Updated | PN to propose amendments to IIP legal notice, declares 'win on principle'

Busuttil says devil's in the detail, will propose amendments to the legal notice in Parliament

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil gives the PN's reaction to latest IIP legal notice, after a parliamentary group meeting.
Opposition leader Simon Busuttil gives the PN's reaction to latest IIP legal notice, after a parliamentary group meeting.

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil said this evening that the last legal notice regulating the citizenship scheme was a win on principle for the Nationalist Party. 

He said that the legal notice presented yesterday showed a very different Individual Investors Programme than the one which was approved in Parliament last November, even though "it could have been much better." 

"This was thanks to the Nationalist Party and the European Institutions. It also served to show that if the government collaborated with the Opposition in the first instant, Malta would have been spared all this shame caused by the government's hard-headed approach."

However, Busuttil quickly added that "the devil was in the detail" and noted several loopholes in the legal notice for which the Opposition will be proposing amendments in parliament. 

For instance he pointed out that the law commits only the main applicant to reside for 12 months. Other people who would gain citizenship with the main applicants, such as relatives, would not be asked to reside in Malta. 

Busuttil also said that the law requests the main applicant to give proof of the 12-month residency, but does not specify what type of proof is needed. 

"It is also unacceptable that the law provides revocation of citizenship if the required property or investment bonds are not retained during the whole period, but this does not apply to those who are caught not residing in Malta."

The fourth loophole concerned the publishing of names who gain citizenship, saying that distinction is not made between those who buy citizenship and those who gain it automatically. 

He insisted the Opposition will do its outmost to ensure that the government pursues the scheme as approved by the EU commission, in particular the 12-month residency clause.

"We accept the Commission's stand that this scheme is no longer illegal, but we will closely follow the implementation of the scheme in order to ensure that the IIP is operated in good faith."

Consequently, the Opposition confirmed its' participation in the IIP monitoring committee.

Asked about the judicial protest the PN filed in the past days, Busuttil remarked that the protest was on the previous legal notice that was presented in 2013.

"The new legal notice revokes the previous one, so our judicial protest served its aim."

Government's reaction

Reacting to Simon Busuttil's press conference, the government expressed its disbelief that Busuttil proposed amendments to the legal notice in order to reflect the agreement reached with the EU Commission, when the legal notice itself was vetted by the same Commission.

"It is now clear that the Opposition's motivation is purely partisan, putting aside the national interest," the government said in a statement.

