Updated|Eurobarometer: Public's trust in Government down by 5%

Despite the decrease of trust in Government, the majority of Maltese public still feels vert positive about the local economic situation 


The Maltese trust in Government decreased from 56% to 51%, according to the latest statistics published by the Eurobarometer survey.

85% of the 506 Maltese respondents said that they were very positive about the local economic situation. This marks an increase of 12% over the previous year. 8% still think that the Maltese economy is not doing well.

At an EU level, 57% of the respondents think that their national economic situation is bad. The Greeks feel that their economy is still struggling, as only 3% believe that their economy is doing well. The Germans are the ones that have most confidence in their economy, with 86%. Malta comes right behind the Germans followed by Luxemburg at 85%.  

At 74%, immigration is still the major concern for the Maltese public, followed by the environment. The immigration crisis this year caused the majority of the European respondents, 58%, to think that this issue is of a major concern in the European Union.

Around nine in every 10 European citizens, say that additional measures should be taken to fight immigration of people from outside the European Union. Fifth of the total respondents see that these measures should be taken at a national level, while 32% think that solutions must be reached at an EU level.

Fear of terrorism in the EU is on the rise, as at an increase of 8% over the previous survey, it was the second most concerning issue for it’s citizens.

The EU Barometer notes that the “positive image of the EU has fallen slightly behind the neutral image. Trust in the EU has declined, though it remains more widespread than trust in national parliaments and governments.”

When asked about the immigration of people from other EU Member States, a clear majority of Europeans feel ‘positive’. Opinions about immigration of people from outside the EU have deteriorated again: as close to six Europeans in ten, this evokes a ‘negative’ feeling. 

Government Reaction

In a reaction to the latest Eurobarometer survey, the Government said that this shows the positive change that is coming about thanks to this administration.

It highlighted the fact that the same survey that was conducted at the end of the previous administration, showed that only 44% of the Maltese believed that the economy was doing well.

The Government reiterated that it intends to go on with this direction so that the economic condition of the Maltese families can keep getting better.