Updated | Silvio Zammit charged with bribery, trading in influence

Canvasser at the heart of OLAF snus investigation that led to John Dalli resignation is charged in court and remanded in custody.

Silvio Zammit (left) being escorted by police inspector Angelo Gafà. Photo: Karl Stagno Navarra
Silvio Zammit (left) being escorted by police inspector Angelo Gafà. Photo: Karl Stagno Navarra

Silvio Zammit, a former canvasser for John Dalli and former Sliema deputy mayor for the PN has been remanded in custody, charged with bribery and trading in influence.

The accusations concern his role in an alleged request for a €60 million bribe to influence tobacco legislation that was being spearheaded by Dalli when he was European Commissioner.

Police inspector Angelo Gafà from the economic crimes unit requested that Zammit, 48 of Sliema, is kept in custody after he attempted to influence lawyer Gayle Kimberley, a lobbyist for Swedish snuff tobacco producers Swedish Match, whom he said was "an important part of the case".

Defence lawyers Kris Busietta and Melvyn Mifsud said the police's reasoning was incorrect because the alleged interference had to be based on a real fear of influence happening, and not on whether it was possible.

Magistrate Miriam Hayman refused bail, and remanded Zammit in custody - he will spend the next 15 days locked up before a date for the sitting is scheduled. Zammit appeared bewildered at the denial of bail.

Present for the Attorney General's Office were Philip Galea Farrguia and Lara Lanfranco.

Zammit was arrested for the third time since the start of investigations into the alleged bribe yesterday evening, and kept overnight in the lock-up at police headquarters in Floriana. Zammit was accompanied by his wife and son during the court.

Dear Omega, it seems you missed the Alpha. The PN in government PROMOTED those police officers that mistreated the Nationalist supporters under the KMB govt. I was one of the victims at the time. It was the impeccable Alfred Sant that dismissed those officers from the police corps. My gratitude goes all to Alfred Sant and none to those who abused my loyalty. Many today are no longer cwiec.
Dawn huma il ftit li jinqabdu . Tgħid kemm hemm aktar ? Tgħid għalhekk GonziPN ma ressaqx il-liġi tal-Whistleblower għax għandu ħafna skeletri fil-gwardarobba u ma jkunx jaqbel li joħorguhomlu ?
Joseph MELI
So Dalli is not complicitly involved in this-or is this the sacrifical lamb hung out to dry to protect the powerful and well-connected?
Joseph MELI
So Dalli is not complicitly involved in this-or is this the sacrifical lamb hung out to dry to protect the powerful and well-connected?
Is that a cigarette hanging out of his mouth? Looks like he could do with some Snus as a safe, smoke-free alternative to get those goodies in tobacco which he craves.
Taht Gonzipn ahna is-slemizi gejna impingija bhala poplu ta' frodisti. Dan meta dejjem tajna l-appogg shih taghna ghal gonzipn. Wiehed wara l-iehor mill kunsulliera ta' gonzipn tefaw dell ikrah fuq il-belt u wisq izjed fuq il-poplu slemiz. Tassew tal-misthija fiex gabuna.
Messna nibghatuh ghal Euro Vision jaghmel l-lobbying lil dan l-bicca genju li ghamel reklam sabih hafna lil Malta hu u siehbu x-shareholder ta din l-gazzetta.
It is to their merit that Dr Gonzi and the PN have always taken steps against party officials who are accused of corruption, also by dismissing them from the party. Unfortunately, these people have always found refuge in the Partit Laburista who seems to be the party that defends people committing abuses and irregularities. No wonder it has become the party of renegades and mavericks.
The PN Sliema Local Council was a can or worms. No wonder it failed to do anything useful for its town.
Another GonziPN vice-Mayor hits the dust ! Unfortunately, those at the very TOP , somehow , are never exposed !
Zack Depasquale
Another one of GonziPN stars in Sliema Local Council to bite the dust.