Nationalist candidate paid €126,250 in direct order

Austin Gatt’s Ministry, the Ministry for Infrastructure, Transport and Communication (MITC) admitted with Illum that no public call had been issued.

MITC gave Nationalist candidate Georg Sapiano  a work contract amounting to some €126,250, without a issuing a public call of interest beforehand.

Sister newspaper Illum on Sunday reported how Sapiano was paid for providing legal services  in connection with new regulations on taxis over the past two years. Austin Gatt’s Ministry, however, did not explain why no public call had been issued.

The money was paid in Sapiano’s company, Aequitas Legal.

As revealed in Parliament, in 2009 Sapiano was paid €110,000 for consultancy regarding the public transport. It is not known whether there had been a public call for tenders.

In the past days, the Opposition said that Sapiano has been paid thousands of euros for other work related to the public transport reform. Asked by Illum, the Infrastructure Ministry told the newspaper to contact Arriva, who in turn replied that the company had nothing to do with Sapiano.

Sapiano himself has refused to answer any questions regarding the issues mentioned, and suggested that Illum redirects the questions back to the Transport Ministry.

...and by the way, since Malta Today is uncovering such filth perpetrated by the insulated few who are either in the INSIDE circle of friends or fringe government apologists ... why not delve into perks other lawyers such as ABC are receiving for their 'services' in covering the stench of this administration?
...barra dik il-BMW u ohrajn, dan Gorg taghna in-Nazzjonalisti ghandu villa gewwa ghawdex bil-madum tal-kamra tal-banju bid-deheb fihom (ahseb u ara dik li joqoghod fiha Malta). Lussu u oppulenza .....lil-min hu ta' gewwa fil-klikka tal-klikka!!!! Hmieg kollha kemm inthom!!!
Can the Commissioner of Police Mr. John Rizzo investigate this case or is he going to focus on the cases of Cyrus Engerer and his father?
X'ARUKAZA! Dwn l-affarijiet qatt ma graw fil-politika Maltija. F'hiex wasalna.
This article is interesting.....why did Minister Gatt reveal Georg's payments to the press? Are they at loggerheads? It seems so. Nevertheless, PN diehards get greedy and greedy. All this money could have save a lot of lives in our NHS....just shame.
Mhux ahjar tiskopru r-relazzjoni bejn Georg, Manuel Delia u l-Franciza. Perezempju veru li miz-Zurrieq, Manuel Delia mar joqod tas-Sliema fi flat ta' Sapiano?
This country is sinking lower and lower by the day. Remember Eddie's famous quote: 'Min ma jiggielidx il-korruzjoni hu korrot' Shame on you PN!
Where would he be without his political connections? A high profile lawyer at Wall Street? Hardly! The sheer arrogance and stiff nose makes me want to vomit: santa corona unita nazzjonalista!
Dan ezempju car iehor, fost mijiet ohra, tal-mentalita' tal-mazuni li tirrenja fi hdan il-partit Nazzjonalista. Hokkli darhi u meta jasal il-mument inhokk tieghek. Flok jaghmlu l-affarijiet bi trasparenza u b'sens ta' gustizzja lejn kulhadd, dejjem jaraw kif jagevolaw lil tal-klikka. Dak hu l-kristjanezmu kif prattikat min dawk il-hafna ipokriti li ma kull opportunita', imbghad tarahom jaghtu fuq sidirhom u jitilghu jitqarbnu. Qatta oqbra mbajjda! Hammigtu u dardartu lill- Malta bil-hnizrijiet li taghmlu.
il prim qalilna li kien ilu jghid li qed iberraq mill 2008 mela ghala irregala dik iz zjieda muqzieza lilu nnifsu u lill shabu? Il licenzja tat TV hemm ghadha minkejja l-weghda li kien ghamel li jnehhiha. Il hbieb tal hbieb jiffngaw u ahna nhallsu. Jien kont nivvota lil PN imma daqshekk. Issa zzejjed. Hemm bzonn jinzlu lura fl art maghna l-bnedmin komuni. Ilhasra hi li dawn se jibqghu igawdu il flus li rnexxilhom irekknu.
