GWU expects new Labour government to reverse public holiday ban

Union tells Joseph Muscat it expects new Labour government to restore public holidays on weekends.

Labour has expectedly roped in the support of its traditional ally, the General Workers Union, at least to go by a declaration from secretary-general Tony Zarb that "for Malta to have a secure future, we need a Malta that is for all," he said, borrowing the party's electoral slogan.

"Labour will not be making any promises it won't keep," Labour leader Joseph Muscat reiterated to the General Workers Union's national council today.

Muscat told the union that his party was ready to work with all employers and unions, and said that he looked forward to cultivate this spirit.

Muscat said the PL's flagship proposal to reduce tariffs was also a proposal in favour of a better quality of life, adding that Labour was committed to fight the incidence of precarious work.

A new Labour government will also offer surplus workers absorbed by the Industrial Projects and Services (IPSL) a collective agreement, after their salary had been frozen for a number of years.

A second commitment, Muscat added, was to give members of disciplined corps the right to join the union of their choice, but without a right to strike. "This will definitely lead to a new chapter in this history if industrial relations in Malta," he said.

GWU deputy secretary-general Michael Parnis said that the GWU was looking forward to scrutinise the programmes of both parties to see which of their proposals have been included.

On his part, GWU secretary-general Tony Zarb said he hoped that PL would continue to embrace proposals put forward by the GWU. "We have fought hard against increased utility bills and the PL has embraced our proposals with regards on LGBT rights, family-friendly measures, energy and on health. We hope to see more of our suggestions being taken on board."

Zarb said the GWU was ready to work with everyone, as long as there was a reciprocal commitment to work with the union. "For two years we have talked about the injustices this union has suffered under this government and not once was this denied by the government."

Zarb said his union expected that a new Labour government reverses the abolition of leave-days in lieu during public holidays that fall on weekends. "We appeal to politicians to be honest, because those who take people for a ride cannot expect to govern. I tell families and workers not to trust the leadership of this country in the hands of those who took them for a ride."

fenea - Taht Gvernijiet Nazzjonalisti "Il-Haddiem dejjem gia stamt ta annimal li tajjeb biss biex jigi uzat u ihallas it-taxxi mill-paga tal-qamel li jinghata u li ghadu jinghata" Gvernijiet Nazzjonalisti dejjem ippruvaw ihamgu gvernijiet Laburisti bhal "illum gurnata ohra misruqa ...." bhal ma kienu igibu fin-Nazzjon. Dak illum kollu intnesa u saru jittrattaw il-haddiem ehzen milli kienu jghidu ghal gvernijiet Laburisti. Mintoff gabar il-haddiem miz-zibel, prostituzzjoni u ta lil bniedem l-integrita li kien jisthoqlu, forsi ma ghamilx bizzejjed, imma il-haddiem ghandu jibqa jiftakkar li Mintoff kien is-Salvatur, u in-niesa gabarhom milli jiprostitxiwwu ruhom biex ikollhom x'jieklu. Is-Sinjur kien jinqeda u jinqeda sew u minn KOLLOX bi skapitu ta poplu iz-zghir.
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If Justice is to be done, the workers should be given reimburments for what the PN Governmenrt stole from the workers.
The giving of leave in lieu of public holidays that falls on a weekend is absurd. The economy and our country to remian competitive ecannot afford this luxury. The initial idea of not working on holidys is so workers are with tbe family, and maybe attend mass, so if it is a holiday on Sunday workers are already with the family and do not need another day off. Come on in this time and day we need to be productive.