GRTU official told Vince Farrugia assistant police commissioner ‘is on your side’

Defence presents more SMSes claiming Vince Farrugia and GRTU members tried to curry favour with police and press to bolster case.

GRTU official Philip Fenech boasts in SMSes to Vince Farrugia that Assistant Commissioner Neville Aquilina was on his side.
GRTU official Philip Fenech boasts in SMSes to Vince Farrugia that Assistant Commissioner Neville Aquilina was on his side.

New SMS messages exhibited in court by the defence counsel in the compilation of evidence against Sandro Chetcuti, who stands accused of causing grievious bodily harm to Vince Farrugia, shows one of the GRTU's officials claiming he had garnered the sympathy of a senior police officer on the case, the Director of Prisons Abraham Zammit, and members of the press.

The text messages are part of the evidence brought by the defence in the compilation of evidence for the prosecution of former GRTU director Sandro Chetcuti, who is accused with GBH after assaulting Farrugia in the Valletta offices of the GRTU.

The SMSes also show Farrugia asking his son Jean-Karl - who happens to be one of his lawyers in the case - to call him up to testify in court first because other witnesses, GRTU staff who witnessed the assault, 'are mixing up things especially when he [Sandro Chetcuti] said noqtlok noqtlok [I'll kill you].'

The SMS read:

Jan I'm thinking it's better that I set the ball rolling u nixhed l-ewwel jien ghax I'm worried the others are mixing up and they are not saying that he was screaming at me "noqtlok, noqtlok as he was hitting me. And can't belie they did not hear him" what do you think? Talk to Kris u fil-kas talk to Prosection toi call me first.

Taking the witness stand, GRTU vice-president Philip Fenech was asked by lawyer Emanuel Mallia what certain SMSes he sent to Farrugia meant, specifically those where he mentions 'Commissioners'.

In one of the SMSes sent after the assault, Fenech is telling Farrugia:

No you wont I have the commissioner on our side he helped all the way called me about 4 times... The AC told me they are very strong and credible now I hope the doctors report is to..I will guide them what to be careful for when testifying and Manwels ways ! Leave it all to me the police will be helping us..luckelly we have very honest ones of the few left..I worked with them so I am home.

Fenech told Mallia he knew Aquilina due to his job running Paceville establishment BJ's.

According to prosecutor Police Inspector James Grech, Aquilina was consulted during the investigations on the compilation of the charges and "used Aquilina as a point of reference only".

He also said that his SMS referred to the staff at GRTU, and said the junior staff who witnessed the assault were not aware of how the law courts work, and watch out for Emanuel Mallia's tactics, and that they should report what they saw clearly. "The staff were extremely traumatised."

In another SMS from Vince Farrugia to Philip Fenech, Farrugia asks him to 'check with Jean [Vince Farrugia's son and defence lawyer] if Sandro is in Kordin. The SMS read:

Philip check with Jean if Sandro is in fact in Kordin.This morning he ordered Manwel Mallia toi make sure he does not sleep at Kordin.So money probably is already moving. If he did not tel Mario to pass on to Daphne. We must watch moves on a day by day. The pig must roast!

Fenech confirmed that the message concerned GRTU official Mario Debono, whom the defence has established as having been a middleman to provide fodder for Malta Independent columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia's blogs targeting Sandro Chetcuti.

In reply, Fenech tells Farrugia:

Yes I am aware of all this..I am impressed how street wise you are..I have over 35years of night life sitting on the balcony seeing all these moves come out at the bar while they are on alcohol! Do not worry I am focused on this I have all the commissioners help and  Abraham..he will have to watch out on his corrupted people..cause they do anything for money hence all the drugs in there ! The director is strong on principle..the guy that killed himself inside was given a strong order of detention by him for causing trouble. I still have to work out how his father in law will act because I think he is still on the prison board!!  

The reference to Abraham is for the Corradino prisons' acting director Abraham Zammit.

Fenech told the court that his messages to Farrugia were only intended at making Farrugia feel comfortable after the assault. "It doesn't mean I was going to influence anyone. They didn't mean anything. I was just comforting Farrugia after all he had been through".

In another SMS to Fenech, Farrugia tells him 'ahdem, ahdem ahdem [get busy] Get the commissioner to make sure Sandro is in Kordin for a long time.'

Other SMSes suggest that an opinion piece by the Bondiplus presenter Lou Bondì in The Sunday Times was circulated to Philip Fenech before it was published in order to be vetted. In an SMS, Fenech tells Farrugia 'Noel and Herman [Grech, Sunday Times deputy editor] showed us the piece referring to Lou Bondì's Sunday Times article.'

