De Marco: Labour utility tariff cuts financed by BWSC turbine savings

€25 million in reduced energy tariffs for households being financed by Delimara’s €52 million in generation savings every year.

Mario de Marco and George Pullicino
Mario de Marco and George Pullicino

The reductions in utility tariffs announced in this year's Budget, and to take place in 2014 for domestic households, had been made possible by the former government's investment in the Delimara power station, the Opposition said today.

Nationalist deputy leader for parliamentary affairs Mario de Marco and MP George Pullicino said that a weekly €1 million savings in the cost of electricity generation, was only thanks to the decision of the former administration to procure a new combined-cycle turbine from BWSC. The Delimara extension was the subject of great controversy due to the decision to run the new engines on heavy fuel oil, rather than diesel or gas.

De Marco said that up until March, the €62 million in savings would be financing the first €25 million utility rate reductions in 2014.

On Monday, Opposition leader Simon Busuttil had stated that it was an increased tax collection of €170 million over the last year, that would be financing the utility tariff cuts.

De Marco today said that from the €170 million increase in taxes collected, €72 million would be hailing from indirect taxes, namely €55 million in hiked customs and excise duties, and €17 million from licence fees.

The shadow minister for the economy asked whether the burden of some €142.5 million in petroleum duties, t go up from an estimated €119 million collected in 2013, will be passed on to Enemalta to finance if not to the consumer.

"This budget has little in terms of schemes that incentivises the creation of jobs. Encouraging people to go out to work is not enough... you need jobs to be able to fill them," de Marco said.

He added that industry schemes for renewable energy were missing from the Budget speech, saying a €5.5 million co-funded by the EU for renewable energy investment had been suspended for the past four months. 

