Court orders advertising agency to pay €70,000 to PBS

Advertising agency M.A.S. Communications has been ordered to pay €70,198.19 in unpaid advertising and promotion costs to State broadcaster, Public Services Limited.

The First Hall of the Civil Courts has condemned advertising agency M.A.S Communications to pay Public Broadcasting Services (PBS) Limited, a total of €70,198.19 in unpaid advertising, promotions  and other services.

In handing judgment, Mr. Justice Silvio Meli said that the company had admitted the amounts due, and was ordering it to pay up.


Is this typical of advertising/marketing/public relations/promotions agencies? First they chase you to book a huge amount of adverts, referring constantly to cutthroat competition. Then they bill you. Then spend your money on lavish, make believe, Hollywood lifestyles, rather than pay their creditors. <<<>>> PS: This does not refer to those backed by the political party in Government, who have an endless supply of cash gorged from the wider public sector to compensate for political campaign funding.