Salvini ‘factually incorrect’ on location of migrant rescue vessel
The Maltese government has rejected a tweet by the Italian Home Affairs minister that Malta was the closest safe port to a ship carrying some 59 rescued migrants
The Maltese government has rejected claims by Italian Home Affairs minister that the closest safe port to a ship currently carrying rescued migrants.
In a tweet on Saturday morning, Salvini said that the Open Arms, a rescue vessel operated by the Spanish NGO Proactiva Open Arms, and which is currently carrying 59 rescued migrants, was closer to Malta.
“This ship, the Open Arms, is currently in Libyan search and rescue waters, closest port is Malta, NGO with a Spanish flag: forget entering an Italian Port,” Tweeted the minister.
Questa nave @openarms_fund si trova in acque Sar della Libia, porto più vicino Malta, Ong e bandiera della Spagna: si scordino di arrivare in un porto italiano.
— Matteo Salvini (@matteosalvinimi) June 30, 2018
Stop alla mafia del traffico di esseri umani: meno persone partono, meno persone muoiono.#chiudiamoiporti
A spokesperson for the Maltese government who said Salvini was factually correct in his claim, and confirmed that rescue interception was carried out in the Libyan search and rescue zone, in an area where the closest European port was Lampedusa.
In a tweet Malta's Home Affairs minister Michael Farrugia clarified that the rescue had in fact taken place closer to Lampedusa.
"Stop spreading inaccurate news implicating Malta for no reason," Farrugia told Salvini, adding that he was publishing a map for all to see. "These are facts not opinions"
@matteosalvinimi solo per chiarire che intervento #OpenArms e’ accaduto in SRR Libica tra Libia e Lampedusa, Italia. La smetta di diffondere notizie scorrette tirando in ballo Malta senza alcuna ragione.Publiciamo mappa cosi tutti possono constatare.Questi sono fatti non opinioni
— Michael Farrugia (@dr_micfarr) June 30, 2018
According to Spanish MEP Javi Lopez, who is currently on the Open Arms, among the 59 migrants are 4 minors, two of whom are unaccompanied. The migrants, he said, were safe and come from up to 14 different countries.
VÍDEO | La tripulación del Open Arms tranquiliza a los rescatados: "No, no vamos a Libia" Nos lo cuenta @Gabriela_Schz desde el barco de @openarms_fund
— Desalambre (@desalambre) June 30, 2018
El @openarms_fund rescatando 59 vidas en el Mediterráneo. 4 de ellos son menores y 2 de ellos no acompañados. Están todos sanos y a salvo. Proceden de hasta 14 nacionalidades distintas. Hoy he podido vivir la realidad del día a día del Open Arms. #migrationEU
— Javi López (@fjavilopez) June 30, 2018