Portugal wins 2017 Eurovision Song Contest

Winning by a huge margin, the unusual Portughese entry took home plenty of points from both the national juries and the public vote. 

Salvador Sobral, representing Portugal, has won this year's Eurovision Song Contest
Salvador Sobral, representing Portugal, has won this year's Eurovision Song Contest

The live-blog for this year's Eurovison final in Kiev, Ukraine.

00:40 That's all from me tonight folks. It is way past my bedtime. It's been swell. Don't drink and drive. Good night! Rachel Agius
00:37 With 758 points, Portugal wins the 62nd edition of the Eurovision Song Contest Rachel Agius
00:35 376 points go to Portugal, who take home the trophy this year Rachel Agius
00:35 337 points go to Bulgaria Rachel Agius
00:34 264 points go to Moldova, putting them in second place Rachel Agius
00:34 Rachel Agius
00:33 255 points go to Belgium, putting them in second place Rachel Agius
00:33 Four countries left. Moldova, Portugal, Bulgaria and Belgium Rachel Agius
00:32 Rachel Agius
00:31 224 points go to Romania, putting it in 4th place Rachel Agius
00:31 208 points go to Italy, taking it into 3rd place Rachel Agius
00:31 152 points go to Hungary, putting it into 4th position Rachel Agius
00:30 126 points go to Sweden, pushing it into 2nd place Rachel Agius
00:30 103 points go to Croatia Rachel Agius
00:30 90 points go to France, pushing it way up the ranks to 7th place Rachel Agius
00:29 Australia is in 4th place right now Rachel Agius
00:29 42 points go to Azerbaijan Rachel Agius
00:29 41 points to Poland Rachel Agius
00:28 33 points go to Belarus Rachel Agius
00:28 32 points to Cyprus Rachel Agius
00:28 29 points to Norway Rachel Agius
00:28 29 points to Greece Rachel Agius
00:28 24 points to Ukraine Rachel Agius
00:28 21 to Armenia Rachel Agius
00:28 15 to the Netherlands Rachel Agius
00:28 12 points to the UK Rachel Agius
00:27 Ooh Germany gets 3 points, bless 'em Rachel Agius
00:27 Here it comes... Rachel Agius
00:27 Portugal, Bulgaria and Sweden take the top three spots for the moment Rachel Agius
00:24 The public vote coming in now Rachel Agius
00:23 Ukraine announces that 12 points go to Belarus Rachel Agius
00:22 Czech yoself before you wreck yoself. The Czech Republic gives 12 points to Portugal Rachel Agius
00:22 Croatia gives 12 points to Hungary Rachel Agius
00:22 UK calling in, with Katrina (of the Waves fame) giving 12 points to Portugal Rachel Agius
00:20 Poland calling in, giving 12 points from Warsaw to Portugal Rachel Agius
00:20 Belgium calls in, giving 12 points to Sweden Rachel Agius
00:19 Close to a hundred-point lead for Portugal now Rachel Agius
00:19 Slovenia gives 12 points Portugal Rachel Agius
00:18 Hungary calls in, while urging the crowd to look enthusiastic. 12 points from Hungary go to Portugal Rachel Agius
00:18 Romania calls in, a little confused perhaps? 12 points go to the Netherlands Rachel Agius
00:17 Belarus gives 12 points to Bulgaria Rachel Agius
00:16 Cyprus' finest hipster calls in, giving 12 points to Greece. Also, that's not how puns work. Rachel Agius
00:15 Georgia looks a little rough today but was kind enough to call in to give 12 points to Portugal Rachel Agius
00:15 84 points in total for Belgium so far Rachel Agius
00:15 Ireland and a throwback to my youth, giving 12 points to Belgium Rachel Agius
00:14 The Netherlands calling in, with an adorable dog. A Shih Tzu I believe. She's very cute. Anyway. 12 points go to Portugal Rachel Agius
00:13 Switzerland calls in, giving 12 points to Portugal Rachel Agius
00:13 Portugal on the phone now, looking a little smug to be honest. 12 points go to that unboxing performance, Azerbaijan Rachel Agius
00:12 A little sad to see Germany at the bottom of the list there Rachel Agius
00:12 Germany calling in, giving 12 points to Norway Rachel Agius
00:11 Italy next, giving 12 points to Azerbaijan Rachel Agius
00:10 Australia calling, giving the Queen.. er.. the UK 12 points Rachel Agius
00:09 Serbia give 12 points to Portugal Rachel Agius
00:09 Iceland calling in. 12 points to Portugal, all but guaranteeing a win Rachel Agius
