Axed deputy leader to represent Labour in delegation to foreign conference

After decrying Labour’s proximity to big business, Anglu Farrugia will represent PL in conference abroad, Muscat announces during fund-raiser.

Friends again? Anglu Farrugia will represent Labour in a delegation abroad, Joseph Muscat has announced.
Friends again? Anglu Farrugia will represent Labour in a delegation abroad, Joseph Muscat has announced.

The former Labour deputy leader Anglu Farrugia - unceremoniously axed from his position by Joseph Muscat over comments he made on the judiciary - will be representing the PL in a parliamentary conference abroad.

The stunning announcement was made by Labour leader Joseph Muscat this afternoon during the party's fund-raiser telethon, just a week after Farrugia accused Labour of being "too close" to construction developers.

Farrugia was asked to resign his post as deputy leader for parliamentary affairs by Muscat after a speech he gave during a Labour rally in which he questioned the integrity of a magistrate. The decision came just days after a disastrous encounter with his Nationalist counterpart Simon Busuttil on Xarabank, in which Farrugia's debating skills appeared to put the Labour campaign in peril.

Since then, Farrugia has gone on record describing Muscat's action as a "stab in the back", as well as revealing that he was not involved in the party's electoral campaign and that way back in September he was informed he would not be made deputy prime minister.

But Muscat, who on Saturday said in an interview on Radju Malta that the door was open to Farrugia, today announced that the former deputy leader will represent the party in parliamenbtary delegation in a foreign conference.

"Today I salute, from my heart, my friend Anglu Farrugia, who I know is passing from a difficult time, and I thank him from my heart for having accepted to represent Labour in a parliamentary delegation abroad. Labour's door is always open - this movement is a united team... we're all one, together."

His announcement was greeted with loud applause from the audience at the One TV studios where Labour is currently raising funds for its campaign.

The PN has so far managed to garner well over €500,000 in its fund-raiser this week.

