[WATCH] Opposition leader says party unity and voter gap reduction is thanks to him

Asked about his low trust among voters, Opposition leader Bernard Grech said the party's performance counted more than trust ratings

The Nationalist party is now more united, and the voter gap between the Nationalist and Labour parties has been reduced by more than half, all thanks to its leader, Opposition leader Bernard Grech said on Sunday.

“In the last general election, the gap was 39,000, and this survey shows a gap of 15,000… Does that mean we went forward or backward, and who was leading the PN since the election? It was me," Grech said.

Answering questions from MaltaToday Executive Editor Kurt Sansone, Grech reacted to this newspaper’s survey, saying that he never abondoned ship even if the tide was rough.

"I consistently receive demerits, and it's unfair when merits are not acknowledged," Grech insisted.

At face value, the MaltaToday European election survey suggests the PN has narrowed the gap with Labour since the 2019 EP election.

Five years ago, the gap between the two major parties at the European election stood at 42,656. The MaltaToday survey puts the gap at ‘just’ 15,000 now, at the start of this year’s election. 

But the survey also shows that the Opposition is not gaining ground.

When asked if he was actually hindering the party's progress instead of helping, considering his low trust among voters, Grech said the party's performance counted more than trust ratings, which, according to the survey, stands at 16%.

"It was never about me; it was always about the country, and I will keep working for my country through the Nationalist Party," Grech said.

Acknowledging persistent rumors of internal conflicts within the Nationalist party, Grech stated that the party has moved forward and is now united. "...There is no internal fighting. Even Adrian Delia and I work very closely," he added.

When asked whether he would remain as the leader if the PN experiences a significant defeat in the upcoming elections, Grech sidestepped the question, saying that he and the party are focused on achieving the best result in the EP elections.

"We are determined to secure a third seat in the EP and to have a meaningful representation," he added, highlighting PN candidates Roberta Metsola and David Casa.

The PN leader also voiced his support for Metsola's advocacy for stronger defense cooperation within the EU. He argued that increased EU spending on defense does not contradict Malta's neutrality.

"If Malta were ever threatened, it would have to turn to its friends in the EU and NATO. When our time of need arrives, we will require strong partners to defend us," he stated.

Asked if he believes in neutrality, Grech explained that being neutral doesn't imply remaining passive about what is happening around us.