‘Divorce should not be enjoyed only by the rich’ – AD

Alternattiva Demokratika decries the existing Maltese legislation on divorce as "discriminatory", reiterates that annulment and divorce “are not the same thing”.

Addressing a press conference in front of the law courts this morning, AD Chairperson Michael Briguglio once again reminded how existing laws in Malta recognise divorces obtained in all countries world-wide, including those by Maltese nationals.

“Therefore, those who can afford to obtain a divorce overseas can do so,” Brigulio said. “There is the need that the right to divorce is not only to be enjoyed by the rich.”

Briguglio added that no one from the NO movement ever spoke against this “crass discrimination”, which has been in place since 1975.

AD spokesperson for Civil Rights Yvonne Arqueros Ebejer, argued that even though divorce is not part of the Maltese legal system, by virtue of Article 33 of the Marriage Act, a foreign divorce may be registered at the Annotations Section of the Public Registry.

“If anti-divorce Maltese politicians, political parties, and even the Catholic Church, are strongly against the introduction of the legislation of divorce, then why are they immune to those divorces acquired from abroad and which are allowed to be registered in our Public Registry without any resistance?” she questioned.

“If something is considered immoral, and wrong, why should it be accepted when attained from a foreign country or if obtained by a small number of people? Or is it all a matter of who manages to wield absolute power?”

Present at the conference was also Angele Deguara, AD Spokesperson for Social Policy. She said there are number of people who argue that since in Malta annulment is available, then there is no need for the divorce legislation.

“But annulment and divorce are not the same thing,” Deguara said. “While nullity of marriage considers a marriage never to have taken place, divorce ends an unhappy marriage.”

Deguara added that annulment cannot be an alternative to divorce for the many couples who need it and who do not qualify for an annulment. 

“Even though both grant the right to remarry, they cannot substitute each other - and in many countries both options coexist."  

Divorce for marriages that cannot be saved is a human right and no one should take that basic right from someone. This issue should have been addressed a long time ago. In the YEAR 2011, we are still so backward in having this basic human right in place. Yes, everyone should enjoy the right to divorce if one of the partner is not happy. We only live once and as such, we must be happy.
try convincing the local Talibans about this. Annulment is the church's stranglehold on poor couples who want to seperate once and for all and start a new life. Divorce will make annulment obsolete. Do you honestly think that the Talibans are going to give this up ?
Very well said. But there no one blinder than he who does not want to see and none deafer than he who does not want to hear. Ms. Deguara I'm an old red git so when anyone touches the real issue class struggle I agree with. Annulment in Malta, is nothing more than divorce for the rich. Don't be fooled by the spin that marriage never happened that's BS. I marry a person with whom afterwords I have sex (if not children) that is marriage. They also spin that for annulment the church has guidlines, criteria call them what you like. Were these criteria stipulated by Christ? The answer is no, they were stipulated by priests. Since these are people like us why priests arrogate themselves the power to dissolve or annul a marriage and deny it to a responsible ley legislator aided by people of the law At least these have experience of married life, which priests don't.
"Argument bla sens dan tal-flus - Taħsbu li biex tieħu d-divrozju hawn malta ser jkun b'xejn?" Well, Piccinino ... neither is it free to get a Church annulment (far from it), or a separation, at the moment. The point, though, is not whether it is, or will be, free or not is it? The point is that people who can afford it can get a divorce from abroad at this point, while the grand majority can not. And that is discriminatory.
This was exactly how it was in the UK in the 19th century. Only the rich could seek divorce. Malta still seems to be stuck in that period.
l-aqwa haga li jista jkollu l-bnidem hija l-LIBERTA! Nehhilu l-LIBERTA l-bnidem u tkun nehhejtlu d-dinjita tieghu. Xoghol gustizzja u Liberta ? Dik gustizzja u liberta, imma skond ghalxiex u ghalmien mhux hekk? Jekk il-maggoranza tal-poplu malti mhux ser tghid daqshekk ghal inguztizzji, allura ma jkunx fadal aktar tama ghan nies komuni, 100% , ikun qed jghidl yes sir , kompli ghaddej min fuqna, RESIST OR SERVE!
il-punt huwa li min ghandhu l-flus jaghmel li jrid , bhal fil-kaz tad divorzju , jaqbad u jsiefer u wara ftit jigi , u jista jerga jizzewweg hawn, u din ilha sejra snin, u hadd qatt ma jghix xejn , qishua qatt ma gara xejn. Pero min mhux tal-flus qatt ma seta jaghmle bhalu. B'xejn? mela hawn xi haga fid-dinja b'xjen? imma almenu ma jridx ihallas il-passagi tal-aljru u mijiet ta liri (anzi eluf) gall l-ikel u akkomodazzjoni fil-lukandi ghal gimghat , mela ma nahsbux jew ?
Hahhaahahahahahhahahahaaa.............. @!@ Ahna ahna jew m'ahniex? Mela ma tafx li bil-flus taghmel triq fil- bahar int jew? int allright jew?
NB: she's got very good looks and ' le palle'!
One law for the rich; one law for the plebs! Berlusconi divorced twice, of bunga bunga fame and sleeping with under aged teens, found no difficulty in courting the Pope...and the Pope accepted him! But, if you are Maltese Catholic, you have to do a time warp, and get jettisoned to medieval times where the triumphant and inquisitorial local Church crushes you to submission; submit( like Muslims) or you will be ostracised. This is what happened to Dr Deborah Schembri. L-unika avukat Malti li ghandu il-ba..d!
Argument bla sens dan tal-flus - Taħsbu li biex tieħu d-divrozju hawn malta ser jkun b'xejn?
They know of It Mr.Michael Brigulgio, It's the maltese citizens who must understand that! They must understand that there is an enormous difference between the common people and the rich people. They must realize that things are not the same for all. In this case (Divorce) that must be. So ,When and If the common people might need it, it will be there. RESIST OR SERVE.