700 sign pro-divorce petition launched by entrepreneur

DivorceInMalta.com launches as an online information source on divorce

Nearly 700 people have already signed a pro-divorce petition launched online on website www.divorceinmalta.com, by its founder, entrepreneur Jonathan Shaw.

“On a personal level I believe that the state should eventually legalise divorce. This website is a good tool to disseminate such information and to measure the direct response through an online petition.”

Shaw says the websites highlights the need for the state to introduce divorce legislation in Malta, to allow people who are legally separated to re-marry after the civil dissolution of their marriage.

“It gives both those in favour, and those against, the chance to learn more about divorce so that they can better support their views and opinions. The information on the site was drawn up independently, based on published articles and reports,” Shaw said.

“It is obvious that different people will have different views on the matter, but I don’t see why people should be against the introduction of divorce if it does not affect them personally. The fact that someone is pro-divorce does not mean that they are unhappy in their relationship, or that they will have to get a divorce.”

When asked if a referendum should be held about divorce in Malta, Shaw disagreed: “Holding a referendum is clearly not a democratic way to tackle this issue. The eventual legislation of divorce means that this will not be imposed on anyone and this issue affects a minority.

“A referendum is held when there is a national issue which affects the majority and one is directly or indirectly affected by the outcome. Should we then have a referendum on whether petards should be banned? They are a nuisance, generate noise pollution and whether you like it or not are literally imposed on us!”

Shaw said the divorce debate should be led by MPs: “Neither party should fall into the trap of politicising divorce, but should work together to make a positive change by allowing for much-needed freedom of choice on this issue.

“I hope that this website goes a long way towards informing people on the realities of divorce and encourages those on both sides of the debate to take the time to look through it.”

I did signed the petition too long ago, when i was browsing divorce in Malta. Yes a referendum , it's not right at the moment because the people (not all) does not know the meaning of divorce etc... because they have been kept in the dark with lies - so first of all Hon. Mr. Prime Minister , Before referendum you must do as you did to us when you asked us to join you in the EU, and that is send info to every house make it on the TV on public places. Ahhh you will not do that right? so please Hon. Prime Minister just pass it in the parlament- as it is more than a human right .it's an individual right- who is rich dont need all this right? he/she just go to an EU country pay thousands of money and wow he/she gets divorced and is recognize in malta. Why some people dont face reality why we try to keep some people living in the dark? some people thinks that living in a lie will keep forever- No it will not. when they will understand ,than they will say "Grrrr they have been keeping us in the dark for so many years and they will blame all those who did the lies- to be continued
Alex Grech
I’ve just singed the petition as i full concur this guy stand, especially, on the idea that a referendum on divorce would be immoral. I’m not for divorce because i’m desperate to terminate my marriage, not at all! i’m for divorce as i believe that the individual should be free to do what the hell he wants, as long he doesn’t harm others. The same individual should be the one who must bear the responsibilities of his actions and that includes the relationship he will seek with his children. it is indeed a pity to limit the struggle to divorce alone. We should fight for Individual Rights and Liberties, as divorce is only one simple right from the whole package!