PN youth section holds silent protest against citizenship sale

PN youth section holds silent protest against citizenship law outside Parliament.

As MPs made their way to Parliament this evening they were greeted by an unsual sight, with some 50 members of the PN youth section clad in red and white facepaint and holding banners which read "Our Malta for sale" and "I'm proud to be Maltese."

The protest was held in a last ditch attempt to convince government MPs to vote against the International Investor Scheme, through which foreigners can obtain Maltese citizenship for €650,000 donation.

Wearing white T-shirts and with their faces painted red and white - the colours of the Maltese flag, the young activists re-enacted the Labour Party electoral billboards which focused on national pride and unity.

Although the police officers present in St George's Square at first blocked the protestors from entering the square, the activists were later allowed to stand outside the Palace where they handed each MP a personalised fake passport in which the PN youth section made their last minute appeal.

Parliament is expected to approve the bill amending the Citizenship Act, allowing foreigners to obtain a Maltese passport,

As Prime Minister Joseph Muscat approached Parliament, he briefly stopped to chat with the protestors where he was heard saying "I respect your position but I disagree and I am confident time will prove us right."

The PN youth section president and MEP candidate Kevin Plumpton explained that the protestors were against the sale of citizenship without requiring long-term investment and residence.

"The Labour Party was elected upon the call for national unity and pride however they are now selling citizenship. It is unacceptable that our citizenship has been put up for sale without any long-term investment or residence requirements. Above all, the scheme's secrecy arouses suspicion."

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil said the Opposition would continue to argue against the sale of citizenship to the very end and appealed on all MPs to vote against the bill.

Asked if the PN considered supporting an abrogative referendum, Busuttil said he had no comments to add to what he has already said on the matter.



Dawen izì'zaghzagh ikunu kredibbli meta jghidulna id-differenza hemm bejn dawk li jhehdu ic-cittadinanza bli-skema IIP u is-6,800 persuna li hadu ic-citadinanza f'dawn l'ahhar 9 snin. Minn dawn aqta dawk il-Maltin li kellhom jirrinunzjaw ic- cittadinanza minhabba li kellhom jiehdu ic-citadinanza tal-pajjiz fejn maru jghixu u issa jistghu jakwistawa lura. Zgur li dawn ma kienux jammontaw ghal-6,800.
We lost our citizenship and identity when we joined the EU ,whoever and from what class of life rich, poor,educated and uneducated can come and go as they please in Malta with the same rights as us .So why all of this fuss.
.... veru li dawn l-mzpn tal-lum bla bocci tafux ..... ma tahsbux li kieku marru jintrabtu bil-ktajjen quddiem kastilja kienu jaghmlu ferm aktar hoss bhal dawk l-illustri kollegi taghhom tal-antik ..... veru li llum quddiem Kastilja ma ghadx hemm gradilji tal-hadid imma zgur li kieku marru jintrabtu hemm kienu jaghmlu aktar hoss ...... shabhom hekk ghamlu fl-antik ..... qabel ma ggradwaw u marru jmaxtru d-dollari u d-dirhams fis-sawdi arabja .....