@ trollface "Dawn l-affarjiet qatt ma jkunu fuq it-Times ghax donnhom idejqu lill-Priministru presenti. " Ghalhekk waqaft naqra it-times jien, gazzetta li saret tqallak, tipprova tghamel minn kollox biex tghatti l-oxxenitajiet ta gonzipn, u l-editur ikkontrollat mill kwartieri tal pn, jippubblika l- stejjer lijghidulu u meta jghidulu.
Is this not the same Georg Sapiano whose legal office represents CCBill - the world largest funds collector for online Pornography? I distinctly recall Austin Gatt claiming credit for bringing them to Malta. And a sweet deal it must have been too - they went from being investigated for accepting funds for child pornography in the US to having a tax free status of only 5%. Then we see that the legal offices of politicians who turn Malta into a hub for dodgy business and money laundering profiting directly from the same laws they passed to promote their businesses. is this conflict of interest or even downright illegal, corrupt and undemocratic? And if foreigners in Malta pay only 5%, why are we required to pay 35% and then get slaughtered even more with high fuel bills, electricity bills, VAT and much more.
No wonder that apart from the chauffer driven Bmw 7 series he also drives a Porsche Boxter on the weekend , Met blue if i'm not mistaken......mhux ovvja ...............Tajba Georg !!!
Jon Sciberras
I wonder if he was involved into Air Malta's consultancy fee of some 160,000 or MEPA's new way of management with Austin Walker. And then we wonder how some live like the Kings and others have to scrounge for a living. Injustices abound and yet certain people are given 'sainthood'. A bunch of sheep, cos in another country these people would suffer the road of ridicule and never get another chance at elections.
naraw kif naghmlu u nibbeattifikaw lil dan ir-ragel ghax vera qaddis jimxi fl-art miskin.x'ma jtihomx palata lin-nazzjonalisti wara kemxa bhal dik.qum mir-raqda ja gahan malti ghax dalwaqt ikun tard wisq.
ohhh thiis new news in our political system ? " scratch my back and i scratch yours" or " scratch and win " you know what whom talking about? no else hlif Austin POWERS and co.
What's new? he's been milking the govt. for years, just ask other PN lawyers. It proves that in Malta we have developed a two caste system. The rapacious who are hogging it all. Then there are the rest of us mere mortals, crucified with the economic crisis bearly reaching the end of the month. It is unpleasant but we merit nothing less. Forgive me, but I find it quite a gleeful situation. The majority chose the PN, well, by God, let it relish the effects.
Any comments about this Mr Demartino, now you know why many honest people mostly Nationalists like myself are so fed up of this Government. Our party needs a thorough clean up from these parasites that have hijacked our party for their own benefit.
Joqghoq fuq il front tas Sliema u bil BMW u id driver personali mieghi...BRIGANDI KOLLHA LI HUMA!!!!!!...Komplu tuwhom il vot issa li dawn il Hnizer bil pedigree!!
Flimkien ( bejniethom ) kollox possibli.
Luke Camilleri
Ahleb Georg ahleb ..ghax hekk irrid Gonzipn il-tieghu! Hallbuna bla valur ghat- taxxi taghna!
Further proof of "pork barrel politics" by this government. What else is in store?The fatter they get, the lest room for maneuver they will have! This is going to be an interesting run-up to the next general elections!
Dawn l-affarjiet qatt ma jkunu fuq it-Times ghax donnhom idejqu lill-Priministru presenti. Prosit saviour u l-gurnalisti l-ohra ta' Maltatoday, min mindu hrigtu dik l-ittra qarrieqa ta ' l-Isqof sirtu l-iktar news source li nirrispetta.