And never underestimate Sandro. The flood of silly comments on are all organised but read Lou Bondi Sunday Times tomorrow. I still did not give them a photo. The trial will start soon they'l have enough then. Noel and Herman shoed me there piece and our lawyers vetted them. Better like this. Hope DCG MA TAFFIGIEX.

Farrugia then replies to Fenech:

And The comments must be organised as Lou, Noel and Matthew Vella [ editor] all told me messages of sympathy keep pouring in and out there hardly anyone says a good word for him. And I've been inundated with messages.anyway the trial hasn't even started. Inti also keep Joe warm. Din it-tfajla/sinjura li ghandu gdida tafha? She a smart chick BOV divorsee.

Other SMSes presented by the defence show Vince Farrugia asking Philip to speak to the late Guido de Marco, the former President, 'because he has influence on Manuel Mallia' - Sandro Chetcuti's defence lawyer.

Ok he told me. Talk to Guido as he has influence on Manwel Mallia. Tell him how serious this was. Tell him how he is treathening people dwar meta jitla il-labour.

In a reply to Farrugia's SMS, Fenech replied: Ok will do..just hope Gwido will remain here till the end when we can talk. (referring to the late Guido de Marco).

Mallia then turned to Fenech, asking him who he thought he was "trying to influence the course of justice by exchanging messages and calls with the director of prisons, and coaching the GRTU staff who witnessed the case on how to witness in court, the police, and even the press.

"You seem to have tried to coach everybody," Mallia told Fenech, "even the police."

In previous sittings, SMS messages sent out by GRTU director-general Vince Farrugia in the wake of his assault show he was in contact with Mario Debono, asking him to influence Malta Independent columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia to undermine his aggressor Sandro Chetcuti in her blog.

Another SMS, this time from Peter Bonello, mayor of St Julian's, to Vince Farrugia, was read out by Mallia: "Vince, make sure you have a professur bil-bajd [make sure you have a very good lawyer]. Be courageous, we are behind you."

Farrugia, in turn, forwarded Bonello's message to his son Jean-Karl. Mallia questioned whether he was aware who Bonello was and Jean-Karl replied by saying he hadn't any idea who had sent the message but confirmed that a message of this nature was in fact forwarded to him by his father.

Another message sent by Vince Farrugia to his son Jean-Karl, read: "We left the issue of the medical certificates in their hands too much. You should get advice from Conrad and Anthony Samuel. If they witness in a 'soft' manner. it would make us and the police look ridiculous. Someone has to say that any blow could have killed me." Conrad Bugeja is the doctor who saw to Farrugia the day he was admitted to hospital and Anthony Samuel is the consultant radiologist who dealt with Farrugia's X-rays.

Last year Samuel had testified about the effect of Chetcuti's physical attack on Farrugia. Chetcuti's defence counsel had questioned Samuel's objectivity and asked whether he had exaggerated the medical results of Farrugia to reinforce the case against Chetcuti. Samuel has always denied that he manipulated the medical results.

Mallia questioned Jean-Karl Farrugia regarding a message sent on March 15 by Jean-Karl's sister stating that she had spoken with Dr Anthony Samuel and that Samuel would be contacting him.

The day after a short call was also recorded to have been made by Dr Anthony Samuel to Jean-Karl. Mallia asked Jean-Karl the nature of the conversation between him and Samuel. Jean-Karl replied: "It was probably for an appointment regarding a chest X-ray, but I cannot recall, it's been too long ago."

