Embellishment of band club’s bar amongst the ‘good causes’

During the electoral campaign, half a million euro was distributed to band clubs, religious organisations and sports entities.

Sunday newspaper ILLUM reveals that amongt the projects which benefitted from the Good Causes Funds, there was the embellishment of a bar belonging to a band club. 

In the first quarter of 2013 - and in the midst of the electoral campaign – there were 20 band clubs or religious organisations that benefitted from a total of €250,000.

In the same period, another €250,000 was distributed to twelve sport entities.

The Good Causes Fund is already under investigation by the Auditor General, after the Finance Ministry asked for an enquiry about the past use of this fund by the preceding administration.

A ministry spokesperson refused to comment before the publication of the Auditor’s findings. Nonetheless, he pointed out that some financial allocations shed doubts over the use of the funds.

Read more in today’s edition of Illum

Kull ma messew ta GonziSimonPN fallewh: Pn,pajjiz, Good cause. Hemm cans li jithallsu l-haddiema jew?