Dalli calls on EU countries to shift towards decarbonized economy

EP Environmental Committee approves Labour MEP's report highlighting how the European Fund for Strategic Investments should prioritize sustainable, low-carbon and energy efficient investments.  

MEP Miriam Dalli
MEP Miriam Dalli

Labour MEP Miriam Dalli has called on EU member states to move towards a “smart, sustainable, resource efficient and decarbonized economy”.

“Ambitious investment is needed for the years to come, if we wish to successfully transform our economy in areas which are environment-friendly,” Dalli said. “We need to understand that the environment and our economies can work hand in hand.”

She was speaking at an EP Environment Committee meeting, right after it had approved Dalli’s report on the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI).  The fund is intended to mobilise at least €315 billion in private and public investment across the EU, particularly strategic investments, such as in broadband and energy networks, as well as companies that employ fewer than 3,000 people.

Dalli was tasked with drawing up the Environment Committee’s position on the EFSI. Her report highlights that EFSI investments should prioritize sustainable, low-carbon and energy efficient infrastructures, with a broad emphasis on the development of electricity and gas interconnectors and smart grids, the promotion of sustainable modes of transport, electric mobility, eco-friendly solutions and the extensive use of alternative fuels.

The report also supports more focused funding for innovative health solutions such as eHealth.

“The EFSI proposal voted today in ENVI provides us with the opportunity to implement the much needed structural reforms that can help us transform our economy into a more sustainable and resource-efficient one, and this in line with the Europe 2020 Strategy and the EU’s 2030 energy and climate goals,” Dalli said.

“If the European Union wants to strongly support innovation and R&D in both the environment and the health sectors then it needs to provide more focused funding for developing technologies and this is precisely what our report is aiming to achieve.”