Police denied proper sentry box weather protection

Police officers who serve protection duties on fixed points are being denied a door that opens and closes in the sentry boxes available.

Unlike Armed Forces personnel, police officers who serve protection duties on fixed points and exposed to harsh weather conditions are being denied a door that opens and closes in the sentry boxes available.

Sentry boxes are normally found outside embassies or residences of high profile government officials.

"Most of the time, Armed Forces personnel benefit from such cover to combat the elements while police officers serving on fixed points remain exposed to severe weather conditions," Labour MP Leo Brincat told Parliament during a sitting late last week.

Meanwhile, Justice Minister Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici said that "the aim of police officers on duty in fixed points is to prevent hazardous situations from occurring that may be of detriment to the person/s the police are protecting.

"The sentry boxes aren't there to protect the officers from the elements. The boxes are there for the police officers to place their personal belongings and not to actually stay in during protection duties. And this is for the proper protection of the VIPs concerned.

"As a result, protection duty officers are having their shifts provided into four-hour ones to make life a bit easier for the police officers serving such duties," Mifsud Bonnici added.

Taf x'ghandu jghid Dr CMB? Li waqt li huwa u l-oħrajn ikunu komdi għas-sħana fix-xitwa jew iffriskati bl-air conditioner, dawk ghassa magħhom ikunu qed jiffriżaw fil-kesħa tax-xitwa jew inkaljati bix-xemx tas-sajf. Dik il-ħniena li juru tal-PN mal-ħaddiema.
Joseph Pace
"Meanwhile, Justice Minister Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici said that "the aim of police officers on duty in fixed points is to prevent hazardous situations from occurring that may be of detriment to the person/s the police are protecting." Does the Minister actually believe the crap he's saying? Why would something like this be denying Police to carry out their job properly? http://www.kehouse.com/uploads/news/20110314040528.JPG
duncan abela
In this bitiningly cold and harsh wintry weather it is simply inhumane to let the police on duty to be exposed to the elements especially when there is the chill factor of a wind blowing. Unfortunately the police are not treated by the authorities with the respect and dignity which the nature of their duties demands. The same applies to the facilities and working conditions in many police stations which often remind one of the Victorian age. No wonder they sometimes treat the public in an inconsiderate way with lack of respect given that they themselves often have to suffer lack of consideration and spartan treatment in their daily duties
Allura dik li tghajjar u toffendi lil kull min jghaddi minn mohha ghandha kaxxa bhal din quddiem il-villa taghha biex tkun tista tkompli toffendi bla biza?
il ministru ma jafx li armed forces jaghmlu duty ma nies jew ambaxxati bhal pulizija,ghalura mhuxl istess senrty boxes ghandhom ikollom.Sewwa qallek franco
Ghidlu lil dan l-GHAREF MINISTRU jmur jaghmel fixed point hu halli jara kemm idum f'dan il-fixed point, ma jafx x'inhu jghid dan il-ministru ghax lanqas it-tfal ma jghidu dan il-kliem. Veru li l-Pulizija qieghed hemm to prevent crime imma mhux jistmawh bhala annimal. U mur obsor hi shift ta' 8 sighat jinqasam fi tnejn to make life a bit easier. Iddahhaqniex taf Sur Ministru, Dr. Debono qal tajjeb li m'inti tajjeb ghal xejn ghax nixtieq inkun naf min ha jissaporti 4 sighat f'dan it-temp li ghandna bhalissa bil-wieqfa quddiem biex bix-xita niezla u forsi silg ukoll, l-imsejken pulizija mxarrab ghasra jippretendi li dan il-povru bniedem se jibqa f'sensieh jaqdi dmiru lil dak il-VIP li jkun hemm gewwa bl-aircondition u mxahxah gos-sodda. U mhux hekk nibqghu qeghdin tistmaw lil dawn il-povri bhala tapit dak naf zgur li qeghdin taghmlu.