In the Press: Immigration needs party cooperation - Busuttil | San Blas developer faces daily fines

Stories from today's national press

Developer Joseph Portelli claims a stretch of public land overlooking San Blas Bay belongs to him.  (Photo: Ray Attard)
Developer Joseph Portelli claims a stretch of public land overlooking San Blas Bay belongs to him. (Photo: Ray Attard)

The Times of Malta

The Maltese are more satisfied with the local second-hand  car market than the rest of the EU, according to the latest Consumer Market Scoreboard. The survey explored the ease of comparing goods and services, any problems or issues customers have and other factors. The Maltese market got a score of 83.3%, making it 12.1% higher than the EU average.


Opposition leader Simon Busuttil has called for cross-party cooperation in dealing with issues of immigration. He said that immigration ought not to be a topic that sparks partisan politics but one that is tackled on a common front. The Opposition will be proposing five principals that it hopes will guide national politics on the issue.


Parliament is reviewing legal amendements that would allow cooperation with other nations in the seaerch for oil, namely Tunisia, Libya and Italy, which have been the source of territorial dispute. The amendments include oil exploration both within Maltese territory as well as international waters.

The Malta Independent

Following an on-site inspection by MEPA at San Blas, Gozitan Developer Joseph Portelli is facing a daily fine of €50 pending the removal of the unauthorised structures that drew media attention in the past days. Portelli claims the land belongs to him. NGOs claim that the development was brought to MEPA's attention weeks ago but no action was taken.