Tiftakruhom il-films ta' Laurel & Hardy? Daqshom idahhku.
U giz u giz. Din isbah issa. Mela l-ewwel ghamiltu krucjata biex il-kontijiet jghollew u jibqghu jghollew bla hniena u kontu ser tergghu tgholluhom kieku ergajtu, b'xi miraklu enormi, irbahtu l-elezzjoni u issa qeghdin tghidu li ser jorhsu bis-sahha taghkom. Il-vera sibtu l-qiegh u ma tistghux tinzlu fil-baxx aktar. Possibli li ma indunajtux li il-poplu ma ghadux jemminkom lilkom tal-PN? Vera illupjati u storduti bit-tkaxkira manja li taghhkom il-poplu u mid-dehra ser iddumu hekk tafux!
Sa fejn naf jien dawk kellhom kap li mar jivvota bil-qalb halli jgholew it-tariffi tad-dawl u l-ilma! Veru ma jafux jisthu dawn in-nies!!!
Igor P. Shuvalov
Don't blame DeMarco and Pullicino for all this rubbish, but the PN Consultants who had advised the PN administration to comment in some way or other on whatever action the Government takes: either through criticism of the action, or, if the action could not be criticised, claiming that they would have done it or that it is as a result of action taken by the previous Government.
Dwar Pullicin ma ghandi ebda kumment ghax issa drajnih idahhaq , imma dwar De Marco ma stajtx nemmen il widnejja meta smajtu jitkellem . Kont nahseb li il pn ghamel zball li ghazlu lil Simon imma issa konvint li ma hemmx x`taghzel !!! trid vera jkollok wiccek qieghed biex tasal tahseb li il poplu ghadu CUC daqsekk . Shame, isthu jekk tafu.
What a load of crap from de Marco and Pullicino. They do ot even know how to spell "integrity". From Pullicino we do not expect anything better.But from de Marco! Shame on you Dott de Marco.
@ Xifajk. Dahhaqtni wahda xifajk! L-ahjar kumment ghal zmien twil. Ilqatt il-musmur fuq rasu! Proset! Jekk mhux hmar, felu!
Nothing, but NOTHING, graphically demonstrates the difference between the PN in opposition and the PL administration in office, than the video of this press conference. XmunPN ARE OUT IN THE COLD, whilst Muscat is IN with the people, via his economic policies!!! No manna from heaven, but realistic initiatives granted to people that want to achieve. XmunPN in fact is the one with an expiry date; and will remain there until they discard the schoolyard bullying tactics of their infamous country bumpkin b(l)ogger.
Why keeping answering these silly comments by the pn.These are all planned deviations to alienate the readers to forget that excellent budget and that oil buying scandal and make YOU talk subjects they prepare for us to talk about
problema kbira hemm ghax Memx x'tasel m'inhom b'de marco ghal gol hajt ukoll! kont nahseb li hu ahjar min Simon
This crap by Demarco and Pullicino is inded the joke of the millenium . And not what Joseph Muscat used to say. It is very evident that these tow gentlemen and indeed the whole shattered Partit Negattiv are still reeling from the electoral wipe out and are in a deep sleep in Alice in Wonderland.
Dr Demarco dont speak through your aXX. You are talking rubbish.
Tajba ukoll: l-ewwel bil-qalb biex jghollow;imbaghad ma jistghu x jinzlu il-kontijiet; imbaghad Alice in wonderalnd; u illum grazzi ghal Simon! Vera tad-dahq jew mhux tal-biki ukoll!
Dr De Marco. Point One. A very well done to the previous government for saving one million a week with the BWSC powerstation. Point Two. Where you going to reduce the tariffs earlier than this government is going to with that money? No more questions your honour.
De Marco must be joking. Doesn't he remember Lawrence Gonzi saying that reducing the utility tariffs is impossible? And Tonio Fenech saying that it was an Alice in Wonderland dream? Yes, De Marco must really be joking if he thinks the electorate is so stupid to believe him that the utility tariffs were reduced thanks to the PN.
Wicchom u wicc il-l..i xorta wahda.
Are you people for real,cant you make up your minds on anything.First you saw its impossible to reduce the tariffs ,then your expert on wall clocks said its Alice in Wonderland now because its done,you try to get the merrit,do you think the people are STUPID.
Jekk mhux HMAR felu, hux, Dr Demarco u Georgie. Xi ftit mill prosit xorta tridu tiehdu.
Luke Camilleri
Mela fejn kontu qabel Dr. Demarco f' "Wonderland" meta kontu tghidu li mpossibli li jorhsu il-kontijiet u l-Prim ta' dak iz-zmien, MAGHKOM ILKOLL ivvutajtu BIL QALB biex il-kontijiet ma johshux HA JGHOLU IL-COMMISSIONS ? Issa tridu tiehdu il-meRti tar-rohs ,JA IPOKRITI U BIGOTI!
'fianced by BWSC' meta anqas centezmu wiehed ma hallastu minnha: ghada kollha dejn? Professjonisti tad-dejn u tal-hela! Kif ma jisthux jidhru quddiem in-nies jghidu ic-cucati.
is de marco serious?? i thought that he should replace simon however this comment made me realise the fact that they are all useless!
Priscilla Darmenia
"Mario de Marco and MP George Pullicino said that a weekly €1 million savings in the cost of electricity generation, was only thanks to the decision of the former administration to procure a new combined-cycle turbine from BWSC" - Are they serious? If there was this savings why did the GonziPN government increased over and over again the cost of our electricity bills and did not pass this savings to us consumers?
Trid tkun vera ma tisthix biex tidher quddiem in nies! Dawn harbtu u kisru lill EneMalta u hallewla 830 miljun dejn! Li ma kisrux bijawh lill barrani bir racanc. Morru stahbew ximkien fejn ma narawkomx!
Mark Fenech
Aktar ma jivvintaw dwar it-tnaqqis fil-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma, aktar jidher kemm kienu għażżenin dawn tal-PN, meta kienu jgħidu li l-kontijiet ma jistgħux jorħsu, meta issa qiegħdin jindunaw li setgħu jorħsu u issa qiegħdin jgħidu li dan sejjer isir bl'impjant tal-BWSC. Allura l-anqas ma kienu huma stess jaħdmu fuq dak li qiegħdin jgħidu llum. Ħalluna, illum ħadd ma għadu jemminkom, inthom rridu żiedu l-kontijiet bi 30% u mhux traħsu l-kontijiet.
Let for the sake of the argument say that this is true, so why the PN Government has always said that the reduction of the energy tariffs were imposable to be applied and there was nothing that one could do about it? The BWSC turbines were there already. So why GonziPN insisted that the tariffs have to stay as they are. If this is possible under this government, was it not possible before?
Bil kemm ma jriedx jghid li huma rahsuhom, Lol, ara jried ikollok wicc inforrat biex tisma lil Dr. Demarco jivvinta zinnata bhal din, kompli dahhaq . Kieku kien bis sahha ta Gvern Nazzjonlista kien irahhasom fil Budget ta qabel l-elezzjoni. Jien mhux hekk niftakar anzi Gonzi kien qal fi Frar tas sena l-ohra impossibliu u Simon kien qal Gimmick biex tara x'gideb ta partit
If this statement is true then how come the PN declared that the PL's promise to lower the utilities tariff was a gimmick just before the last election?  How come it did not dawn to them to promise lower a utility tariff but instead declared that PL's promise was impossible?  What was the PN planning to do with the money saved through the use of the BWSC turbine?  Could it be that they were planning to channel these savings to their friends like they apparently did during the oil purchasing scandal? The PN has lots to answer for. This is becoming clearer every passing day.
Dr Demarco,veru li kieku irbahtu il gvern kontu ser tghollu il kontijiet tad dawl u l ilma bi 30%.Ghax skond il ministru tal l energija Konrad Mizzi sab dokument li jghid hekk
Dr De Marco, jekk dan li qed tghid huwa minnu, allura ikbar huwa d-dnub taghkom tal-PN. Kontu tafu li se tiffrankaw dawn il-miljuni kollha u xorta kontu se thallu l-kontijiet gholjin jekk mhux se tgholluhom izjed. Imn'Alla n-nies harfu l-ipokresija taghkom u tawkom tkaxkira nobis u elleggew gvern hanin.