Diabetes association questions why COVID booster jab is not yet available for all diabetics

The Maltese Diabetes Association appeals to the health authorities to prioritise persons living with diabetes in the COVID-19 booster rollout

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The Maltese Diabetes Association has urged the Health Authorities to prioritise persons living with diabetes in the COVID-19 booster rollout.

In a statement on Tuesday, the association said persons with diabetes of all age groups should have access to the COVID-19 booster as soon as possible. 

“Last year persons living with diabetes were given priority and were one of the first groups that took the vaccine since they were classified as “vulnerable”. The situation seems to be different this time around, and persons living with diabetes will be taking their booster vaccine together with the general public, depending on their age group,” the association said.

The group said that the International Diabetes Federation recently appealed to governments across Europe to urgently ensure that persons with diabetes get prioritised to receive COVID-19 booster dose as soon as possible.

“We, therefore, make a heartfelt appeal to the health authorities to take the necessary steps to prioritise such persons in the vaccination programme to ensure that these persons are vaccinated without further delay," the association said.