00:08 Bulgaria calling in. 12 points go to Austria, moving the country from the right column to the left Rachel Agius
00:07 And we're back Rachel Agius
00:05 With 50 points on their closest competition, Portugal is almost a sure thing by now Rachel Agius
00:04 Armenia calls in. 12 points go to Portugal Rachel Agius
00:03 Moldova, ever reminiscent of that childhood beverage, calling in to award 12 points to Romania Rachel Agius
00:02 Estonia calls in, awards their 12 points to Bulgaria Rachel Agius
00:02 "Amar Pelos Dois" by Salvador Sobral from Portugal pulling ahead Rachel Agius
00:02 Lithuania calling in now. Portugal get 12 points Rachel Agius
00:01 Greece calling in. 12 points go to Cyprus in a completely unexpected move. Rachel Agius
00:00 France calling in, looking like she got dressed in a hurry. 12 points go to Portugal Rachel Agius
23:59 Finland next. Happy 100 years lads. The 12 points from Finland go to Sweden Rachel Agius
23:58 The Sagrada Familia calling in. Spain gives 12 points to Portugal Rachel Agius
23:58 Sweet to see the sprogs supporting each other Rachel Agius
23:57 12 points from Norway goes to Bulgaria Rachel Agius
23:57 Norway calling in, playing a quick game of 'lesbian or young boy'. Rachel Agius
23:57 1. Portugal 2. Bulgaria 3. Italy Rachel Agius
23:57 Austria calling in. The Netherlands get 12 points Rachel Agius
23:56 Portugal in first, followed by Bulgaria Rachel Agius
23:56 Denmark next. Orange you glad you came tonight? 12 points go to Sweden (surprise!) Rachel Agius
23:55 FYR Macedonia's maitre d' calling in. 12 points go to Bulgaria Rachel Agius
23:55 Malta gives 12 points to Italy, somewhat predictably. Everyone quietly relieved it wasn't Azerbaijan Rachel Agius
23:54 Wahey it's us up next! Rachel Agius
23:54 Albania calls in, giving 12 points to Italy Rachel Agius
23:53 Another quick Google Maps search for Montenegro as they call in. Greece gets the 12 points. Rachel Agius
23:52 12 points from Israel go to Portugal Rachel Agius
23:52 Israel next, with a slightly sinister announcement that the TV station is shutting down. You guys ok? Rachel Agius
23:51 Latvia calling in. 12 points go to Portugal Rachel Agius
23:50 San Marino calling in, while everyone looks up where San Marino is again. 12 points go to Portugal. Disney ballad pulling ahead now. Rachel Agius
23:49 Azerbaijan calling in, sounding a little like a hostage. 12 points go to Belarus. Rachel Agius
23:49 Sweden calling in. It looks humid over there. 12 points go to Portugal Rachel Agius
23:46 Buckle up everyone. The points are coming up. Bets will be won and lost. Rachel Agius
23:43 Australia are officially uninvited Rachel Agius
23:42 That man is probably being detained somewhere very dark right now Rachel Agius
23:42 BATTLE STATIONS Rachel Agius
23:42 A dude in an Aussie flag just ran on stage and mooned everyone. Rachel Agius
23:42 HOLD THE PHONE Rachel Agius
23:35 Here's a gif to keep you entertained till we get to the good bits

Rachel Agius

23:34 Brief mention of Malta, everyone paid attention real fast Rachel Agius
23:29 Another Eurovision fact - Riverdance was first performed during the interval act of Eurovision Song Contest 1994 Rachel Agius
23:25 The contestants sit in their pods with hope in their hearts. Rachel Agius
23:17 Russia still sneaking in to the contest, despite being banned Rachel Agius
23:11 Just once I'd like to see something catch fire on stage. Is that too much to ask? Rachel Agius
23:08 And that wraps up the performances for the evening. In the absence of a Maltese entry, you don't have to remind your friends living abroad to vote for us. Take a break, make a sandwich. Just relax. Rachel Agius
23:06 It's not fair though. Anything said in French is at least 72% more appealing than in any other language. She could literally be singing the recipe for pickled herring and still get a standing ovation. Rachel Agius
23:04 That is a very short dress. Rachel Agius
23:03 France up next. Soup du jour. Rachel Agius
23:02 I used to do that with my sleeves in secondary school. Would get such a telling off every time. Rachel Agius
