‘Abela scandal the most serious of all’ – Prime Minister

Enemalta debacle does not dent Lawrence Gonzi’s confidence, who turns guns on Labour deputy leader's ‘secret recordings’.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi visited shops in Zabbar.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi visited shops in Zabbar.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi was adamant yet again that Labour deputy leader Toni Abela should take political responsibility for the now public recordings in which he is heard speaking about illegal activities that were never reported to the police.

The Prime Minister was in Zabbar where he visited a number of shops and the open air market. For a moment, the Prime Minister's visit in Zabbar was overshadowed by the presence of an independent candidate, Nazzareno Bonnici, who was welcomed by a little crowd outside a bar.

The secret recordings - in which Abela is heard saying he wrested a criminal report by a Labour club barman away from the police to pursue the matter civilly, and then talking about a drugs incident inside another party club - were "the most serious scandals that betrayed the PL's hypocrisy", Gonzi said today while on a tour of Zabbar shops.

"The difference between the PN and Labour, is that we take steps and inform the police of such illegal activities."

A recording broadcast yesterday on YouTube on Friday shows Abela talking of an incident in which he expelled a Labour club member for having allegedly brought drugs inside the club's kitchenette, drugs which were later disposed off in a rubbish bin by a member of the same club. Abela is heard implying that without any evidence at hand, there was little good from reporting the incident to the police.

The first recording shows Abela talking about going down to the Birkirkara police station to ask the police not to proceed on a criminal report filed by the Attard club's barman against a committee member for changing the locks to his bar: Abela is heard saying that he spoke to a police officer with Labour sympathies.

"The biggest scandal of all is that Abela went to the police to ask them not to take any [criminal] steps. I don't know of any bigger scandal than this," Gonzi said, in a week that is also dominated by the Enemalta kickbacks scandal.

But Gonzi himself has steamed on, safe in the knowledge that his recommendation of a presidential pardon for oil trader George Farrugia was the strongest tool the police could get to proceed in its investigation.

"The scandal is that Toni Abela says he had 'no evidence', so he took no action so that Labour would not be embarrassed. Even though he is a lawyer, and knows what the procedure is, he knew illegalities were going on and he did nothing over a drugs' report. And worse than that, Joseph Muscat is protecting Abela."

Gonzi reiterated his defence of transport minister Austin Gatt, who presided over Enemalta as energy minister in 2004 when the alleged kickbacks to a consultant of the state utility had been paid by oil company Trafigura.

"I believe minister Austin Gatt when he claimed that he never spoke about oil procurement with George Farrugia. Minister Gatt is a serious and upright person who knows when not to cross the line," Gonzi said.

Questioned on the fact that Gatt had not declared his Swiss 'bank account' since 2005 in his parliamentary returns, Gonzi said the minister "did not have anything to hide" and said that the minister's failure to declare the Swiss account was only a "mistake."

"He is supplying the Commissioner of Police with details of his Swiss funds... he inherited this account from his father. There are no strict rules of inheriting these accounts: all that matters is that there is proof that someone is a legal heir to a bank account."

Earlier, Gonzi crossed paths with Nazzareno Bonnici, better known as Tal-Ajkla, an independent candidate who will hold a mass meeting in Zabbar this afternoon. The Prime Minister wished the independent candidate the best of luck for his activity as Bonnici embraced Gonzi outside a shop.

While a number of people honked their car horns and chanted his name, Bonnici told journalists that he was expecting a crowd of around 250,000 persons for the mass meeting which will be held in Zabbar's main road at 4pm today.


