COVID-19: Cases on the rise with 50 new infections
7 November COVID-19 update | 50 new cases • 369 active cases • 11 patients in hospital, 3 in ITU • Total vaccine doses at 888,337 • Total deaths at 462

50 new COVID-19 cases were recorded on Sunday, according to daily statistics published by the Health Ministry.
Despite being the highest daily increase in weeks, hospitalisations have remained fairly low with booster doses being administered to the elderly and front-liners.
12 patients recovered, pushing the total tally of known cases up to 369.
Two more patients were admitted to hospital between Saturday and Sunday. In total, there are 11 patients in hospital, three of whom in ITU. There was no increase in the number of patients being treated in ITU.
To date, healthcare workers have administered 886,762 doses of various COVID-19 vaccines, with 57,208 of jabs being booster doses.
Malta last registered 50 cases on September 14. However, Malta isn’t the only country to experience rising cases of COVID-19. According to the WHO Europe director Hans Kluge, Europe is once again “at the epicentre” of the resurgence.
Last Friday, Health Minister Chris Fearne said there was no need to introduce more measures given the resurgence, as Malta’s high vaccination rate helped stabilise the situation. However, he warned the public to remain vigilant.
OFFICIAL COVID-19 figures for 07•11•2021 Chris Fearne | MaltaGov | Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate
Posted by saħħa on Sunday, November 7, 2021