23:00 Bulgaria, with their version of Jojen Reed Rachel Agius
23:00 What's the minimum age for competing in ESC? No, no reason. Rachel Agius
22:57 Rachel Agius
22:57 A little OK GO with the treadmills there Rachel Agius
22:56 Somehow I don't think Michael Jackson would mind this use of his moves Rachel Agius
22:56 Sweden now, making everyone feel inferior in every way Rachel Agius
22:53 Kind of a shame really. Not a bad song and a pretty good voice to carry it off. Rachel Agius
22:53 I know that looks well - an introvert that's been forced outdoors Rachel Agius
22:52 Points for the dress. Charisma of a doorstop. Rachel Agius
22:51 Belgium up next. I mean this in the nicest possible way but she looks so Belgian Rachel Agius
22:49 I feel like the hardcore vibe they're trying to give off with the tattoos and piercings is diminished somewhat by the lead singer's adorable attempt at a moustache Rachel Agius
22:48 Definitely not a gay club staple, this one Rachel Agius
22:47 The manliest of participants from the Ukraine Rachel Agius
22:46 Side note - Rachel Agius
22:45 This would be perfectly at home in clubs. A definite plus for this one Rachel Agius
22:43 Sounds a little like Titanium Rachel Agius
22:43 Germany up now. Points for... well, her face. We like her face. Rachel Agius
22:41 Hopefully not the last. I live in hope of seeing someone being shot out of a cannon on the Eurovision stage. Rachel Agius
22:40 Huh. The first artillery of the evening Rachel Agius
22:39 She looks like a Coachella reject, he looks like he'll complain because his favourite coffee shop is out of organic, vegan, Oxford-educated, fair trade tea Rachel Agius
22:39 Yo de lay, mofos Rachel Agius
22:39 Romania next, with what appears to be a yodelling rap? Let's see how this strategy plays out Rachel Agius
22:36 I like a choreography with a high chance of faceplant Rachel Agius
22:35 This game of Follow the Leader has gotten out of hand Rachel Agius
22:34 Ooh a rock anthem? Rachel Agius
22:34 Cyprus up next Rachel Agius
22:34 Pretty sure I've seen that jacket at Terranova before Rachel Agius
22:33 I feel like it was missing a clamshell bra and a talking crab. Rachel Agius
22:31 'Don't let go when you're so close.' This has Brexit all over it. Rachel Agius
22:31 Hmm. Not terrible. I mean it's no Bonnie Tyler drunk off her face but still. Passable. Rachel Agius
22:29 UK up next. Rachel Agius
22:29 No, Eurovision is about bitter national rivalries and a stupidly large budget. Rachel Agius
22:27 As the presenters 'banter', another fact. Did you know that live animals are banned from the stage at the ESC? Rachel Agius
22:25 Alright, not bad. Rachel Agius
22:23 That time Anonymous took up music Rachel Agius
22:22 Feelin a little Macklemore right here Rachel Agius
22:21 Knock-off Daft Punk up next with Norway Rachel Agius
22:20 Has he actually used his guitar yet? Rachel Agius
22:20 Oooh 'do IT for your lover'. Makes more sense Rachel Agius
22:19 'Do me for your lover'? How lazy can you be? Rachel Agius
22:18 Jack Johnson meets tapas and youth unemployment Rachel Agius
22:17 Oh hang on. Is that a nod to the mannequin challenge? Keeping up with the kids I see. Rachel Agius
22:16 Much to the delight of fans, Greece's fiscal difficulties mean that some members of the team must make do with just loin cloths. Rachel Agius
22:14 Greece up next. Shirtless dudes, check Rachel Agius
22:10 Has anyone figured out what happens if Australia gets the most votes? Rachel Agius
22:09 Catchy song, to be sure Rachel Agius
22:08 Cheekbone game equally impressive Rachel Agius
22:07 Eyebrow game is strong Rachel Agius
22:07 Again with the trench coats. Is there a sale on? Rachel Agius
22:06 Australia's preview sadly devoid of dingoes, deadly spiders or STD-carrying koalas. Rachel Agius
22:06 Have to commend his vocal range though. Inhaling helium to Pavarotti in two seconds flat. Rachel Agius
22:05 Sorry for not commenting. I don't know where to start. Rachel Agius
22:03 Aggressive violin-ing opens for Croatia Rachel Agius