Sur Camillu u Pawlu . Dawn l-sms's saru pubbliċi wara li il-qorti ma kienet sabet ebda oġġezzjoni li dawn jiġu ippubblikati . Li kieku dawn baqgħu mistura , kieku il-poplu ma kienx ikun jaf x'bejta sriep valenuzi hemm fit-tmexxijja tal-GRTU . L-aktar serp valenuz hu dak li ftit taz-zmien ilu , kien ħhajjar lill-ħaddiema li għandhom xogħol prekarju bħala Ġrieden . Mela hu u dawk li għandu madwaru x'inhuma .
@ camillu. Ara sewwa stqarr Gonzi li m'ghandux niex ta' hila madwaru u int l-aktar cuc minnhom biex ma tafx li l-qorti ordnat il-publikazzjoni tal sms's. Basta minghalik ridt thammeg lil Avukat Mallia li gie mal-moviment tal-PL bhal hafna ohrajn. Illum ic-cwiec biss fadal maghkom, l-inteligenti qalbu jew qed jaqilbu.
@ camillu. Ara sewwa stqarr Gonzi li m'ghandux niex ta' hila madwaru u int l-aktar cuc minnhom biex ma tafx li l-qorti ordnat il-publikazzjoni tal sms's. Basta minghalik ridt thammeg lil Avukat Mallia li gie mal-moviment tal-PL bhal hafna ohrajn. Illum ic-cwiec biss fadal maghkom, l-inteligenti qalbu jew qed jaqilbu.
Alfred Debattista
Tal-misthija Cens, mnalla ma tlajtx membru fil-parlament europew ghax kien ikun fik vera arukaza.Isthi jekk taf kif.
mhux ta bxejn tal kazakistan gew malta. kienu jafu fejn gejjin u ma min se jhokku spallithom. fula maqsuma. din bhal ta jpo qabel l elezzjoni meta gie mqabbad min gonzipn u ikkowcjat min peppi tal linja sabiex juru lill dr sant donnu xi demonju. issa il forzi tad dlamijiet jidru mill sms kienu qed jimmanipulaw jew tal inqas jippruvaw jimmanipulaw il kullhadd. mhux wiehed mhux tnejn, mhux tlieta ta......
@Vince farrugia, jekk hu veru dan li hawn fil blog li qed naqra ta Duncan Barry li ntqal fil Qorti, imissek twarrab illum qabel ghada ghax dan ghad krudili li jissejjah frame up papali. Dan il bniedem Sandro Cethcuti li jien ma nafx min hu, jew imsejjah lejburist jekk hu veru, inti ma fadallek xejn hlief titlaq u twaqqa kollox u thallas ghamiel hazin li, attwajt, dejjem jekk hu veru, ghax ma nistax nghid jek hux veru, mhux ghax ma nemminx imma sissa ghada ma nizlietliex u ma nobsorx dan il hazen malizjus
The recent revelations by JPO, and now this court evidence, have inflamed the disgust of ordinary decent citizens. How such covert, disgusting warmongering has been allowed to flourish so easily amongst a select group of "friends of friends" makes babies out of the blood thirsty Crusaders, Romans, and Dracula. No wonder they want to hold on to power at all costs. Firstly, they are sucking money off the system, as a baby goes for mother's milk. Secondly, they calculate that a change of Government will expose their dirty doings. Full retribution is in order; here is hoping that Labour would set up as many commissions as needed to go after each one of these "friends.” Nothing else will satisfy the sense of injustice felt by the ordinary Maltese citizen. What does the “more catholic than the pope” Prime Minister have to say to all this? Will he smile his artificial smile and wave it all away like flicking a fly? Alfred Sant was right when he exposed them. Unfortunately, no one believed him then; like with many other advanced, rational ideas he espoused.
@Camillu: These SMS,s came to light by the Court's order...and as for Data Protection you are right; but I'll more concerned by the Acta legislation which Dr Busuttil and the PN wanted to squeeze down our throats! Moreover, it is a wonder of wonders how the witch gets hold of personal and other government official photos for use on her vomit and acidic running page.By the way is it true that the witch is a PN candidate on JPO's district?
Camillu: does it occur to you - prehpas when you rmove the the blue blinkers you are wearing- that the SMSs are being displayed at the order of the Courts and vINCE fARRUGIA's lawuers requested that certian SMSs betwen Chetcuti and Joseph Muscat are produced!! They foolishly did not realise that when the Court ordeed access to SMSs it would apply also to the SMSs which the defnece team will request. Camillu, i suppose you find more objection to producing SMss to prove innocence, than to the vile tactics being used to slam a man '' into Kordi for a long time'' for ' attmepted murder ' - as originally accused of and then withdrawn when the AG relased the sham! And you find no objection to a lawyer lying under oath as Dr JK Farrugia did when he said he never contacated the dcotor?; and to dr Samuel who issued what seems to be a false medical report on the injuries sustained by the GRTU chief contracidted by another 2 doctors? And you fidn no objectio to using Madam Spite and Hatred to fan the fire and make sure a man is accused of attempted murder he did not attempt? Is this where your values have sunk , that condmening a man to prison is more important than doing justice - imbasta lejburist?! Prosit hej!
