would publish details of this fund later, since it would involve the participation of financial institutions.

The prime minister also said the PN would introduce a €5 million voucher-based system for parents to choose the childcare centre of their choice, whether run by the government or private companies, and to parents who are either in full-time employment or studying.

The two other measures Gonzi said a re-elected Nationalist government would introduce were sick leave for working parents whose children fell sick, and a budgetary measure to increase basic children's allowance from €350 to €450.

And what about the children that were born before than? Why should they be treated lesser than the ones born in 2013? He promised this just because he knows that he will not be in Govt. in the next 5 years! It would have been better had he offered to increase the children's allowance for ALL. I for one get only 350 A YEAR for the simple reason me and my husband work! I cant afford to be a stay at home mum.. but mind please not I do not have a high pay check 600 euros a month but at least it is something.. but this? Its just plain ridiculous!
And what about the children that were born before than? Why should they be treated lesser than the ones born in 2013? He promised this just because he knows that he will not be in Govt. in the next 5 years! It would have been better had he offered to increase the children's allowance for ALL. I for one get only 350 A YEAR for the simple reason me and my husband work! I cant afford to be a stay at home mum.. but mind please not I do not have a high pay check 600 euros a month but at least it is something.. but this? Its just plain ridiculous!
Luke Camilleri
That's the only pension they'll be getting....maybe! Gonzi won't be here to honour that pledge!
Gonzi thinks that he is dealing with idiots. The good news is not for the children but for the trust fund managers who will be playing around with money and the poor "child" will not be able to touch it before he reaches 65 years of age if he makes it. I hope these trust funds will not have the same end as the trust funds tyhat collapsed during the 2008 debacle. Then byebye dreams! B'min tahseb li qed tit*****k?
Who will pay, cos I won`t.
Issa it tfal kollha li jitwieldu wara 2013 ghandhom jghidu grazzi kbira li Gonzi talli flok 12,000 euro dejn ikollhom 11,000 euro dejn kull wiehed. Sur prim ministru mur gibek hloqthom int il paga minima-- il-Bonus--Leave- Penzjoni--Kura medika b xejn-- edukazzjoni-- vot lil mara--Plots li tqasmu kwazi b xejn Flats-- Mesonettes-- Mid Med-- Air Malta--- Sea Malta-- u lista ma tispicca qatt. Ara kieku kemm tippopa sidrek u tiffanfra sur Prim Ministru
Din tajba ukoll . Izda donnu din ta mill-lum il quddiem donnha tixbaħ lill xi liġi oħra li kienet giet proposta mil-gvern u li ma sab ebda ċans biex jagħmilha . Tgħid irid jagħmilha hekk biex dawk kollha li twieldu qabel ma jkunux eliġibbli għaliha ? Issa qed niftakar il-liġi l-oħra x'kienet ,din kienet il-liġi tal-whistleblower li ukoll kienet min meta issir liġi il-quddiem , biex dawk kollha li kienu wettqu xi korruzzjoni qabel tkun daħlet il-liġi , ma jkunux jistghu jittieħdu passi kontra tagħhom .
Hello out there! Is anyone there? So more promises and that is good, I for one like promises, all my life I had promises. For being good my mom used to promise me half a penny I guess from here pocket full of pounds that never materialized. Now can I ask: Why we still are without the pharmacy of your choice as promised in 2010? Why the 300 euro grant for those over 80 has not yet arrived for 2012? Why those 78-79 years promised to get 300 euro too will get it two groups, next year one group and the other the following year. Is that what has been promised if that the case I am not aware? What some politicians do to us who they call cwiec or imzazen!
I am sorry but the new phase of this campaign has reached the point where all focuses on credibility, and Dr Gonzi has lost it completely.Sir, most people are discussing PL`s proposals, and when I ask friends around me about Dr.Gonzi`s, they either look blank, or simply underlines the fact that this government has played with truth too much
Is this being financed by GonziPN's coffers? If so, the proposal is great: if not GonziPN irid jghatti ix-xemx bl-gharbiel'!
Is this being financed by GonziPN's coffers? If so, the proposal is great: if not GonziPN irid jghatti ix-xemx bl-gharbiel'!
.... grazzi ..... grazzi ...... grazzi .... grazzi ... grazzi hafna, hafna, hafna, hafna dottor gonz also known as nannu christmas ..... dal-lejl, bejn il-hdax u nofs il-lejl halli f'idi .... forsi noqghod ftit imqareb .... imma bis-sahha tieghek, mhux se jkolli ghalfejn ninkwieta .... ghax int ghal kulhadd tahseb ... kemm ghal min hu hawn kif ukoll ghal min ghad irid jigi .... u dal-lejl se nkun qed nahseb fik ..... taf int .....
Great, what a waste of taxpayer's money! Money that can only be used in 2078 at the earliest, although at the rate we're going it is hard to imagine that the pensionable age won't be much higher by then! For years the Maltese taxpayer has been paying for the pensions of previous generations and now they are going to be asked to pay for that of future generations too! What a gip!
Insejtuhom il-weghdi tat-tabib ta l-ghazla tieghek b'xejn? insejtuha l-weghda tal-LM5 fil-gimgha lin-nisa li jibqghu d-dar? U weghdi ohrajn....
Paul Sammut
Il-lostra, dan it-tqassim tal-gid kollu f'daqqa wahda min fejn gej. Jaqaw stenbahna u sibna il-credit card ta' Father Christmas taht l-imhadda.