22:02 More trench coats than a detective convention Rachel Agius
22:00 Is the horse a metaphor for something? Or is it just a part of the mane event? Rachel Agius
22:00 I wonder how much Lorde charges for this kind of gig Rachel Agius
21:59 Azerbaijan up next. How is everyone in these previews so well put together Rachel Agius
21:56 Is he ok? Rachel Agius
21:55 And a barber. Please. Rachel Agius
21:55 Hearts melting all over HQ this evening. That is a very ill-fitting jacket though. Someone get the guy to a tailor. Rachel Agius
21:55 Portugal with a Disney-esque ballad Rachel Agius
21:52 Bringing home the fact that Scandinavians are just superior human beings Rachel Agius
21:51 Points for the fabulous hair Rachel Agius
21:51 Denmark channelling some serious 80s vibes this evening Rachel Agius
21:48 (Just a reminder to donate to your favourite wildlife charity tonight. Keep the apes off the streets) Rachel Agius
21:48 Oh well at least the gorilla dressed up for the occasion. Rachel Agius
21:48 Why tho? Rachel Agius
21:45 Italy up next, bringing the pornstache back Rachel Agius
21:45 Hungary's circus master is obviously upsetting his back-up dancer Rachel Agius
21:43 We don't know what he's saying but we like his voice Rachel Agius
21:42 Just a reminder that man buns are a crime against humanity. Rachel Agius
21:40 We're not sure whether it's a wedding or a really upbeat funeral on stage tonight but this one's got the hallmarks of a popular ESC songs Rachel Agius
21:37 'Sunstroke Project' or as I like to call it, Summer in Malta Rachel Agius
21:37 The hosts walk among the fans, risking significant flag-related injury Rachel Agius
21:33 Oh it's a singalong! Rachel Agius
21:33 That's a lot of glitter from the Netherlands and the first reported siting of the elusive Side-boob Rachel Agius
21:31 Thumbs up all round here at HQ for Armenia Rachel Agius
21:30 Unusual entry, in kind of a good way Rachel Agius
21:29 Edgy haircuts from Armenia's back up crew Rachel Agius
21:27 I hate to set a precedent this early in the show but I quite like this one. Rachel Agius
21:26 Maltese flag spotted in the crowd. Keep on keepin' on, guys! Rachel Agius
21:25 Ed Sheeran on schnitzel meets the Dreamworks logo Rachel Agius
21:24 Austria up next, promoting vandalism Rachel Agius
21:23 I'd have more comments about this if I could understand the language but I choose to believe it's a sweet song about boats. Rachel Agius
21:22 The crew here can't decide if it's Minnie Mouse or Sailor Moon that's being channelled. Rachel Agius
21:21 I'm already a huge fan Rachel Agius
21:20 Belarus up next aaaand there's the evening's first ukulele Rachel Agius
21:19 The lack of chorus is unsettling. Rachel Agius
21:18 FKNK members twitch slightly at that graphic Rachel Agius
21:17 The beloved ESC trope - lone violinist - returns Rachel Agius
21:17 An entrance as dramatic as that neckline Rachel Agius
21:16 Next up, the Polish entry. Points for the puppies! Rachel Agius
21:15 Not sure where those other dancers came from. Part of the Eurovision magic I suppose. Rachel Agius
21:14 Ok, so the song is definitely not about the aftermath of cardio Rachel Agius
21:13 Easy on that key change, fella Rachel Agius
21:12 And we start off with Israel's entry. Judging by the video preview, this song is probably about post-workout sore muscles Rachel Agius
21:09 Breaking Eurovision convention, there are 3 hosts this evening. In true Eurovision fashion, there has been no expense spared on the hair product budget. Lookin' sharp, lads. Rachel Agius
21:07 Random Eurovision fact as everyone makes their way to their allocated seats - Serbia participated the first time as an independent country in 2007 and won the contest the same year Rachel Agius
21:04 Biceps and glitter - I'd say the target audience has been duly identified as all the acts are introduced to the stage. Rachel Agius
21:03 And here we go! The evening's off to a good start some nonchalant ball-tossing. Rachel Agius
20:55 This live stream is up, the snacks are ready! Welcome to this year's MaltaToday Eurovision live blog! Rachel Agius