More tangible proof that this government has no interest in Malta’s future; it’s all about taking care of the boys at whatever cost while this pompous lot talk and pose around with their typical condescending personalities. . As for the actual deliverables; it would be interesting to know who gave the legal advice to Transport Malta to carry the responsibility for designing the transport routes thus allowing Arriva to escape responsibility. Clearly, these jokers were taken to the cleaners and they didn’t even notice. Why would they care? A year later they will get another direct order even if they messed up. . In my view this combination of nepotism and incompetence has become the hallmark of this government. In Malta we’ve come to a point where it’s not important who gets elected provided we rid ourselves of this wasteful, incompetent and inapt government that has lost direction. . The biggest achievement of all! They’ve managed to create a public transport that is worse than the one we had. What an increasable achievement!
So after all its not of what T.Fenech gave the impression that all the maltese are cwiec. Ghallkemm Georg f'ahhar elezzjoni hareg ta cuc but not in this case(Where cash is concerned) Gawdu la sibtu poplu kief qal T.Fenech ! Speaking about T.Fenech can he tell us which maddona saw crying ie ta pinu ta atocia tal karmnu babina maria ta sukkors tal gilju santa marija tal mosta etc etc etc so we can go and light a candle forsi jkolla hniena minnha.
"Austin Gatt’s Ministry, however, did not explain why no public call had been issued." Let me tell you why...because most probably Dr. Gatt, aka Dr. Corruption, surely would have pocketed a fat commission on it and it Dr. Sapiano agreed to it. Lil minn tafhom issaqsix ghalihom! Minn jaf kemm ghandhom HMIEG!
Biex teqred il-budebbus (parassita) mill-ghalqa trid taqla il-ful b'kollox u taharqu. Five BILLIONS drained by parassites
Such works were awarded in 2009. As happens in every public organisation the final accounts will be audited at the end of the financial year both by the internal and the external auditors. Interestingly enough such issue was not reported or has been un/deliberately missed out. Irrespective of the cause, the issue is higher than what we think. The auditor/s are not doing their work with the effect that such instances get unnoticed. No surprise that this might become a vicious circle. What kind of accountability is this? What is the role of the National Audit Office (NAO)?Who is going to formally investigate such mishap?
Every thing indicates that with Gponzi our economy is ring great. I look forward to my wonderful deserved wage increase in November Budget. A Ghint to the PM I don't want a 100 000 euro contract but 50 euro would be fine 1/10th of yours happy deal?
Mhux ta' b'xejn nigru bil-BM u bil-personal driver.... x'misthija.
Tghid issa ma jinqalax xi " briffy " jew Giovann DeMartino, u jghidulna li dan Georg Sapiano m'hawn hadd f'pajjizna li kapaci daqsu. U li ma hargux tenders ghall-kuntratt biex ma jahlux zmien u flus ghalxejn, ghax HU BISS hawn jifhem fit-Trasport Pubbliku, ghalkemm QATT MA RIKEB KAOZZA TAL-LINJA ! Eddy Privitera
Unless this contract is investigated before the next election (which I very much doubt)I challenge the PL to declare uncategorically that it will be amongst one of the first things they will investigate, if elected. These parasites are bleeding us dry and something has to be done fast!!!!
Jiena haga wahda nitlob lil kap tal PL li jekk jitla il PL fil gvern bhal dan il kaz INGAL lil Dr GORG Sapiano (din min meta l-hawn TRIDA ta GEORG) Dr Sapiano biex igalu IHALLAS sa linqas SIT HABBIT LURA dan ta xiex hadhom dawn il flus TAL FRAKASS li ghamel mi Trasport Publiku u barra min hekk Dr Joseph Muscat lil PM u il Ministri u Segretarji Parlamentari ukoll ingalhom IHALLSU is 600 ewro li hadu bhala zieda Dr Gonzi AWSTERITA IMISSEK TIBDIJA MINNEK U MIN SHABEK mhux ghamilt il KONTRA IFFANGAJDU kemm FLAHTU meta TISTHUX TISIRQU 500 ewro ZIEDA fil gimgha u lin nies TRIDHOM JGHAMLU IS SAGRIFICJI
Abdullah alhrbi
