Two pigs on the loose in Mtarfa, feasting on black rubbish bags

The local council appealed to the owner of the pigs to capture them and clean the rubbish they left behind

The pigs were pictured feasting on the black rubbish bags in Mtarfa (Photo: Mtarfa local council)
The pigs were pictured feasting on the black rubbish bags in Mtarfa (Photo: Mtarfa local council)

The Mtarfa local council has appealed to the owner of the small pigs to capture them after they were seen feasting on the black rubbish bags on Saturday morning.

“We would like to inform you that currently there are two small pigs tearing black rubbish bags at Triq Belt il- Ġmiel,” the Mtarfa local council posted on Facebook

“We appeal to their owner to pick them up and kindly clean the rubbish that they left behind.”

 The local council appealed for the sharing of the post to find the owner before the pigs made it to the main road.