Departure of European teams bad for prostitutes of Rio

The departure from the World Cup of European teams like Italy, Spain, Russia, England and Portugal is turning out to be bad news for the prostitutes of Rio de Janeiro

The early departure from the World Cup of many European teams - and the success instead of several American sides - is turning out to be bad for the business of the prostitutes of Rio de Janeiro.

These prostitutes had been hoping to make good money out of the European fans during the 31-day tournament.

"I thought I was going to be earning 1,000 reales (453.8 dollars) a night, but instead it will be more like 100," moaned 26 year-old Rita at a well-known bar in Copacabana. 

"And everything has increased in price for us because of the World Cup: hotels, the places where we eat."

Meanwhile, a colleague called Laura told dpa: "This crappy cup will be the ruin of us. All we have left are Uruguayans, Chileans, Colombians, Argentinians and what have you. They pay nothing, they're always broke, they want everything for free."

Amanda, 28, a dark girl who turns heads, was quick to criticize the Mexicans and Chileans, saying: "They drink all night and by dawn they are unbearable - but they don't let go of their money."

Amanda, who has been a prostitute for seven years, says that whereas European and US customers will pay 400 reales for an hour with her, the South Americans will only pay 150.

"That's a big difference. Why should we want these people here? I hope they leave soon. But that's all there is now. Just a few Germans and North Americans left, but the rest are all South Americans."

The girls agree that the "americanos", as they call tourists from the United States, are the most generous.

Meanwhile, Rita called the Uruguayans "amorous but not generous ... I really think they don't have much money."

Nobody, including Rita and colleagues, expected Spain, Italy and England to be eliminated so quickly.

Neither did anyone expect Rio, at this stage of the World Cup, to be packed with Costa Ricans, Chileans, Mexicans and Argentinians.