Resignation of councillors accused of fraud is ‘private matter’ - minister

Local Councils’ Association members plead ‘not guilty’ to embezzlement charges and government will not interfere with the possibility of resignation by the accused.

LCA president Michael Cohen said any talk of resignation over the OLAF charges cannot be considered until the case if over.
LCA president Michael Cohen said any talk of resignation over the OLAF charges cannot be considered until the case if over.

Home and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici said the resignation of local councillors who are facing a probe by the European Commission's anti-fraud office over embezzlement, will be a private matter for them to consider.

“The local councils' association members will have to decide on their own within the association itself. I cannot comment and have to wait until the final judgement. Whatever the outcome, they will have to decide within the private association itself,” Mifsud Bonnici told MaltaToday, after addressing a conference by the LCA with the Assocation of Local Democracy Agencies.

Members of the Local Councils’ Association were charged on 11 January 2012 with defrauding the European Commission for the reimbursement of airline tickets at full cost rather than the purchased price.

Among those charged were a mayor, former mayor, vice mayor and two local councillors who had private accounts with the travel agency KD Travel Services Limited. The councillors charged were members of the LCA's executive committee, including the LCA president and Kalkara mayor Michael Cohen who said that all the accused pleaded ‘not guilty’ but was hesitant to discuss the case further.

“We pleaded not guilty to the charges. It is a sensitive case and we have to wait for the outcome. I cannot comment any further for the moment,” Cohen said.

The councillors, who are all pleading not guilty to fraud, are: Birkirkara deputy mayor Doris Borg; former Mellieha mayor Joseph Borg; San Lawrenz mayor Noel Formosa; Fgura executive secretary Oreste Alessandro; the president of the local councils' association and Kalkara mayor Michael Cohen; Qrendi local councillor Claudette Abela Baldacchino; former LCA president and Gzira councillor Ian Micallef.

The European anti-fraud office, OLAF, had noticed inconsistencies when processing reimbursements of a large number to the association of airline tickets which all cost the same amount.

The total sum reimbursed by the European Council amounted to around €96,000 but hand-written invoices provided by the travel agency involved, had conflicting airline ticket amounts between the actual cost and purchase price.

It was alleged that claims for reimbursements were made for the full amount rather than the purchased price and the difference was then accredited to Association’s account or directly to the members’ personal accounts.

The director of KD Travel Services Limited Kenneth DeMartino and general manager Paul Cortisand were also charged with fraud and both pleaded not guilty to the charges.

OLAF investigations focused on a period of three years between 2004 and 2007 and ceased documentations included sales and purchasing ledgers, accounts, bank statements and emails.

Investigating officer Neil Thomson from OLAF stated that the divergences came to light as a result of parallel invoicing and concluded that similar cases had been reported as a result of inappropriate travel guidelines and misinterpretation in other countries.

@Matrix Naqbel mieghek li ssir riforma fil-kunsilli lokali u dawn isiru fuq bazi regjonali. U ghala le, dawk eletti jiehdu onorarja. U mela dawn il-kunsill lokali kollha u rebus tremend. Dwar jekk dawk il-kandidati ghall-kunsilli regjonali jikkontestawx f'isem il-partiti politici jew le, ejja ma nghagglux, ghalkemm naqbel ma' l-idea. Nimxu pass, pass u kollox jkun regolat, jekk jista' jkun minn Kumitat tal-Kamra tar-Rapprezentanti bl-ghajnuna tad-Dipartiment tal-Kunsilli Lokli (jew Regjonali) u l-Awditur Generali. Irridu niehdu hsieb li tiddahhal moralita' fiskali, akkontabbilta' u fuq kollox trasparenza. Dwar il-kawza in kwistjoni nistennew u naraw qabel nghagglu u nikkundannaw.. biss min hu responsabbli ta' xi nuqqas hekk gravi ghandu jkun interdettat milli qatt jikkontesta dawn il-kunsilli lokali.
What had Lawrence Gonzi said to John Dalli when he made him resign as Minister? Walter Camilleri
Zack Depasquale
Iktar nemmen li l-Partiti m'ghandhomx jiehdu sehem fil-kunsilli lokali. Anzi imur pass iktar min hekk bis-sistema tal-kunsilli lokali, flok naqset il-burokrazija u l-koruzzjoni aktar zdiedet, nahseb wasal iz-zmien li nghidu li l-esperiment tal-kunsilli ma rnexxiex u ghandhom jigu aboliti. Minflokhom ghandhom isiru kunsilli regjonali, bil-membri ta dawn il-kunsilli jkollhom honoraria, ghaliex fid-dinja hadd ma jaghmel xejn ta'xejn.
Hurray for OLAF! While they are looking at the LCA and KMB I wish they could also investigate the Wardens 'tenders' and the road camera's saga!!
You are now no longer real time like TOM!
"will be a private matter for them to consider" Private matter???? My left foot! They are paid from your taxes and mine! Why is it a private matter because it is 2 (reds) against 5 (blues) and one of the blues is from innermost (from Elcom) ????? Is it always like this where it concerns Ganni Borg, dear Carm????? Or it comes that is two weights and two different measures!------IMO They should ALL resign!!!
Everybody is presumed innocent until proved guilty. So we wait for the outcome. If however all those mentioned are at fault, they are not fit to form part of any local council. Sorry to say this, some of them are my friends, but corruption at local council level does not makes the local council so credible. But let us wait and see and then we will know how the accused will react once there is a verdict. Ok to err is human, but anybody has to live up to his/her responsibilities. Why such claims does not pass forward to EU through the local department for local councils? We want transparency and accountability at all levels.
Of course dear minister! Since it's a mixture of councillors from GonziPN and the PL, we understand very clearly your position! Come Franco send these bas***ds home once and for all! We are sick of this arrogance, and it doesn't make any difference from which side it's coming! People in malta are sick for POWER!