‘Government must guarantee Air Malta success’ – Busuttil raises privatisation fears

Opposition leader questions government plans over Air Malta restructuring programme

Simon Busuttil addressing the PN's tourism policy seminar
Simon Busuttil addressing the PN's tourism policy seminar

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil has asked for guarantees on Air Malta's restructuring programme, citing rumours over whether the ambitious €260 million plan for the national airline will enable it to become profitable.

"Taxpayers' money cannot be wasted on this restructuring, and the one-time subsidy for the airline cannot happen again. Other than that, there would be no choice but to privatise the airline, and if the government has the intention to privatise Air Malta, the general public and especially Air Malta employees have every right to know."

Busuttil was addressing the first policy seminar organised by the Nationalist Party on tourism as part of a series of activities to commemorate the World Tourism Day.

Busuttil inquired about the restructuring programme that was pushed by the previous government and raised doubts on whether the restructuring process will be a success. "The subsidy was an exception, a one-time, last-time occasion so the government has to make the best out of it."

He questioned why several infrastructural projects such as those at forts St Elmo and St Angelo, started by the previous administration, had been  interrupted.

He argued that some focus on competitive advantage when it comes to the Tourism Sector rather than comparative advantage.

"The extended honeymoon has finished," Nationalist MP Robert Arrigo chipped in, in his evaluation of the new government. "This government has not put forward any new ideas for tourism. And the PN is working hard to see that the record arrivals we achieved in the past keep on happening."