Dr. Goniz m'ghandix ghalfejn nghidlek li kieku l-Gemel jara hotobtu kieku jaqa' u jmut zoptu. Il-partit li tmexxi int mhux hotba zghira ta' gemel ghandu imma hotba daqs il-knisja tal-Mosta. Inti li l-partit u l-Gvern tieghek tul dawn l-ahhar snin kien mifni bl-iskandli u kontroversji kemm gewwa u anke barra qatt ma ndenjajt ruhek tiehu azzjoni jista jku ghax forsi inti kont tmexxi bhala Prim Ministru simbolikament biss ghax il-klikka kienet tmexi, kif tista tiddikjar li dan il-bicca kaz ta' Toni Abela huwa l-ikbar kaz serju? Allura din il-bicca tax-xiri taz-zejt x'inhi? Xejn? U li Wistinu l-ewwel jghid li AG, Aust, u ministru jista jkun haddiehor u mbaghad kellu jibla kollox u mammetti li dak kien hu u li l-ewwel iltaqa ma Farrugia xi darba jew tnejn u mbaghad darba kull tliet xhur. U li issa qalilna li wiret kont f'Bank Svizzeru minn nahha ta' missieru meta nafu li l-account mal-mewt jispicca u l-werrriet jiehu l-flus u jekk irid jiftah account iehor hu u li Alla jista kollox nesa jiddikjarah skont l-etikett tal-parlament dawn l-affarijiet x'inhuma Dr. Gonzi? u x'hin tara l-BODY LANGUAGE ta' Wistinu tinduna li hemm xi haga tinten ghax ma kienx f'siktu waqt il-konfernzi stampa li ghamel. Il-quddiem ghad irridu naraw liema huwa l-ikbar kaz serju Dr. Gonzi u kompli mexxi hekk halli forsi sa l-elezzjoni anke kandidati li suppost ha johorgu mal-PN jigu fil-kamp ta' MALTA TAGHNA L-KOLL.
Maybe the PM knows that the it is not sweet and fitting to beleive the PN about the old lie, futur fis-sod. Toni Abela is maybe the big thorn in the PN but because he neutrilised every PN argument espescially with the unofficial patron saint of filfla st Simon Busuttil tal-MIC.
Using all the government' set-up against the opposition. Now that is democracy the fascist way, ironically in an EU member state.
Dr Gonzi if what Toni Abela did can be verified then Toni Abela must be a man and answer for what he did. Gonzi said the minister "did not have anything to hide" and said that the minister's failure to declare the Swiss account was only a "mistake." a big 7 year mistake if you ask me. Stop treating us like a bunch of imbeciles Dr Gonzi. Not all of us are a bunch of CWIEC. And you have the gall to compare Toni Abela's doings with that of the oil bribery sandal? What on earth are you thinking about? I can understand political gibberish but comparing an all out bribery case with somebody not reporting a drug incident? This is not the 1950's 0r 60s, this is 2013 and everybody is smart enough to think for themselves. Mr PM you must have reached that age where you start to mix things up a bit. You have been in power for the last five years and the corruption in this country was never so obvious. Thanks to the Media, especially Maltatoday this case came up to the surface and you as the PM has an obligation to follow through and punish those that are responsible not give a Presidential Pardon to the one responsible for all of this. Good grief.
ara trid tkun wiccek u ...... xorta to claim that Abela's storm in a teacup, fabricated by the PN and not backed by the Police, is the most serious scandal at present. Why did he and his GONZIPN CLIQUE dish out a presidential pardon on the massive oil scandal engulfing the same GONZIPN, a presidential pardon with conditions that, had it not been for the President himself to correct, would have been so flawed that "gobon tat-toqba" would have not described it better.
GonziPn should tell us whether it got the tape from someone who did not like the idea of being chucked out of the PL club because of drug abuse. GonziPN should come clean on this.
Luke Camilleri
WRONG AGAIN GONZI! You got it all wrong like you got your priorities wrong these last five years , A year of which you governed knowing full well YOU HAD NO PARLIAMENTARY MAJORITY! ~~~~~~~~ You have had your priorities wrong, your benchmarks wrong, even your values wrong and how you measure SCANDALS , even your choices in Ministers and GonziPn Lack of talent is WRONG! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DR.TONI Abela the most serious THREAT of all’ to you and your Oligarchy !– He is clean , HE COMES CLEAN and that is more than can be said You and your Ministers, Dear Prime Minister! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GET YOUR ACT RIGHT FOR ONCE!
Dan il-bniedem il veru ma jafx x'inhi mistħija . Trid tkun wiċċek ta' qa..a biex tkompli tisħaq fuq din il-ħaġa , meta anke il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizja qal li ma kienx hemm kaz kontra Dr Tony Abela . Dr Gonzi , kollu inutli li tipprova taljena l-attenzjoni tan-nies min fuq il kaz li għandek imdendel m'għonqok dwar il-korruzzjoni fli-skandlu taz-zejt . Tkunx aktar ipokrita', għamilt bizzejjed ħsara lill dan il-pajjiz bl-intransiġenza tiegħek meta bqajt imwaħħal mas-siġġu tal-poter u ħallejt pajjiz jinfena bil-korruzzjoni min dawk ta' madwarek . Dawk huma ftit mil-iskandli biss , għax min jaf kemm għad iridu jinkixfu aktar il-quddiem .
Dr.Gonzi 'the most serious of all' are the millions paid in commissions under the PN watch, and while you burdened us with the highest utility bills ever, you and your cabinet gave yourself a 600euro weekly salary rise. How is that for a scandal?
' "The biggest scandal of all is that Abela went to the police to ask them not to take any [criminal] steps. I don't know of any bigger scandal than this," Gonzi said . . ." Oh No? Let me see ... where shall I begin? Awarding yourself a salary rise of 500 euros a week from public funds behind the people's backs; the Arriva disaster and the cost to the public purse; the administrative shambles at Mater Dei; continual lies about SmartCity and White Rocks; BWSC; oil corruption; the total failure of Dr Austin Gatt and Tonio Fenech to accept political responsibility for their mal-administration; bartering deals with Zaren Vassallo; Rita Schembri .... Sorry, I shall have to stop here because the list is so long I have become exhausted writing it. ALBERT FENECH Qawra
The most serious of all, Mr Gonzi, is the endless list of corruption in which the people you have appointed have been immersed in since 2003, and the scale of which is immeasurable. As Frank Portelli has declared, the oil scandal alone exceeds the toursim turnover of Malta for a whole year.
It is useless to reason with the PM. He is so blinkered, he will never change. What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. You cannot apply two weights two measures - condone what your ministers do and demonize your political opponents.So be reasonable. The PN's negative campaign is costing them countless votes.
Dr. Gonzi, the real question to ask Dr. Gatt is why didn't he trust your government and repatriate his funds from Switzerland when you announced amnesties for undeclared foreign funds several times since 2005? It seems that some animals are more equal than others in this country - why don't you ask your countrymen and see how many of them have Swiss bank accounts.
This Bonnici fellow makes more sense on a bad day than il-Gonz on a good day. Imagine what il-Gonz would be like on a bad day; days he seems to excel at having.
Have`nt stopped laughing what a joke.
Rita Pizzuto
I heard that the marines are compiling a very interesting encyclopaedia with all the sayings and comments by Gonzi PN and his cohorts. They are noting down all these messages. So please Gonz and Simon keep on telling it to the marines. They really need you!
I guess the PM wants to set the nation's agenda to suit him and his ill-fated party.The 'Abela case' shows the GonziPn is ready to go to any lenghts to cling on to power. Clutching to straws comes to mind.