Minister insists on being wrongly accused over appointment of specialists

Health minister Joe Cassar insisted in Court today that he was never involved in the selection process in the appointment of specialists at Mater Dei Hospital.

Health minister Joe Cassar
Health minister Joe Cassar

Testifying before Magistrate Francesco Depasquale this morning, Health Minister Joe Cassar insisted that he had absolutely nothing to do with the selection process involving the appointment of medical consultants at Mater Dei Hospital.

"There is a board which takes those decisions, and I do not involve myself in any way, and God forbid I ever do that," Cassar said.

The minister was giving evidence in a libel suit he filed against the Labour Party for repeated reports on a decision taken in 2011 to appoint four medical consultants to vacant posts.

According to Labour, none of the candidates satisfied the requirements.

Labour based it's criticism on a judicial process which was filed by three doctors calling on the selection process to be annulled.

The doctors claimed that the process in which education minister's son-in-law Robert Cuschieri was chosen, had to be annulled and re-opened because - they alleged - Cuschieri did not satisfy the eligibility criteria.

In his evidence, Cassar stressed that it was never in his remit to establish who is a specialist or not, even though he knew Robert Cuschieri to be one.

However, the minister said that it was up to the Public Service Commission to establish the eligibility of any appointee such as this case, while it was up to the selection board to know and establish if Cuschieri was indeed a registered specialist.

I totally agree with you that the injustice may easily be carried out by giving high marks to the preferential candidates for criteria of a subjective nature such as the candidates personality. You seem to be setting the picture of what is happening correctly! It is of utmost importance that the main marks should be given based on objective criteria such as qualification/s, experience, publications among others. Recently I was speaking to a UK consultant surgeon who told me of a similar story that he had worked with a Maltese surgeon who was most qualified among other applicants but was not chosen. I however do not have the details of this case... Yes, meritocracy seems not be taken into account and now it is up to a new government and administration to look into this very seriously!
The Hon Minister is playing innocent and he knows more than he is telling us. Prof Laferla who chaired the disbanded selection board that chose the four individuals as medical consultants even though they did not possess the eligibility requirements had been nominated by the Ministry of Health itself. The Hon Ministry is clearly in an ideal position to decide about the composition of selection boards and it is well known that his decisions are then implemented by the Permanent Secretary. Indeed there are the same faces on most all selection boards. Apart from Profs Laferla who is practically on all selection boards dealing with high level appointments, we find Nationalist candidate for the European Parliament Elections Rudolph Cini and Nursing Director Jesmond Sharples or his brother Noel on practically all selection boards for the filling of nursing posts. These particular individuals and others are nominated for a very obvious reason on selection boards and the Public Service Commission gives its approval each and every time like a horse with blinders on. This has resulted in a situation where promotions are not given on meritocracy. The persons who are appointed on selection boards most often have leanings to the Nationalist Party and in turn they choose certain particular candidates who often have the same political leanings even when these are less experienced and qualified than other unchosen candidates. These injustices can be easily carried out by the allotment of high marks to the preferential candidates for criteria of a subjective nature such as the candidate’s personality. A glaring example of this can be seen from two top nursing promotions that were given within a year to Rudolph Cini himself despite being the least qualified candidate and also the least experienced from among all candidates for the filling of the higher grade. It is clear that the Hon Minister is trying to take everyone for a ride.
I honestly agree that there is no place here for playing with words. It was ultimately up to the Selection Board chairman and members of the panel to question the suitability of these applicants before signing any documents. If I am not mistaken a credible news agency showed the signed documents by members truly of the selection boards.... This is reflecting very badly on the Maltese medical profession. Can these selection board members stand up and tell the audience on what grounds they ORIGINALLY signed documents to pass these ineligible candidates??
"God forbid I ever do that," Cassar said. It is not up to the PSC to decide whether applicants are eligible. It is up to the Selection Board appointed by the Ministry with the approval of the PSC. This is no place for playing with words. The fact that the Selection Board, when appointed, is ipso facto an extension of PSC does not make the Commission responsible. The first line of defence against wrongdoing in such matters lies with the Selection Board. But i would like to ask, just ask, was the Selection Board influenced by any recommendations from the Ministry Secretariat or perhaps even from OPM Secretariat, who to select?
Mhux hu politikament responsabli ghan-nies ta tahtu?
I can say de facto that there are many more highly qualified surgeons abroad that are not being accepted as consultants in Malta. If I am not mistaken Robert Cuschieri did not possess the FRCS Gen Surg which is the specialist qualification that Maltese surgeons normally undertake. Apart from this there are many cases of Maltese surgeons scared of coming to Malta because of injustices like this! some even having PhD qualifications. Who is to blame for this mess? I understand that Minister Cassar states that it is up to the selection board to see if he is a registered specialist? But even if he is on the specialist register was he the most qualified among all the other applicants? This is what the selection board had to determine and clearly it did not!
Nudge nudge! Wink wink!
john dalli - ma naf b xejn joe cassar - ma naf b xejn tonio borg - ma naf b xejn Gonzi - ma jaf li tal Brazil telqu etc etc etc