The problem with massage parlours
Mark Said
Many out there might be one massage away from endangering their physical wellbeing and health. The preservation of health is easier than the cure of the disease
Putting social justice on the global agenda | Josef Bugeja
Our Maltese experience through the ages has taught us how leveraging the power of social dialogue and tripartism has been an effective means to advance social justice sustainably....
The philosophy of love and friendship: a social need | Dominic Garcia

Dr Dominic Garca | A philosophy of love and friendship is undoubtedly a social...

Dr Dominic Garca | A philosophy of love and friendship is...

‘Rejuvenation of the PN’? Looks more like ‘payback time’, to me…
Raphael Vassallo

Try as I might, I just can’t envisage any possible end-game scenario, arising from that premise, that could possibly work out to Bernard Grech’s...

Try as I might, I just can’t envisage any possible...

On the side of rule of law | Edward Zammit Lewis

The Abela Administration was able to sustain these foundations even in...

The Abela Administration was able to sustain these...

‘Not one single case of bad governance’ | Mark Anthony Sammut
Mark Anthony Sammut

The PN is not perfect, but our heart is in the right place, our motivations are...

The PN is not perfect, but our heart is in the right place,...

No amount of ‘cosmetic surgery’ can disguise the rape of Xlendi
Raphael Vassallo

All things considered, they actually did a pretty good job… of creating...

All things considered, they actually did a pretty good...

American University of Malta: an abject failure
Michael Falzon

Nothing explains the abject failure of the AUM project as this incredible...

Nothing explains the abject failure of the AUM project as...

How the State took over the Malta marathon
Josanne Cassar

Using a charity, and the name of a much-loved doctor who died in a tragic...

Using a charity, and the name of a much-loved doctor who...

Cry me a river, Robert
Emma Portelli Bonnici

Robert Abela would be a once-sparkling-now-flat wine socialist

Robert Abela would be a once-sparkling-now-flat wine...

The waiting game is on
Saviour Balzan

Robert Abela has kept everyone on tenterhooks with the election date and that includes his own ministers, his party administration and his closest associates

Robert Abela has kept everyone on tenterhooks with the...

Why we deserve better
Arnold Cassola

The 21% who do not trust Robert Abela and Bernard Grech have the power to change things.

The 21% who do not trust Robert Abela and Bernard Grech...

Islands of small differences
Evarist Bartolo

In the survey ‘Maltin fid-dinja’, only 6% say that neutrality is not important at all. 10 times as much, 63% say it is very important for our...

In the survey ‘Maltin fid-dinja’, only 6% say...

No, it is not ‘in the national interest’ (in fact, it’s not even in Robert Abela’s)
Raphael Vassallo

The present level of election uncertainty, a major concern among Maltese businesses, will not only be unnecessarily prolonged for anywhere up to eight or...

The present level of election uncertainty, a major...

Hands off the editor!
Karl Schembri

Leave an empty front chair for Victor, with his name printed and taped, in every press conference you go to, until he is reinstated. And hound Robert Abela and...

Leave an empty front chair for Victor, with his name...

Misinformation on emergency contraception
Isabel Stabile

Life Network persists in publishing factually incorrect information about...

Life Network persists in publishing factually incorrect...

‘God is on the PN’s side?’ That explains a heck of a lot…
Raphael Vassallo

And if that same old, tired ‘Alla Magħna!’ tune has now clearly...

And if that same old, tired ‘Alla Magħna!’...

The quest for democracy
Michael Falzon

Choosing an election date beyond the end of March will create a situation where Labour’s lead will continue to erode and any comparison between...

Choosing an election date beyond the end of March will...

What is the tax man doing in Sin City?
Saviour Balzan

Hearing the NGOs baying for blood now? They would be right this time around - Malta’s dismal track record on accountability and ethics in public...

Hearing the NGOs baying for blood now? They would be right...

In matters of the heart, women cannot always claim to be the victims
Josanne Cassar

It is so easy to fake a life, just ask Shimon Hayut (a.k.a Simon Leviev), born...

It is so easy to fake a life, just ask Shimon Hayut (a.k.a...