X'wiċċ vili għandu dan il-bniedem biex jiġi jgħid li dan il-gvern għandu jiggarantixxi is-success ta' l-Air Malta meta kienu huma li kissruha u ġabuha f'dan l-istat. Trid tkun purċinell gwapp li titlob dan meta il-gvern precedent ma kien ta' ebda informazzjoni lill-oppozizzjoni ta' dak iz-zmien meta ħatar il-bord li kien qed jieħu ħsieb ta' l-istrutturar tagħha. Tkunx aktar pastas Simon għax ser jirnexxilek tilħaq il-livel ta' arroganza li kellu Austin Gatt.
X'wiċċ vili għandu dan il-bniedem biex jiġi jgħid li dan il-gvern għandu jiggarantixxi is-success ta' l-Air Malta meta kienu huma li kissruha u ġabuha f'dan l-istat. Trid tkun purċinell gwapp li titlob dan meta il-gvern precedent ma kien ta' ebda informazzjoni lill-oppozizzjoni ta' dak iz-zmien meta ħatar il-bord li kien qed jieħu ħsieb ta' l-istrutturar tagħha. Tkunx aktar pastas Simon għax ser jirnexxilek tilħaq il-livel ta' arroganza li kellu Austin Gatt.
Tahilek ir risposta dalghodu mill Amerika ,smajtu Simon ?.
Simon Busuttil ta' l-ostra! Tiskanta minn fejn qed igibhom dawn id-dikjarazzjonijiet. Jew mill-Yellow Pages onkella minn fuq il-Beano. Take your pick.
Nigu as Sur Busuttil. Kif ma tisthix, minn kien li iffirma l-agreement il-Gvern Prtesenti jew il-gvern ta qabeli.e. Dr Gonzi u l-bella kumpanijs inkluz Toni ta l-arlogg tal-lira, Wistinu il-bully u haga naturali ma nahsibx li ma kontx imdahhal ukoll inti Sur Busuttil. Ghax ma tmurx titlob biex il-gvern presenti jara kif jaghmel halli jsalva lill Air Malta li bhal kull haga ohra farraktu. War kollox minn xtara l-Avro JR's u minn wara li sab li kien ghamel flopp kompla ghaxxaqa u rega xxtara 2 jew 3 ohra biex nehha l-balla li kellha fuq li-stonku taghha l-kumpanija falluta. Mela kont taf li ghaxxaqtuha fl-arrangamenti li ghamiltu mal E.U. Nafu li l-uniku kliem li kien jinghad minnkhom fid-diskussjonijiet mal-EU kien dejjem YES SIR. Hallina Xmun u mur inheba int u shabhekk kollha
Nibda b'Robert Arrigo.Sur Arrigo ma ghadikx dgor li l-gvern oprecedenti kien qieghed iffarrak l-Industrija tat-Turizmu. Nafu kemm kont tmaqmaq
Well said Dr. Busuttil. Keep up your good work. Team PN
Micheal Bonanno
Dr. Busuttil, the politics of scaremongering won't do the country and your party any good! Look what it did to your party in the last elections? Are you working for a repeat? If you are, the Maltese people will give you a repeat, don't worry.
Dawn ma jisthux jitkellmu fuq l airmalta meta kien huma li gabuha fl stat li qieghda bil hnizrijiet u decizjonijiet hziena li hadu matul il 25 sena fil gvern? U ma jafx il buzu li il management li hu fdat mir ristrutturar ghadu l istess management li kien appunta il gvern tieghu? Ma jafx li ir ristrutturar ta l airmalta huwa imxekkel minn kuntratti tal misthija li iffirma il gvern tieghu ghall 10 snin msl WAG, sky gourmet u l enemalta? B min iridu jitmejjlu tal pn? Mhux ta bxejn li il labour zied il popolarita fl ahhar opinion polls!!
Micheal Bonanno
Dr. Busuttil, the politics of scaremongering won't do the country and your party any good! Look what it did to your party in the last elections? Are you working for a repeat? If you are, the Maltese people will give you a repeat, don't worry.
Fantastic. Simon's buddies, with their massive blunders as the RJ-70s, their autocratic chairmen who bled AirMalta dry, and the PN mismanagement, deliberate or otherwise, first destroy the profitability of AirMalta, and now holier than thou Simon cries FOUL. Yet, every time he is accosted with the fact that it was the Nationalist Party he leads that caused all the maladministration and corruption, he states that he was not there when it happened. So where was he, having a lovely time and massive salaries as an MEP where they learnt how to lie like hell. The Honeymoon mentioned by Arrigo, (where was he too when AirMalta was decimated!!!) is as good for the groom (PL) as it is for the bridegroom (the PN), a broken marriage from the word GO, and the blunders that continuously blurt out of the mouth of Simon is the one and only failed honeymoon of this decade. No wonder NOSTRADAMUS stated in his quatrains that he weeps for Malta.!!!
joseph mercieca
First they ruin Air Malta now they want to dictate how to save it. He refered to the wasting of tax payers's money. Is the guy real? One could write a book on the wasting of tax payers money by GomziPN. Just three quick examples 4 million for the breakwater bridge, 4 million for the office of the chairman of Malta Enterprise, 12 million for a Parlaiment which is small and we do not need Mr.Arrigo regarding new ideas for tourism ponder on this one. In over a year's time this administration will lower the industry's energy bill by around 25%. Beat that Mr. Shadow minister.
Ara min qieghed jitkellem fuq privatissazzjoni, Simon Busuttil li kien wiehed minnom li bieh kull ma kellna fejn qatt ma semmew xejn fil programmi elettorali taghhom, li il Mid Med kellu jinbieh, biex taraw x'inhuma dawn in nies fejn hallew fl-ghama lil haddiema ta l-AirMalta snin , u sintendi anki lil haddiema tal-istamperijja taghhom ghax ezatt wara li qalghu tkaxkira hargu ahbarijiet li ghandom €8miljuni dejn, li kieku telghu huma sintendi dawk kienu jitghattew, povru poplu Malti li kieku, kienu jithallsu haxx haxx min flusna.
What a cheek! I give up! Why don't you take a one way ticket to planet Mars Simon. They may or may not believe a word you are saying. Unbelievable! Why don't you give us more info as to how your Dar Centrali got bankrupt?
What a cheek! I give up! Why don't you take a one way ticket to planet Mars Simon. They may or may not believe a word you are saying. Unbelievable! Why don't you give us more info as to how your Dar Centrali got bankrupt?