Fenea , mhux biss il-verita' li toffendi, izda l-ipokrezija li għandek għax trid tkun il-veru wiċċek ma jafx x'inhi mistħija u ipokrita' per eċċellenza biex tara it-tibna f'għajnejn ħaddiehor u ma tarax iz-zkuk enormi li għandkhom f'għajnejkhom . Trid tkun il-veru ipokrita' biex ma tarax il-korruzzjoni li ġibtu f'dan il-pajjiz . Trid tkun jew għama jew għad-dirittura korrot int ukoll , biex tipprova tiġġustifika jew tiskuza lill min hu mgħarraq sal ponta ta' rasu fil-korruzzjoni . 88 fil-mija tal-poplu Malti hu konvint li il-korruzzjoni hi l-ordni tal-ġurnata .
"Today I salute, from my heart, my friend Anglu Farrugia.....AFTER STABBING HIM AT HIS BACK..... who I know is passing from a difficult time.....BECAUSE OF MY POLITICAL OCCASSIONALLY DECISION..... and I thank him from my heart for having accepted to represent Labour in a parliamentary delegation abroad......AND STILL HAVING NO TRUST IN YOU.....
Kemm hadha bi kbira fenea. Jidher car li l-unika speranza ghal Malta hu Joseph Muscat. U biex taxxaqha ser ikun ma memebru mibghut mill PN li ghadu kemm fahhar lil PL u mar ghal attivita tal-PL. Naturalment bhakla perit u qieghed fil-mistier tal-project management qal car u tond li il-progett tal-PL hu fattibli u mibni sew minn kull aspett specjalment fiz-zmien u fil-finanzi. Prosit josephmuscat.
Fenea , take alook at a comment I have made on this issue last week and to be more presise on the 6th Feb , in which I said that Anġlu Farrugia will be back and tell me if I was right . Another ballon which you inflted so much that it burst in your face . Buzzieqa oħra li nfaħtuha tant u li issa giet mifqugħa f'wiċċkhom , Sur Fenea .
Joseph Pellicano
@FENEA my friend jealousy will get you nowhere.
@ fenea Jekk se tibqa sejjer hekk qed tistieden x'infart, barra minn fuq kulhadd. Nafu li din l-ahbar taghtek gewwa siehbi izda nerga' nghidlek: hu nifs 'il gewwa u kkalma ftit. Tinisex li ghandek bzonn sahhtek ghal nhar l-10 ta' Marzu ghax dak inhar se tiehu kedda papali. Ghaldaqstant hu hsieb, ikol tajjeb u orqod sew. Wahda nghidlek: Tick Tock, Tick Tock. Tick Tock etc
Fenea, why the bitterness? Just because Joseph Muscat is a gentleman who doesn't hold a grudge and Gonzi went ballistic on Mugliett? Pity the PN won't have Anglu to use any more. If you believe that what Anglu said is true then the proper forum for discussion should be to the anti corruption authorities. All the PN is doing is trying, ineptly, to deflect attention from the other more serious acts that are threatening the PN. As far as not answering questions can anyone beat the team of Gonzi-Busuttil?
@fenea turix kem qed tinharaq hi. Ametti li kontu ferhanin bid deni ta hadihor. Imma kif jghid il malti, minjifrah bid deni ta ghajru jigi f'daru. Ahjr tikoncentraw kif ha tahbu lil A.G. u l iskandli taz zejt. Provajtu tahbuhom billi tuzaw b'mod malinn lil Dr. Farrugia, imma qabzilkom mis sunnara. Il PL uwa partit tal ghaqda billi jwarab is supervja u jhadan ir rikonciljazjoni. Dan don li ta gonzipn ilu li tilfu mill inqas 5 snin.
@fenea turix kem qed tinharaq hi. Ametti li kontu ferhanin bid deni ta hadihor. Imma kif jghid il malti, minjifrah bid deni ta ghajru jigi f'daru. Ahjr tikoncentraw kif ha tahbu lil A.G. u l iskandli taz zejt. Provajtu tahbuhom billi tuzaw b'mod malinn lil Dr. Farrugia, imma qabzilkom mis sunnara. Il PL uwa partit tal ghaqda billi jwarab is supervja u jhadan ir rikonciljazjoni. Dan don li ta gonzipn ilu li tilfu mill inqas 5 snin.
I think that both Anglu and Mugliet have experience to share with each other. The difference is that Anglu is not kicked out from the PL whilst Mugliet is kicked-out from the PN. This makes the difference.
L-anqas int infuskat Fenka.
Ghiru, ja Nazzjonisti bikkejja! Dawk li telqukom - il-lista twila wizq - mhux gejjin lura. Taghna, Laburisti veru, jafu li darhom fil-Partit. Ixxenqu, u issa naraw jekk tkomplux tidilku lil Anglu bhal ma ghamiltu dawn l-ahhar gimghtejgn. Ja bikkejja!
Qijei tinharaq fenea!! Buzziqa.infaqet F,wicc in-nazzjonalisti, welcome back anglu for the victory!!!
"Today I salute, from my heart, my friend Anglu Farrugia......AFTER STABBING HIM AT HIS BACK..... who I know is passing from a difficult time.......BECAUSE OF MY BETRAYAL DECISION..... and I thank him from my heart for having accepted to represent Labour in a parliamentary delegation abroad.......AFTER POLITICALLY ASSASSINATING HIM..... Labour's door is always open......TO BE KICKED OFF OCCASSIONALLY - this movement is a united team... we're all one, together.......BUT STILL ANGLU FARRUGIA HAS NO TRUST IN YOU. VIVA IL LABOUR
the scoop of the day...........The Maltese delegation that has left to take part in a Commonwealth conference is made up of two MPs who are not contesting the election, and for whom it will be the last such participation. Former Labour Party deputy leader Anglu Farrugia and Nationalist Mp Jesmond Mugliett – both of whom will not be contesting the election for different reasons – are on their way to the Falklands to represent Malta and to continue on the work they started in previous missions.......IS SUR MUSCAT KAPACI JIDHAQ B'DAWK LI JKOLLU QUDDIEMU. DAK LI QAL ANGLU GHADU MA CAHDUX.
the scoop of the day...........The Maltese delegation that has left to take part in a Commonwealth conference is made up of two MPs who are not contesting the election, and for whom it will be the last such participation. Former Labour Party deputy leader Anglu Farrugia and Nationalist Mp Jesmond Mugliett – both of whom will not be contesting the election for different reasons – are on their way to the Falklands to represent Malta and to continue on the work they started in previous missions.......IS SUR MUSCAT KAPACI JIDHAQ B'DAWK LI JKOLLU QUDDIEMU. DAK LI QAL ANGLU GHADU MA CAHDUX.
Buzzieqa ohra infaqat f'wicc GonziPaNic!!! Merhba lura Dr. Farrugia, int taf li ghal PL inti RELEVANTI u ghad ghandek x'tofri lil Partit u il Pajjiz. Prosit tassew talli qed tuza mohhok u mhux qalbek.Int taf kemm il Gonzipn ghandhom qalbhom perzuta ghalik u ghal Laburisti kollha!!Kompli bil hidma siwja tieghek mal PL ghal Malta taghna lkoll!!! Awguri!!
Muscat stabbed me in the back, Labour close to contractors - Anġlu Farrugia......."Today I salute, from my heart, my friend Anglu Farrugia........IPOKRESIJA GRASSA......HEKK JINQEDA BIK IL PL.
Proset , hekk ghandhom ikuna l-irgiel , issa infaqat buzzieqa ohra f`wicc gonzo Qed tara sur prim li tajilek it twegibha li tlabt minghand Joseph.
Tghid il-bikkejja Nazzjonalisti issa jergghu jibdew jiddemonizzaw lil Anglu wara li l-gimgha l-ohra ghamluh beatu! Issa naraw x'se jghid l-angeliku Simon Busuttil u l-boss tieghu. Iprokrezija grassa Nazzjonalista! Ikun ahjar ixommu ftit taht ghabthom u dak ta' AG (i.e. Austin Gatt).
Stunning announcement indeed. Cannot agree more on the manner you discribed it Matthew. But it also shows two things: Anglu's heart is still part of the movement and Joseph's ability to settle issues unlike our poor Prime Minister Gonzi who has split the PN into several segments. Prosit Joseph. Prosit Anglu
Very nice news. Welcome back Dr. Farrugia
Anglu was always relevent for the PL. This shows that the party is united despite others want us the otherwise.
Anglu was always relevent for the PL. This shows that the party is united despite others want us the otherwise.
Micheal Bonanno
Welcome back home, Dr. Farrugia.