@ camillu, Ghanke jien ma irridx nidhol fil kas, pero int hadtha b`kbira kif gew il illum huwa facli kif...tista issaqsi per ezempju lis segretarju generali tal PN. P.B.O....Pero li dejjem skond ma qeghedin naqraw ( u mhux kliemi ) hemm kongura tal Beati Pawli kontra bniedem li ghandu familja ta.Issemmew persuni li kullhadd jaf xi hdura ghandhom go qalbhom ghal proxmu taghhom....ejjew nikbru ftit u ma narawx it tibna f`ghajn haddiehor meta ikollna travu f`ghajnejna..
Reading this article today was like being present during court and it is very clear after reading all texts that the level of jealousy/hatred towards Sandro Chetcuti was amazing and planned to reflect very bad on Sandro who always worked hard from his precious time in favour of GRTU from his precious time. As well said: Iz-zejt dejjem jitla f'wicc l-ilma!!
Micheal Bonanno
@camillu. They were brought forward through a court order! Nothing undemocratic or anything!
The spider is very poison. Reading this article makes my body shivers even we are in the mid summer heatwave. How can GOD save us from this CLIQUE well discribed from JPO, JES, FD, and PL leader? WE need your votes, to bring Malta democracy to its feet. If you are happy, means you are part of the CLIQUE. EX PN.
The spider is very poison. Reading this article makes my body shivers even we are in the mid summer heatwave. How can GOD save us from this CLIQUE well discribed from JPO, JES, FD, and PL leader? WE need your votes, to bring Malta democracy to its feet. If you are happy, means you are part of the CLIQUE. EX PN.
This is so typical of the comments below. None are worried about the contents of the SMS's which are the result of high powered corruption. SOme are concerned as to the source. I guess these SMS's were sourced quite legitimately since they have a huge bearing on the outcome of this case and are being quoted quite openly. This is a very serious situation, that if proven has deep and spreading consequences. Here we have a public figure using his influence to try and distort the truth, the proof, and the reality of how things happened. Not only is he using his influence, but he is also insisting that 3rd parties to this episode also exert their influence to enable the outcome of this case to be exactly as planned. If what is being said is true, I expect the journalists in question to be investigated, the police in question to be investigated by 'internal affairs' and and the medical resources mentioned to be hauled infront of the medical ethics board and investigated. This is where the country's Opposition (read PL) should be focusing on. These matters are very serious, and throw a very bad light on some of the authorities and intitutions mentioned in this report. Well done and a big thank you to Maltatoday for bring to light this very impiortant piece of evidence.
@camillu. Jien ma tantx qed nara problema kif gab l-emails il-kandidat tal-PL Dr Mallia (seta' kien avukat tal-PN ukoll, imma inti minghalik trid tbezza ghax kandidat tal-PL). Jien li qed ibbezzani hi x-xibka u l-intricci li hawn fejn jidhol min hu kbir. Imma ma nistaghgibx meta kif qalulna deputati tal-PN stess dan il-pajjiz immexxi minn oligarkija bil-politika ta' l-aphartied. X'tistenna....
No more jazz for me; from now on I'll stick to the 'sopranos', though not even Tony Soprano managed to talk to head of Police, doctors, lawyers, 'independent' and psuedo-independent editors,and witches, in order to influence his court cases. Now I understand why certain cases take a short cut, whilst others simply take for ever! Keep them coming Saviour; this is the real news, and not what the Independent, PBS and TOM want to feed us! Thank you once again Mr Balzan!
Is this really happening in Malta? Is this what is meant when they say that the country is run by an oligarchy? My mind boggles at the implications involved!
I do not want to enter into the merits of the case, but I see it a very dangerous situation where you have the defence counsel, now a confirmed Labour candidate, getting possession of several SMS messages, which I believe are data protected. It would be interesting to know how this lawyer got possession of these messages.
A real life expose', evidenced in court, exposing the workings of Malta's obnoxiously power hungry, unelected, money sucking, dictatorial power networks probably aided and abated by LG's acolytes being directed by you know who. No wonder they are at a great loss after certain current events.
Kukkanja wahda.
Independently of this case, how SMS sent between third parties became public? Does the provider stores the content of the message or just the number and time of the message? Innocent people should know the facts.
This account of how Chetcuti is being framed is of vomiting proportions. It is revealing the types of people Vince Farrugia, Mario Debono et al are. No wonder they cohort with the likes of the Queen of Vomit and Bile, and enjoy the verbal diarrhea she produces 24 /7! They are a credit to the PN ukoll!!!