Josanne Cassar

Josanne Cassar

Josanne Cassar's field is communications – and over the last 30 years she has worked in every single medium, from radio and television as a producer/scriptwriter and presenter to the equally interesting world of journalism and publishing. Until 2011 she was the deputy/features editor of The Malta Independent and the editor of I DO weddings magazine.

Articles by this author
We cannot always be happy
Josanne Cassar
Can adults and their kids rediscover the pleasure of being 'just fine' in life and learn that losing is also OK?
Yet another educational experiment?
Josanne Cassar
Every cluster of students hit by educational 'experiments' and changes have their own story to tell of how it affected their life. Do we need more?
Reluctant ministers and a reshuffle
Standing in judgment from behind your keyboard
Signs of waning interest
Wrong medium, wrong message