It would be just as interesting to know if the ultra invisible Manuel Delia is getting any form of performance bonus this year? I think this Arriva debacle has highlighted the myth of the highly efficient Maltese technocrat aka the politically appointed blue eyed boys who swim in the gravy train so dear to the heart of Austin Gatt, that other great disappointment. It looks like this is a moribund species that was never really viable. What is certain is that they definitely do not merit the status because technocracy decision makers should be selected on the basis of their expertise rather than on how much political capital they hold. The above blue eyed boy and the elusive Mr. Delia have hardly been driven by their cognitive problem-solution mindsets but rather by the ability to create problems for the Maltese economy, workforce and business. There certainly was no brilliance displayed in overhauling the transport system, no counter intuitive genius but an obvious flawed understanding of a problem that led to counter-productive behavior with undesirable outcomes. How else can you describe the actions of these wannabe technocrats with a robust inability to consult with the users of the public transport system and the half baked measures they have taken to put it right. One case of where the proof of the 'pudding' was definitely in the eating!
Dan Georg Sapiano xi cuc Malti ghalli jista jkun? Issa qed nifhem ghaliex certu nies jghidu li kollox sejjer tajjeb? U biex tghaxxaqha, ikunu nies tip ta GS li jkunu jridu jghajjru lill haddiehor korrott u li mhux pur!! Keep it Georg, keep it up. Anzi. Kun cert li darb'ohra tkun kandidat ta' GonziPN ghax minghajrek, Pinocchio ma' huwa xejn!!
Kollha anti-socjalisti and they are mere parasites of big governments! X'ma jkollhomx driver u pozi minn fuq daharna! 1981 was all about money and power after all! The majority voted for divorce and the PN's leader gie jaqa u jqum! demokrazzija tal-konvenjenza...ghalina u ghal uliedna!
It's interesting to know if this was a one off contract/task or one in a series, what were the original terms of reference, and the number of hours dedicated in the project. Is this in line with company policy? Why having a Department of Contracts? Is such practice repeated in other works withing TM? Coming to think of it, the authority might already have legal resources available, so why not utilising them or in need be, hire additional lawyers. With over 100k, I'm pretty sure that one can hire decent lawyer/s on full time basis and get 40 hour per week worth of work. For me this is common sense...insomma I might be another CUC Malti!!!!!
So this guy gets paid €110,000 for the biggest f...k up this country has ever encountered regarding the public transport, and gets away with it! Does he watch a lot of flintstones maybe? I bet he doesn't know what a bus look's like? No it doesn't look like the Euro sign. I bet he can find his way to the bank, and on time. ARRIVA! ARRIVA!
Lino Camilleri
Mhux ta b' xejn filli tarhom irqaq u f'daqqa wahda tarhom hoxnin jew imgismin dawn it tip ta nies.
Imbaghad Gonzi tigieh reqqa biex jaghti z zjieda lilna 1.16 ewro fil gimghi ISTHI JEKK TAF .Dawn affarijiet tal misthija u li hu zgur li hemm bzonn l poplu jibqa jiftakarhom dawn l-affarijiet waqt l-elezzjoni
I'm off to the chemist to buy a pair of BLUE contact lenses ...
Is this the same guy who came on TV before last election who wanted a garantee that labour goverment will not introduce reception classes. Is this the guy who made so many programmes on corraption? You rempembering him interviewing Edgar Mizzi, Alex sciberras Trigona? I wonder when it is his time on Bondi+ or Xarabank(arriva) Surely he investead a lot, and has a lot of vouchers in his drawer taf tishi jew drajt?
@just Ray...and a big mouth too! :) Doesn't he remind us of the pigs in Animal Farm?...with all due respect to the pigs!
Ahhh, it pays to have a big head!
Igor P. Shuvalov
Make hay while the sun shines...
Gvern tal-bazuzli, x'ma jippompjax favur il-PN. Issa tarawh jerga' johrog jattakka lill-JM fuq kull ma jghid. U zgur mela dan wiehed minn dawk li sejjer tajjeb mal-PN u bhal tal-WE ma jaqbillux li jkun hemm il-Labour fil-gvern. Qazzuna u dardruna.
Mhux tajjeb jew??