Dear Simon, you look ridiculous, you sound ridiculous and you qualify for the best.... King Carnival emblem for years to come, you are an absolute political nonentity.Keep it up?!/.&%*&(#)
Dear Simon, When you are in a hole you should stop digging. Cheers
Kemm u bravu dan! Minn fejn sibtuh? Flim'xorti? He is so bright and clever, that not only has he solved his party's financial woes in just 8 months, but has offered his considerable manpower to the EU to act as policeman to the IIP. WOW! Imma kemm u bravu dal'pitravu! Hey! Wait a minute! Or did he have in mind those cosily ensconced infiltrators that had taken all the Public sector jobs during GonziPN's last 10 years in power? Ahhhhh! Now I see from where he is sourcing his manpower. Joseph Muscat beware!!!
Meta bniedem f'sen sih jidhol go sqaaq li ma jinfidx, is-sens komun u l-kapacita ta dak li jkun, hija li jara kif johrog. Huma l-boloh biss li jibqghu dehlin fih.
Carry On SIMON & CO you are showing us you are becoming worse than the GONZI PN regime before the past general elections. Yes you will loose more voters than ever before. Maltese and Gozitan voters will show their disagreement with you in the coming elections for the European Parliament.Your party tactics are remaking the film of Titanic and has most surely brought shame on your loyal party so called hardliner voters.
Now for Simon the sparrow, it's OK to sell your own mother, because the buyer is going to stay for 12 months in Malta. It is also OK for Simon the sparrow to prostitute yourself because the pimp will be staying for 12 months in Malta. It is OK for Simon the sparrow that the Mafia will be coming to Malta, because now we have a guarantee that it will stay for an effective 12 months. It is OK now for Simon the sparrow to abandon his principles, because the 12 months clause makes all the difference. So much for your principles Simon?
Tant hu stordut Simon li lanqas induna li ma jistax jaghmel tibdilit fil legal notice imma biss jista jirrevoka. Ma jafx xse jaghmel izjed.
Ara kemm ha jamlulek karrijiet fil karnival simon.Vera ha tkun ir re.
The same arrogance of the PN shown in this saga led them to the collapse of their government. They could not even carry out simple management within their own home and left their workers without bread money. Keep going this way PN. You are on the right tracks as always!
And what is next?. I do feel that the Government should have been a better listener from the start but having obtained the endorsement from the European Union, I feel it is time to move on with the scheme. What the Opposition is doing is simply a delay tactics with the hope of gaining some grounds for the coming elections for the European Parliament. Let us not waste more time. I have full confidence in the 4 levels of scrutiny and the opposition can do its loyal duty towards the country at these levels without further interruptions.
X'rebah il-PN? Il-PN ried li l-IIP tigi skrapjata hax tmur kontra kull principju tal-qdusija taghhom il-PN. Il-PN rebah musmar iehor fit-tebut, imma.
Ritratt tal-gvern Nazzjonalist, Censu Galea, David Agius, Jason Azzopardi, il-famuz Beppe Fenech Adami u Mario Demarco, gvern li halla warajh skandli, li l-PN ma jriedx li jinkixfu, dejn, tahwid u tgerfix. Fejn huwa il-partit gdid ? Klikka sfiducjata mill poplu Malti, klikka mixhuta l-barra mill gvern u l-kunsilli lokali kollha b-massa ta voti. Simon jiddispjacini ghalik li qieghed bejnithom.
Quote: 'Opposition leader Simon Busuttil said this evening that the last legal notice regulating the citizenship scheme was a win on principle for the Nationalist Party.' When will politicians stop seeing their function as one of competition and 'winning'? Surely their function is to do their best for the people that elected them? As long as they continue to see themselves as competitors, rather than servants of the people, authorised by the people's vote, according to their mandate then how on earth can progress ever be made?
I think it is time for Dr. Busuttil to realise that when one is in a hole he should stop digging.
Simon Busuttil wants us to believe this? Wouldn't the Commission vet the legal notice before the Government issued it? It's a shame that the EU commission cannot target the Opposition for mis-information. PN touching the ever-pits
Surely the THOUSANDS who apply and get citizenship - at least one thousand per year- do not get citizenship " automatically " !!!! Simon Busuttil is also resorting to banal arguments which make no sense !
The People of Malta are sick and tired of the Machiavellian machinations of Simon Busuttil and his clikka of failed politicians at best. We are sick and tired of the continuous attack on its Government and its people who elected him. We are sick and tired of continuous politics and manouvering for the sake of politics at the cost of Malta and its good name. This and much more are the work of Simon Busuttil and his band. If he does not stop and shut his mouth for once he will be given an even bigger trashing at the next EU elections than the General Election - for it seems obvious the PN Klikka learned no lessons from the resounding defeat by the people of Malta.
Surely the THOUSANDS who apply and get citizenship - at least one thousand per year- do not get citizenship " automatically " !!!! Simon Busuttil is also resorting to banal arguments which make no sense !
Proset Simon kemm qed timmatura. Fi ftit gimghat mhux talli m'ghadekx tibza u tbezzghana bil-mafja, bit-terroristi u bil-prostituzzjoni, imma issa tridhom jigu joqghodu hawn, halliha li minn hames snin issa waqajt ghal sena u minn ftit ghaxriet li ridt tikkappja il-programm issa accettajt li ma jkunx hemm limitu ta kemm jistghu jakkwistaw il-passaport. L-anqas haqq kemm bezzajtni!
ghajma kif qsamt qalbi b dahq ma jiefilhux jaqaw ghac cajt izjed komplu ta gej il karnival
Hawwadni ha nifmek! Well this guy really beats the previous PN lot!
Can someone make clear one of the amendments Simon is referring to that the applicant must have lived in Malta for 12 months.Is it 12 months in 1 WHOLE YEAR ? or 12 months say within 5 years period ?
Our dear and great leader Simon Busuttil has declared that the PN will be monitoring applicants to ensure that they lived in Malta for 12 months. Would be applicants please read the notice below. This is to inform would be applicants that in order to qualify for citizenship in addition to buying property and investing in bonds and paying two thirds of a million, they have to stand outside the PN Headquarters in Pieta, at a place from which they can be constantly monitored for twelve months. As confirmed by Austin Gatt Dar Centrali does have toilets (they go there to do pipi)and would be applicants will be allowed to make use of them. Given the state of PN finances a small charge will be made for use of facilities. In time a cafeteria will be available for use by applicants. To ensure that there is no cheating by applicants no tents will be allowed but only large umbrellas. Simon Busuttil and Jason Azzopardi would be handing out free teas and biscuits, funds permitting and as a goodwill gesture, on these days only: New Year's Day, Easter Sunday, ( certainly not on 31st March) 21st September and Christmas Day. Have a good day.
The devil is not " in the detail ", but in today's PN opposition !
Dejjaqtna Simon! Get a life, cause we do have one and want to move on! Infantile politics at its worst! Xammitu dik is-sinjura ta Rahal Gdid fejn qaltlu li qisu ghadu tifel!
Adrian Busuttil
Simon still thinks there are windmills to fight? Is he assuming he has the majority and is play acting like a Prime Minister? How pathetic! Simon's place is on opposition's benches and am not even sure for how long, since many of his 'friends' are up in arms against his infantile politics!